ADSactly Tech News - Bizarre Technology That Has Disrupted Our World!

in #technology6 years ago

ADSactly Tech News: Bizarre Technology That Has Disrupted Our World!

Image Source: Pexels
  • Automation technology has made manufacturing a quick and practically effortless job.

  • In the present day and age we have a machine to do almost everything.

The technology that exists in our world has transformed time and time again. There are things people used to do by hand exclusively that are rarely done by hand anymore. We may find our elders argue that in the old days things were much simpler and in many ways they probably were. But then you get conflicting messages for example I remember my grandparents saying that in their day, life was a lot harder.

Why exactly was that? Lets dig deeper shall we?

Well, they said that things like washing machines, mobile phones and vacume cleaners didn't exist in their youth. Things still got done, they just were done differently. Things that are simple now just to be quite complex and require a lot of human labor.

Nowadays, it seems we have a machine to do almost everything. Things we don't have a machine to do for us yet there is certainly someone working on making one! This is an exciting time to be alive indeed!

Automation technology has made manufacturing a quick and practically effortless job. In this article I'll present some fascinating machines that you've probably never heard of or seen. If you wonder how an ice-cream cone gets made, let me show you!

1. The Ice Cream Cone Maker

Who doesn't love ice cream and who doesn't love it even more when it comes in a waffle cone?

The waffle cone is an interesting sort of delicacy. Crunchy and delicious while being strong enough to hold two or even three scoops of ice cream without crumbling under pressure!

I'd have to speculate that waffle cones were around before a machine was invented to make them but they needed to be rolled by hand and that of course took skill and labor.

Image Source: Orbo

2. The Apple Peeler, Slicer and Corer.

I've been peeling, slicing and coring apples since I was a child. There's something fun about an apple, it takes a bit of work to get it ready but when you bite into its juicy goodness it all seems like its worth it in the end. But isn't it a pain to peel, slice and core your own apples?

If you are like me you may have been in a rush, popped into a supermarket and bought a packed of sliced apple that had been prepared and ready to snack on?

But have you ever thought about what goes into the process to get it ready for you? Surely there aren't people spending their days away slicing and peeling for you are there? How do they make each slice of apple so perfect?

Take a look for yourself and see how that gets done below!

Image Source: Orbo

So far I've discussed two inventions that amounted to a complete shift from human labor to automation. The waffle cone maker and apple peeler are certainly reducing the time and amount of human labor required to complete the same tasks by hand. But beyond the scope of inventions that have taken human labor out of the equation, there are also inventions that have allowed us to expand and create new possibilities. The next two inventions I will discuss aren't quite as straight forward as the apple peeler but they are both quite interesting and provide ample room for speculation.

So without further delay, I bring you an invention that before its time I have absolutely no clue if it was even possible to create a similar product...

3. The Globe Presser

How is a teacher supposed to teach geography without a globe to show their kids? Before globes people needed to resort to 2d maps which simply distort what is really going on with the world.

Before the invention of plastics and rubber products people most likely used other materials in their place to create similar objects. I would imagine that a paper globe most likely existed long before a rubber or plastic version was ever made.

Everybody loves a good globe to throw around and play dodge ball with or heaven forbid, learn geography from! This is how worlds are made!

Image Source: Discovery Channel

Now I've shown you what can be done with food and modern day consumer products. Think about the other things we do that could one day be replaced by machines.

There are some things that just seem too human to replicate or replace. Like calling your mom... Would you invent a machine to call and catch up on the happenings with your mom? I think not.

What about the age old practice of writing a letter? Nowadays we are completely caught up using email, social messanger applications or social media to keep in touch with people but a letter, now that is special, that is a sacred human affair...

Or is it?

The last invention I will show you below is quite odd indeed. Will human beings go so far as to replace the very things that make us human with lifeless machines?

I may be a bit dramatic by asking this question but the invention below definitely has me scratching my head, wondering if that could indeed be the case!

4. The Automatic Handwriter

I bring you the Automatic Handwriter!

This right here is a machine I didn't even know existed before I went on this strange and unpredictable journey to bring my @ADSactly readers some bizarre technological marvels! I mean, don't you think its a bit sneaky to send personalized handwritten notes that aren't personalized at all? This is taking it to the next level!

Image Source: Discovery Channel

As the world becomes more obsessed with technology we must be aware of the benefits and dangers of incorporating it into our society. These days it seems clear that there are machines at work in almost every facet of modern day life. When you buy a box of cereal from the supermarket, do you ever stop and wonder what it really is that you are buying and how it was made?

There is a story behind many of the modern day projects and gadgets we use. The complexity of modern day living almost forces us to use technology in our everyday lives or fall behind and become an outcast of society. We don't always take the time to think about where things come from and the truth is a lot stranger than we may think...

What do you think about the bizarre gadgets I've brought you above? Does this article make you appreciate your waffle cone ice cream treat more? Do you enjoy your apple more if you slice it and peel it yourself? What other sorts of new gadgets do you see being invented in coming years and decades?

Here's a chance for the @ADSactly community to leave their thoughts and opinions on this topic!

Thanks for reading.

