From Dumbphone to Smartphone

in #tech7 years ago


I am one of those guys who still uses an old Sony Ericsson mobile phone with no touch screen and very rudimentary camera, I use it only for calls and messages. Occasional dick pick too, but nothing too on the nose. I use it rarely because I'm on my desktop PC non stop, who needs a smartphone when everything you need is on your desktop PC, only when you go out hunting, or to call a whore, and later on a priest you might need it.

Finally I decided to switch to a smartphone, and first of all, I got to say there are too many out there, so many you can't even start to pick one. When I see the specs of those new phones they all have 8Gb or ram, fast processors, wireless charging, fingerprint detectors, face recognition, 12mega pixel camera, a gun, a sombrero, and a broad named Siri, in Samsung's case a dude named Bixby. Who are those people, are they prisoners somewhere, are they alive? Who kidnapped Siri and Bixby?!

So many questions..

I decided to get a Razer Phone, or Samsung Glaxy 8, or Iphone X, or Oneplus 5, or Huawei $&/3. 2 years from now, I don't fucking need a smartphone! And by that time there will be a 10000000 new models. FUCK!

In all seriousness I need to get one, any suggestions? :)


This is my current cell phone, no kidding hahaha, but it's almost as hard as a war tank.
(Reference image.)

Mine is similar :)

too old school, great modern options.

Get a cheap one.
Don't spend more than 200$.

I break these things all the time and if I didn't need it to call whores or check steemit while out hunting I would gladly go back to a simple mobile phone by now.

That was my original thought. Who needs all these overpriced models when you can essentially get the same for less.
Yeah you said it, unfortunately you always need them in handy for steemit and to call whores while out hunting.

Security wise Apple is the best.

If you are heavily involved in crypto I think it is always good to have Apple products. I remember reading a few months ago in reddit how an user was hacked for having a rooted android and using a public wifi losing a lot of crypto money because of it... of course there must be several security flaws in order for a hacking to succeed (like a flawed virtual wallet), but starting with a safe OS is probably the best option. Besides, the Apple App Store is probably the best app store there is with tons of exclusive content.

Just for the security, I would recommend iOS.


I think the most serious problem there was using a public wifi and doing any crypto on it.

Security is very important indeed, I would go for iphone 8 maybe. But I'm not sold on iphones yet.

Haha to be honest I mainly use my mobile for playing games and Youtube. I have a Sony Z, atleast 4years old now, and not even on contract. As long as It works fast then Its good for me. I dont follow the crowds and upgrade a handset every year, although mine Is on It's last legs after 4years so I will also need an upgrade. It'll be Interesting to know what you end up going with as I'm also down for recommendations.

I was looking at Razer Phone, it seems most pimped up for gaming with long battery time, good specs and great sound. There is a high chance I will go with that one but I'm undecided yet.

Awesome I'll check that phone out, long battery power Is definitely a must. It's gotta be able to last for my gaming use on my work breaks :D Im glad to hear that you're not considering an Iphone.

I have a OP5 and I love it, it runs light and fast and takes okay photos. If you don't like the idea of their android, a or want faster updates with security, it is a Dev friendly phone, so you can easily flash LinageOS. It also has a headphone jack if that is important to you!

The Razer phone is supposed to be super nice, but the camera is underwhelming. Also, it is their first time so maybe it might be up in the air if they stay in the game or not.

I know it wasn't on your list, but the Google pixel and pixel XL are supposed to be absolutely nuts if you can afford it (but if you listed the iPhone X, then probably it isn't a problem.).

PS: If you can wait a bit, any android Phone that shops with Oreo must support Project Treble. This means easier updates (security). There are some nice that promise to support (pixels from memory). Keep in mind that must SHIP with Oreo.

Money is not a problem but I do hate spending it on overpriced goods. I would go as high as 500$ for a smartphone, everything above that seems a bit crazy. Can't have a phone that is more expensive than your avg PC.

Google pixel is also interesting, OP5 too, like I said there are so many good choices out there, it is hard to make a correct call. But there are no huge differences among all those models, so in the end pick one and you win it seems :)

For 500 dollars, depending on where you live, I think only the OP5 falls in that range. I'm in euros, so I don't really know the prices elsewhere. IPhone x, and pixel will set you back around 1000. I'm assuming you will buy the phone outright?

There are several options with the providers, all those options and phones from their stores are more expensive than for example ordering those same phones from amazon. I'd rather buy one outright.

Yes, good idea. It is much cheaper in the long run. Just make sure the bands that your carrier has are supported by your phone (keep in mind some phones have different variants).

At the moment, pretty much every flagship phone is pretty decent. You only have to be more careful at the mid and low end. Samsung is supposed to be good, but with heavy skinning. It just isn't for me.

btw, iPhone and all the Apple products are overpriced, I can tell you that (typing from my MacBook Air). No, but really, you pay for a brand and half of the options they have, I rarely or never use. Be smarter :D

I am very happy with Samsung Note 8, because of a camera and the pencil.
And I am a lot of time out of the home and need a phone to do some work with (emails, word etc.)
I read a few days ago that is research made that 98% of people never leave home without taking a mobile phone with them.
So think twice what to choose :) of course, depends on your needs.
It is important decision, at least for me :)

Well, You need be happy with the best phone of 2017 in some reviews :) It is a very cool phone with everything inside, too big for me though, I would pick some medium sized one, I'm leaning for galaxy 8, but that one seems very fragile.

Ako oš nešto što će izdržati bar dvije godine uzmi neki high end mob. Moze to biti i Samsung, moze to biti kinez, samo da je iz glavne serije. Da nije neka lite verzija nekog veceg modela. Te sve manje verzije natrpaju bloatwareom koji ti uspori mobitel u roku od pola godine. Moja je sestra eto uzela kineza nedavno. Xiaomi Mi A1. Mogu ti reci da sam iznenaden. Dosta dobra kamera, brz procesor i odlican display, a cijena je skroz prihvatljiva.

Hmm, zanimljiv phone i taman neka cijena normalna.

@redrumtom jeftin i dobar mobitel, mozda malo prevelik za moj ukus. Mislim da sa MI6 ne moze falit nikako, ali opet on je skuplji skoro duplo od Mi A1.

@moon32walker Uzmi u obzir da izlazi samsung Galaxy S9 za 10 dana tako da bi cijena S8 mogla pasti, sta je po meni neusporedivo bolje sta se tice kvalitete naspram Xiaomia, premda nemam zamjerke Xiaomiu.

Xiaomi MI6 or wait for MI7 - price and performance.

I'll check those out.

There is Android team and an Iphone team! Choose wisely! ;)
Vidjela sam kod @olegw da novi Samsung ima top kameru... Ja sam na iPhone sedmici, al mislim da ću, kad mi istekne ugovor, opet uzeti iPhone... Navika, jbg!

It is a tough choice to make.
Nakon svih sugestija tek sad znam da ništa ne znam. Cijenim dobar dizajn, bateriju i neke zanimljive inovacije. Uglavnom prema tome težim, al bumo videli još :)

Znam da nista ne znam ;)
Good luck i cekamo recenziju 😎

I definitely recommend Iphone X @moon32walker

Overpriced, that nudge is a bad design, I can get a phone with same specs for half a price.

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