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RE: Virgin Galactic's rocket-powered spacecraft is catching up to SpaceX

in #technology6 years ago

The way I see it, space is big enough for there to be more than one dominant player in the space race. I think SpaceX is more focused on the logistical side of things with its Falcon Heavy rockets, Virgin appears to be focused on the passenger/transport aspect and Jeff Bezos over at Amazon is probably sitting in his lair stroking a Persian cat thinking about how he can overthrow the government and institute himself as leader.

I would like to think that maybe SpaceX and Virgin one day will partner up, as we edge closer to the reality of going to Mars, it's going to take the effort of more than one company to get us there.

Sadly, Stephen Hawking won't be alive to see it unfold.


haha first off I love the humor in your comment - Bezos with his Persian cat 😂. As for SpaceX vs. Virgin Galactic, your analysis couldn't be more spot on. SpaceX is more focused on the logistics of making deep space travel affordable and possible while Virgin Galactic is trying to make it a reality to transport humans on a "flight" 68 miles above the earth. I could definitely see the two companies partnering up down the road. It's going to be interesting to watch it unfold!

RIP Stephen Hawking

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