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RE: Has Apple Lost Its Way?

in #technology8 years ago

The problem I have with apple is the same problem I've had with Apple for the last 15 years at least. Too restrictive and too much money for what you get.

The iPhone is marginally more user friendly than Android but unless you can hack it, you are restricted to what their app store provides. And they don't like emulators or distributed computing or lots of other stuff. And Android offers so much more variety.

Their laptops are certainly nice. Rock solid OS (but you can get that with Linux or even Windows nowadays), decent power, etc. But they are overpriced. You can get an equivalent Dell or other PC brand for less money. Again, arguably the OS X UI is marginally more user friendly than everything else but that and being hung up on the aluminum unibody are about the only reasons to go with Apple. Oh, and since they have started basically epoxying everything in place, even minor repairs or upgrades are difficult or impossible.

This is all even more true with the Mac Pro line. Ok, maybe the cylinders are efficient coolers and take up less space but for me, I'd rather pick my own case and build my own machine and customize it how I want...for a lot less money.

I can't speak for the latest "innovations" (the touchbar and earpod thingies) because i haven't tried them. But even if I tried them and loved them they wouldn't be enough to overcome the reasons i don't like Apple products.


Great points. In fact your points about the Mac Pro are exactly why I wouldn't buy one either - the old Mac Pro was a lot easier to customise.