Latest Tech Trend #4: Would You Date A Robot?

in #tech7 years ago (edited)

Last week I had a discussion with a friend about "dating a robot" topic. While my friend was totally against it because he thought robots' emotions would not be authentic. I was surprised at myself when I supported the idea. My reason is simple, if it somehow can cure loneliness of humans, so why not?

Interestingly, I am not the only one who think dating a robot is a good idea. According to a survey of 12,000 people worldwide: 27% of people aged 18-34 would have a romantic relationship with a robot, only if it looks like real-life human. And men are as three times as likely to accept the idea compared the female counterpart. Maybe they have not watched HER or Ex Machina so they are not scared haha.

Source: Lovestruck

When we talk about our dates, normally we talk about their appearance, personalities, feelings, knowledge, jobs, hobbies, family, etc. Let's take the final three out of the list haha. Let's see in terms of appearance, personalities and knowledge, how possibly robots will become perfect matches for us.

I read about "The Uncanny Valley" concept created by a Japanese robotics scientist - Masahiro Mori, which refers to our emotional reactions when looking at humanoid objects. This concept has been applied to the robotics widely.

According to the chart, we feel fine if the robots look totally mechanical or just have a few humanlike features. And we have the most positive feeling when looking at those that have nearly perfect humanlike appearance. However, the other things in between are considered 'hideous' to us.

Source: Sciencedirect

This is an excellent example of what freaked me out lol

Source: Zdnet

This concept is very useful for scientist to design the look of their robots based on the main purpose. However, I think humanlike apperance is one of the most important factors to create a robot for dating :P

You will definitely say no to a metal robot like this :

Source: Dailymail

Probably this guy can win a "yes"!?

Source: Dailymail

This is a robot named Alfie made by scientists from London. Alfie was experimented to go on a date with a female writer. And despite my doubtness of his handsomeness, the scientists actually had been working hard on every detail. His skin is made of silicone and his skeleton which is made of 3D printing comprising of about 20 pieces together. In his head and neck only, there are 5 different computer motors which control actions of his two eyes, jaw and neck movements. Can you guess how much the cost is? It ranges from £6,000 for the robot head and £1,000 for the face. Actually it's lower than I expected hihi, I always think that buying a robot is still some impossible thing to me lol

Moreover, his know-it-all brain is packed with entire knowledge from the Internet so I bet you can have good conversations on the date. About 90,000 various permutations programmed inside Alfie and vocabulary or tones can be changed based on different scenarios. He will talk more politely in a formal setting or sound more active and fun when walking around the park, for example.

However, at the moment Alfie just communicate based on what he "knows" from the Internet and how he is programmed. Therefore, the personalities and emotions still need to be improved in the future because they are the most important factors in dating, aren't they?

Source: Dailymail

As mentioned above, 27% of millennials are willing to date a robot, only if it looks like real-life human. Apparently, the physical attraction is important (whomever you are dating with not only with robot lol). So how robots are made of, physically?

This robot named Jia Jia which was made by a group of Chinese students in three years. And more than just her feminine outlook, she can talk a little, make some simple lips or eyes movements and shows some emotions. Although her interactions with people are not so advanced yet but she nearly freeked me out by her creepily life-like outlook (look at her hands!).

Source: Independent

Scientists around the world have been experimenting to create the most human-like skin for robots. Two popular materials are silicone and polyurethane. Apparently, this is still a big challenge since human skin are mostly impossible to replicate because of its special properties, for example, the deforming degree by a force (skin compliance) or its shape when touching an object. Also, there has to be a combination of good elasticity and the least conductivity.

When talking about human-like robots, it is not only about their looks but also their feelings and reactions to the touch. Therefore, besides the soft skin surface, sensing technologies are important to make the perfect robot skin. When embedded with sensors, the material is able to detect heat or pressure to recognize different types of touch such as a grip or a tap on shoulder. You want a soft hug on the first date not a squeeze right? :P

In February 2018, researchers at University of Colorado Boulder announced that they have successfully created e-skin which responds correctly to pressure and temperature changes. E-skin is made of polymer and silver nanoparticles; therefore, it covers perfectly even the smallest curves like toes and fingers. Moreover, this is the first rehealable skin which can heal itself when damaged.

Source: Futurism

The skin is believed to enhance interactions between humans and robots in the future. For example, the robot will be able to know that you have a fever when touching your hand.

To be honest, I do not find any robot attractive no matter how much they look like human beings or how much their skin or hair feel so real as described in some articles. I prefer natural 6 packs lol

But I am more curious about : Do robots really develop emotions when dating you? - Let's discuss about this in my next article :)

Source :
Dailymail | Futurism | Technologyreviews | Independent | Zdnet | Sciencedirect


This doesn't make a good sense at all, base on my own geniume reason which am yet to make open in the wave

Definitely no, There's a difference between real and fake.

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