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Great post.

I don't typically "see" energy as some do, but I've sensed and felt it since I was a kid, and that has never left me. Though I did go through a period of trying to ignore it, as many of us do.

Are you familiar with Rupert Sheldrake's work on the sense of someone looking at you? Fascinating stuff, as all of his work tends to be. He also did a good bit of work on psychic connections between pets and their owners.

Fascinating man, as well; it was Sheldrake who came up with the theory of morphic resonance and morphic fields.

He also took part in a series of "Trialogues" with Terence McKenna and Ralph Abraham, which are beyond fascinating, and I recommend highly. Three great minds in discussion - what's not to love?

McKenna was always equally fascinating and funny, Abraham could be quite insightful, and Sheldrake is just one of those amazingly gentle souls of which the world seems to have far too few. Great stuff.


It's strange I've never read Sheldrakes books but am aware of them. But I certainly must become informed. I'll look up the "Trialogues" you referred to . They must, indeed, be fascinating. And funny too how some of us gravitate to certain specific kinds of energy like music , or art, or horses. All fascinating stuff. Oh, and did you catch it that TED talks nixed Sheldrake? They banned him and deleted his talk. And here I thought they were for investigation and expansion of mind and knowledge... but only if they agree with it apparently!

I've heard many of Sheldrake's lectures, but have only read one of his books thus far, though I intend to read them all.

Like me, he was a biology major, and like me, it made no absolutely sense to him that, according to the study of biology, the proper way to study an animal is to kill it first.

And, like me, he left the field of biology as a direct result. He, and I, value living animals over "specimens."

The Trialogues are wonderful, though of the three men participating, I resonate with Ralph Abraham the least; though he is fascinating in his own right, and frequently very funny. He is primarily a mathematician, and quite impressed with himself, which he has every right to be, but I occasionally find it somewhat tiresome.

But I adore both McKenna and Sheldrake, who are every bit as intelligent, if less overtly impressed with their own mental prowess. Sheldrake, in particular, is quite a humble man, which considering his quite considerable accomplishments, says a lot about him as a person.

It makes me wish I'd followed through with my original plan, to move to Santa Cruz and attend UC Santa Cruz, since that's where they were all active at the time. God only knows what might have transpired. ;-)

Still, everything for a reason.

Interesting about Ted Talks, especially since I just accessed Sheldrake's talk about three months ago, so their banning of him is quite recent.

Yeah, God forbid someone conscious infect peoples' minds. Sigh.

Makes me wonder who got to them.

I am most certainly going to delve into the Trialogues. Thanks again for the reference.

UC Santa Cruz! That used to be the liberal hot bed of the west coast, even more so than Berkeley. Back in the day (83-84) held some speaking events there. But thats another story.

Indeed, it seems that for some of us "...the path less traveled by." is our fate and destiny. Blessings.

Lol, yeah, little did I know!

I just wanted to study whales, and that's where Dr. Kenneth Norris was based, who was a leading cetologist (whale researcher) at the time!

And, of course, its physical location was a huge draw, as the area around Monterey Bay is one of my favorite parts of the coastline.

Ah, well. Another life. ;-)

Who knows, maybe it was another life indeed. I mean Jonah was married wasn't he? And now of all things you find yourself in Luxembourg, a connoisseur of fine music and ancient Roman structures. Perhaps deep haunting echoes of whale calls penetrate your sleep and will call you to that other life.

Blessings. Hope you are well and in good spirits.

I have indeed taken a circuitous route through life, and have developed a myriad of interests along the way. And I have indeed awakened to the calls of whales in my dreams . . . I even wrote a poem about it. Not too surprising, I realize.

Have a wonderful evening, and I hope all is well in your world as well. Take care, my friend. ;-)

based on the length of this comment and the ones you've left on my page---- are you in @abh12345's leagues??? if not, you may want to join as you would probably place pretty high based on your comment lengths!!! <3

Wasn't even aware of them, I'll check them out!

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