Letting Go In Order To Fly
Guilt is a powerful thing, because we give it so much power,
When doing something wrong, its healthy to feel bad, to learn, repent, apologize and move on.
Many of us get stuck, torn between who we are and who people expect us to be.
Sometimes our minds takes us back to that moment ten years ago, when we did that stupid thing, and we revert back into who we were back then.
This regression, is something I deal with often , like have I learnt from my errors? Have I dealt with it?
Other times I speak to people and find that they are were I once was and even though they walk the same path, their journeys will be different.

Ever want to do that thing that will make you so happy, or you have a desire to experiment or dabble in something and are talked out of it, because people say what they think is best for you , because they care, and you do not wish to disappoint them.
It is your life, and sometimes the path less traveled is an opportunity to see something no one else have seen. to do something no one else has done.
Its great that your world will keep you grounded, wanting stability for you, sticking to the status quo , only doing what you know , it means that they love you and want whats best, but its also what they think is best for you.
Sometimes, just for a little bit, you have to let go of the things to ground you, the weights that stops you from taking flight, from discovering who you are, or who you could be.
Remember being supported, is not being grounded, support is telling you to go, and also letting you know that they will be there when it comes falling apart, and even then they would raise you up to do it all over again.
So often we are held back by our fears, or the fears that are instilled in us by others.
On the flip side of things, when your desire or fear consumes to you such a point that you cause yourself to be grounded, learn to deal and let go just the same, the world could be your enemy, and you could still succeed, but if you are against yourself you are set to fail, before trying.
Look around, have a real look at the things that hold you down, see what is love and support , and when other peoples fears are taking hold of you.
Until next time....

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