Wanna see how fast you type? This great website tests you and the Ultimate Typing Championship Tournament! And Emoji History!
This website made me really think about some things!
Like who is the fastest typer in the world!
LOL Ultamite Typing Championship? I just found out this was a thing!
That first website made me realize people who type over 200 words per minute are simply able to get out more information from their brain!
Also got me thinking about keyboards for smartphones and how I never learned how to type with more than my two index fingers! I aint no ghost in the shell cyborg!
Thats what typing reminds me of with all my fingers!
But honestly, after seeing an article about the secret iPhone one handed keyboard https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/10/21/13356678/iphone-one-handed-keyboard-secret
which mentions how the regular one is a two finger keyboard, it made me realize that typing with two fingers as a 90s kid simply gave me a headstart with typing on smartphone screens (and Android G1 Dream type fold out mini keyboards that came right before them! )
and then I found this Gizmodo article confirming what I had just thought up!
(And this thing is called the TREWgrip )
And this image proves it! I can hunt and peck at over 70 words per minute on my broken keyboard! I could probobly get to 100 if the test wasnt also in jibberish and my D and a few other keys didnt stick! Yes maybe hunting and pecking was the right decision after all!
I always thought it was weird when people would tell me how fast I could text message on an oldschool 9 button phone! Or how fast I could type on my anroid G1 or smartphone!
But I really just want to see more of an IMPROVEMENT to keyboards and maybe the emergence of accurate voice recognition software can help us to simply think up words in our mind and have them picked up or maybe even picked up at our throat or vocal cord with a sensor there! It would be eas to simply take an EEG and record the thought patterns of someone wen the think of a whole library of words! And then whenever the EEG picks up that particular recorded signal it can bring up the word! We will be thinking in Emojis soon...reverting to Hierogylphics! Mabe the egyptians were actually advanced and the only stuff we have left is all just made of stone because that was the style but that they already had gone through an older 20 or so letter based alphabet but it evolved into pictograms! Chinese and japanese Kanji being an example of emoji based language that is still alive! here is an example of an article about Chinese Pictograms (Kanji) as Ancient "Emojis"
And wow
And this "emojitracker" just reminds of my Poloniex altcoin trading screen!
"Quick! Buy the shit emoji! They are pumping and dumping the Shit emoji!" or "Heart emoji dominance will never be challenged in the emoji market!"
From the article, "The origins of digital emoticons reportedly lie in the “smiley faces” that computer scientist Scott Fahlman used in 1982 as markers to distinguish either jokes or serious statements online: :-), :-(. Meanwhile, emoji were an invention of NTT DoCoMo, a Japanese communications firm, in the late 1990s. The term emoji is composed of two Japanese words, e and moji, which literally translates as “picture letter.” As the term clearly shows, emoji are pictorial representations of concepts and objects.
"In addition, unlike emoticons, which exist in an environment where only basic text is available, emoji actually use digitized images. Thus, emoji are treated as non-Western letters and it is possible that some may not be shown or presented properly in a different form; this all depends on the settings and capabilities of your computer, cell phone, or tablet.
"The distinctive nature of emoji – pictorial representations of objects and concepts – helps us approach some Chinese characters that were created in a pictographic way based on objects’ shapes. The oldest Chinese characters were invented in China around 3,500 years ago, and it is said that by around 1000 BC some 3,000 kinds of Chinese characters had been created and used regularly. The primary purpose for using these Chinese characters was to record activities of fortune telling on turtles’ shells and cows’ bones. "
Anyway I just thought this was very interesting! I wonder if bitcoin will get its own emojis built into android or iOS one day!
Imagine a Bitcoin plus Altcoin emojis! I would love sending altcoin and bitcoin emojis!
Apparently there is already a petition for bitcoin emojis!
Lets make this happen! Who wants to design some altcoin emojis I looked it up and they dont exist yet! This could be a great project for an up and coming graphic designer who would like to make ALOT of steem from a post showing off their altcoin emoji desgns!
I might even do it! I can see the hundreds of dollars in steem now! Everytime soeone makes a new design or appp or service or logo for steemit or a steemit related thing the steemit crowd goes crazy for it!
Video about inventor of Emojis from japan!
ultimate typing championship? lol that's funny, i wonder who is the fastest in the world