in #technology6 years ago

artificial intelligence abd your job.jpg

Your job and your career are two most important things I know you will want to protect at all cost just as you will want to protect your family from any harm that will want to come near them or threaten them. Artificial intelligence has everything to do with your job or career but does it threaten your job or make your job easier? Well let’s talk about artificial intelligence and your job.

Well the world is moving faster than it had been before and if you are not carried along, you will be definitely left behind. Artificial intelligence isn’t new if you follow its development but has never been integrated with our everyday lives until recently. In the next two decades, artificial intelligence will take over a lot of activities we manually carry out even down to mere cooking.

There was a time when we were discussing about artificial intelligence in the workplace and after a brief explanation; someone mentioned that artificial intelligence is just like automation. Many might think like this also but the truth is they are similar but yet different. You can read more about artificial intelligence here but the difference between automation and artificial intelligence will be for another time.

But before we proceed, let look at some of the artificial intelligence around and what they do, to be able to know more about artificial intelligence and your job.

Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (JARVIS)
miniature iron man suit | picture credit: pixaby

Yes, we all know iron man and his very intelligent suite that do a lot of wonderful things but let us leave that aside and face the reality. Jarvis is now a home artificial intelligence, use by Mark Zuckerberg; the CEO of Facebook.
What does it do and how does it relate to artificial intelligence and your job?

Jarvis control the home of the Zuckerberg , like opening of the door, playing of music, teaching mark Zuckerberg mandarin, and a host of other mundane tasks that are normally done by an housemaid or others and lest I forget taking care of the infant Zuckerberg. This is where it gets a bit weird because I think that should be the job of a nanny.

Well Jarvis is already doing that now as we speak; Jarvis comes with both speech and facial recognition and therefore identify the members of the family either by names or facially. Jarvis can be corrected whenever it goes wrong and it will store the correction and apply it next time so that it can do it better.

Maybe next time, I will start using “he” for Jarvis instead of “it” since it was voiced by Morgan freeman.


                                      Alexa echo | picture credit: pixaby

Alexa is very popular just as it maker “amazon”. Alexa can be said to be an intelligent personal assistant but the truth is, it is not different from Jarvis or artificial intelligence which is the bases on which both work. It can do almost everything that Jarvis can do. Take for example providing and reminding you of your schedules, can also be operated using voice command.

Just not to bother you much, Alexa is not much different from Jarvis, only that since every product of the same make say a television from Samsung and another from Sony will only look different but will perform the same task.

Others include artificial intelligence include:
• Siri
• Cortana
• Samantha
• Cleverbot.

But before we move on, and talk about artificial intelligence and your job, let me mention another artificial intelligence use here, it is no other but the autonomous cars.

Volkswagen is proposing to release into the market a set of autonomous and electric vehicles Volkswagen ID cross and Volkswagen ID buzz both set to hit the market between 2020 and 2022.

Both vehicles have both facial and voice recognition and can be controlled either with the voice or facial pattern. It can be set on autopilot with voice command while the steering wheel recedes into the dashboard. You can then do whatever you like thereafter but this should be the work of the chauffeur. Well that the work of artificial intelligence now.

So can artificial intelligence take your job?
The answer is NO,

Reasons artificial intelligence cannot take your job.
Artificial intelligence cannot take your job, it can either make your work easier or reduce the number of task you will have to perform manually or even save you money. So let look at some reasons why artificial intelligence cannot take your job.

Only manual jobs:
Definitely some jobs will be affected but if you follow my discourse you will find out that most jobs that will be taken over by artificial intelligence will be manual jobs or jobs that can easily be learned. That doesn’t mean that later in the future they won’t be able to do more.

Human Feel:
Also there is what we call the “human feel” artificial intelligence may not be able to read the mood of an individual perfectly like another human can although they are working on making artificial intelligence emotional intelligent. But before then some humans might still prefer humans to do their jobs than artificial intelligence.

They are machines and codes:
Machines need humans to produce them, while codes needs humans to write them, artificial intelligence cannot do that for now. So meaning that there will still be need for people to do all these things. When they encounter glitch, a human is needed to set things right again. So they have this limitation, which may be removed in the future but not now.

Well, your job isn’t threatened by artificial intelligence, if you ace up your game by getting more relevant and indispensable training in your field i doubt any machine will be able to replace you.

So don’t be afraid whenever you see artificial intelligence at home, they are only working due to the input from specialist in their field like you. Without a specialist in a particular field like you to do the initial programming, the artificial intelligence won’t even exist in the first place.

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