Drone Phone: COOL CONCEPT!!
This is amazing!!
Thanks to LG for this amazing floating phone technology that actually defiles the physics of gravity,
you could imagine yourself having a floating phone in your hands.
wooow this would actually eliminate the fear of our phones getting to the floor.
This amazing device would actually glide through the air as it takes selfies and as you watch movies and respond video calls as it is able to monitor face and eye movements and directions.
It also features a self-charging and has a 5000cd high intensity flashlight.LG called this project 505 by LGU+
This project is really awsome
Prototypes of this device have been a success story but these aerial LG drone phones phones are yet to be launched in the market.
Users are eagerly waiting to get hands-on this awesome device, I personally can't wait to see when the LG U+ Drone Phone will be launched.
This new tech idea would definitely revolutionize the whole idea and concept about phone no doubt the price of this phone might be through the roof, I hope not but if it is i might not mind selling some of my properties to get one
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