Bits in Technology 🖥️ - Week 13: ~~March 26, 2018~~ - April 1, 2018
Google releases a hardware keyboard
Google released a new hardware keyboard with a feature that was loved in the app version of the Gboard. It is a hardware keyboard that supports swipe. You connect it to your device and you get all the benefits of a software keyboard but with the tactile precision of a hardware keyboard. Advanced machine learning is used to find the exact words you want to type. The technology behind it can be used to improve more products inside and outside Google.
Snap's new filter to help new users
Snapchat added a new filter to make new users familiar with the interface. Especially users coming from Facebook. Making moms and paps easier to understand the new service that are not used for interfaces different than Facebook.
Source: Casey Newton's Twitter
Ikea's new Tech SKÄMT Line
Ikea added new tech-related products to make nerds life easier. The products speak for themselves. The inventory is limited so order now!
Lego new device helps parents
Lego's greatest problem is about to get solved. We all know the pain of taking a step onto a Lego. We also are familiar with the pain of finding the perfect Lego brick or even worse, colored brick you need for your construction. The new advanced Lego Vacuum has smart filters such as:
- Sort by color
- Sort by brick
- Works as a vacuum
Coinmarketcap brings better value visualization
Coinmarketcap brought a new feature to their page to better understand of the value your coins have. USD and Euro is not a perfect way to see the value of your coin because they are not stable enough and you may have a false belief about the actual value of your holdings. Lambo is stable enough and actually a better tool to value your wealth based of the number of Lambos you will own tomorrow.
New coins on the horizon
LineageOS announce a new coin will be included in the next release of the system, named LOScoin.
LOScoin is a github based cryptocurrency that as it says, rewards those who do. Any commit to github will reward used with LOScoins. The wallet app is coming next week to all Lineage 14.1 and 15.1 devices.
Other significant coins worth checking this week are the:
Have a great week! - Chris Myll @coolmyll
Wasn’t yesterday the first of April?