Good times on the Ice, then off to a braai with friends and a night out!
So first of all... this is what a "Zak" looks like on the ice.
Nobody managed to really get any good pictures or video of me moving. When I was not chaperoning little ones around the ring I was doing some pretty nice speeds. It really is turning into a well liked hobby of mine!
I mentioned that I went to the Grand West ice ring last weekend as well. We had such a good time that I decided that we would go again!
The kids are also fast getting used to the activity and my son was going out on the ice with his little buddy with no assistance. They sustained a few falls but nothing serious. I have fairly good balance and so I have yet to plant down on the ice.
Se me go!
This time round we were joined by Peter, whose son is my son's buddy. Peter and I have also been friends now a good while having many common interests. I will be recruiting him and his wife over on to Steemit soon! Bwahahahahahaha!
Tonight we are going to have a braai at their place. For those of you non-saffers, if you do not know what a braai is just look at my posts here and here where I explain how the fire and the meat gets done... although there is not always beer involved. Or go look at @braaiboy, a Master in the craft!
So I will be heading over to Peter's soon with my meat and my drinks!

Tonight I have selected the pre-mixed version of Klipdrift, a popular local brandy. It is exported around the world. Give me a shout-out if you have seen or drank it! From SA or abroad!
Tonight I will probably go out after this braai. As I have said numerous times, I will be super busy in the dry docks and I will not have a change for such recreation after. I will likely be making some "Zaps" to cover my drinks and interesting people or things I encounter.
I know @negativer had been curious about beers in my posts before.
@valorforfreedom has also been drinking his German beers and met in his videos. Also Thorben called me BEER KING twice now...

So I heartily accept this energy! I shall showcase some beer! I have shown Castle Lager and Black Label beers in my posts before. Tonight I will be skipping over those. I might end up drinking other things so I might become BOOZEKING after that! Hahaha!
Time to go braai! Keep it real and love living life!
Zak Ludick