Money Is Love Energy Made Manifest!
You Have The Right To Know What You Want And Expect To Get It. You have to value yourself and know your worth, and not value yourself by a bank account.
Men don't mind paying for everything if they feel appreciated, respected. Dating is expensive for men (see below image)

According to statistics: $7000 per year minimum
12 movie dates per year
3 apology flower deliveries
new wardrobe when she improves him
and other costs - trips, etc.
Ladies should note their financial sacrifice and receive it with genuine appreciation. Women should feel worthy of those gifts. You are of infinite value. Don't sabotage it by pulling out your wallet!
Be grateful, authentic. A man will be inspired to take care of you, give you everything he has in such an environment.
Hey before I forget I have a free gift for you if you comment YES below....This helped me tremendously in a number of areas in my life...The Science of Getting Rich (1910) by Wallace D. Wattles

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
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