The End of "Moore's Law"?
The below is some work I submitted to the university in my first 9 weeks of my first year. I don't wish to start my own blog but would like to share it here. Please share your thoughts, I am not married to this article so comment freely. I will post more in the coming weeks.
Is the end of “Moore’s Law” quickly approaching?
With the limitations of current hardware and the materials computer processors are made of, the importance of innovation in current technologies is becoming more obvious; Even more so than inventing new technology to prolong the human necessity for extremely fast computation. Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), all rely on fast processing and quick access to data and information. IBM’s breakthrough In magnetic stabilization in atoms (MSIA) will make it possible to store for example; 35 Million Mp3 formatted songs onto of a storage device no bigger than a credit card.
Key business benefits of this technology
With great benefits to data storage, volatile memory and In-Memory Database MSIA will ease the stress on current processing technology. Being able to increase the performance of Cloud-based computing, big data storage and analysis or IoT will have such a large effect on the world that the only way to quantify it will be to use IBM’s new development on itself!
Applicability of this technology
This sort of development can have a great influence on education and learning. Places like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)that have data sets so large, scientists have analyzed the data in real time as there is just too much data to be stored will benefit the most.
In my opinion, being able to store important key historical data after analyzing it in a place like the LHC is paramount to further understanding our Universe and the way the world works.
On the other hand, there are places like Amazon (AWS), the world leader in cloud-based computer storage, who could lower infrastructure costs, increase data access speeds, extend their global presence to even more remote locations and increase the cost-benefit ratio, all by just being able to innovate existing technology through IBM’s latest development.
When it comes to general use, there are benefits for schools and everyday users like you and me. A development on this scale cascades from large corporations down to the individual; bringing the power of a whole industry to the user. This allows for further innovation and new technology to come from multiple vantage points, rather than the traditional path to innovation coming from corporations.
Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
Moving from the environment we currently enjoy with our computing abilities to the next level of computing freedom, may be less of a disruption than we are used to experiencing with new technological advances.
Building on current technology means the infrastructure is already in place, so companies and individuals will have a greatly reduced up-front cost. Having multiple storage types working in collaboration is usually achieved by stitching together code and software, which is inexpensive in most cases. An upgrade like this can be strategically installed incrementally, having almost no interference with current workflow. One downside to this new tech is that it will birth a whole new standard of computing power, which eventually may be required to access your data. It might build on current technology, but eventually, it will create a new high-level standard of computing, which to some may feel like growing pains.
Even this small downside has positive possibilities. It will greatly reduce the cost of current processors making them more easily accessible to people and places that could not get access to them in the past, and increase the rate at which the IoT expands throughout the world. With all the benefits that come with IBM’s new technology, there is very little to discourage implementation of the product when it becomes universally available.