Authored by: @techblogger

Image Sources:

Discovery Channel, Orbo, Pexels

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Great article. Balance is always a good idea regarding how far we go down the technological path. Corporations would love to sell us the newest and latest gadget and have a series of upgrades to follow. Some are useful and change how we live our lives, others change our lives - but with a caveat that renders us 'dependent' on this technology in order to have the basic necessities in life. And then there is AI which is very quickly entering the scene and already 'here' - which will further dis-empower in exchange for 'easier living'.
Yes, what is it to be human? I think we have just scratched the surface of this question and the more deeper question now is will technology replace what it is to be human without even knowing what we are capable of? Will it thwart ingenuity and creativity or even our ability to connect with each other in a raw and basic way? Music for example - digitally created music is a convenience and the result can sound like perfection but what of the unique and 'imperfect' non-digitally produced voice that cracks with emotion or is not entirely on perfect pitch that for some un-explainable reason we find moving.
The apple peeler is 'useful' as well as the other inventions - they make mass production easier for a society that has become a largely centralized-consumer based society. But I still appreciate hand-made and unique creations of my fellow human beings. Craftsman have been replaced by mass producing machines as well (society driven because they are cheaper and easier) But anyone can walk in an old building or house and see the difference compared to now - those little human details and creativity absent.
Will we become like the movie 'wall-e'? LOL I hope not. Balance.

I like your point. Your thesis statement of balance and your supporting arguments were very well crafted! I do believe I've found some additional things to think about as a result of you sharing your opinion about technology. I do very much hope you are right and humanity finds the balance it needs to co-exist with technology rather than allowing it to take away the very things that make us human in the first place!

Quite an interesting topic for discussion. First of all, we see that thanks to technological progress, mankind has advanced so far. With the growth in the number of productivity, we see how opportunities are growing. Those things that yesterday seemed to us fantastic - today are not so surprising. You gave examples of those things that are not labor-intensive processes for a person. That is, the further we develop - the more people will be replaced by machines. Robots perform various routine work and facilitate human work. But there is a downside to all this.

If we look differently, what do we see? People become useless and their work is less valuable. In our time, quality is replaced by quantity. Now marketers create products and their main task is to "sell." Take for example the automotive industry. Earlier, even in the 80-90s of the last century, cars were much more hopeful and more durable. The most striking example is the Mercedes in the 124 body, which is considered "neubivaemym." Now cars are very beautiful, but unfortunately unreliable. Because earlier machines were created by engineers - and now marketers. I think that this applies to many other things. Robots replace people and people become more lazy.

Yesterday I saw Elon Musk. In the production of the new Tesla model (model 3) there were problems. Elon called his big mistakes precisely the fact that his plant is equipped with the most advanced robo-production. That is, he said that his mistake is that he did not underestimate the quality and usefulness of people. He claims that there is work in which it is the work of man that is needed.

What will the technological progress lead to? Now it is difficult to answer this question. But I think positively and I think that mankind has solved many problems.

Nice information and beautiful videos.

These all are outstanding technologies but previously these all jobs were done by the human hands but now these works are done by automatically operated machines. Although machines doing a standard work than the human hands work but these human hands work had his own importance. Now people like machines works instead of hand works.
The writing machine is more perfect than hand writing.

Its all in the eye of the beholder ;)

Well, if mass production of waffle cones leads to lower price and means that I get so much as 3 molecules more Ice Cream than I am utterly in favor of it.

The apple corer/peeler doesn't do much for me. I prefer my apple with the peel on, so I use a tool that divides the apple into 6 slices and separates the core. Works fine for me.

I love seeing the globe made. And I love globes in general. The hand writing is a sort of a wash for me. I haven't written an actual letter in years and can't see that I am any poorer for it.

Thanks for a great article that gives me a look at some technologies that I didn't even know of.

Haha great thoughts on ice cream! I guess the apple peeler has no business in bigtom's world! I thought the globe was very interesting myself.. It was one of those, wow ok so that's how globes are made! Thanks again for dropping by buddy.

It is true that in the old days life was much harder, but people had peace of mind. Now a days life became easier, but harmful. All these technologies like Mobile Phones, Laptops etc. are harmful.
Now a days we see children that are 4 years old having a mobile or and IPad. Playing games about 12 hours in the day. Then we ask ourselves what went wrong.

We became totally disconnected from nature and our main source. Of course technology is good, if we know how to use it :)
Nice work, keep it up ;)

@hanen I am agree with you as you said that the modern technology of mobile phone and tables is very harmful for our children. Although they can learn more and more things from these phones and tables but excessive use of these mobile phone and tables loss their eye sights and concentrations on natural things. These children become weaker and loose their health too. As a famous quote is...
excess of everything is bad.

Yes in Indeed. The most parents try to make their children busy with these items, but not realize how bad they are :(

I agree with this point. Parents need to take the phone away from their kids and spend time with them! Teach them to be normal!

Thank you for sharing vedio @adsactly.

I have to agree that technologies have improved our life a lot. But somehow certain things are more valuable through the traditional ways.

I agree with that sentiment. There are certain things that simply shouldn't be tampered with. I think a handwritten letter is one of them!

This Is Real peculiar innovation. The Apple slicer, that is one splendid thought. Programmed author, that is out this world. This is the ideal start for innovation. No doubt! Numerous impossible things for the time being will begin coming up in couple of years to come. It will be amazing.

Cool post, nice videos, nice spacing and formatting.

The machines are here and they are here to stay. That globe Presser really got me, it's amazing how this things are done.

This are incredible tech upgrade.
Nice one @adsactly

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