The Auspicious 2018, Why; and how “Kia Su” it can be for the Cantonese Speaking Community

Ah, the 2018, the year of the Auspicious Year, the year of opportunities!
Don’t get me wrong (looking at the title I have chosen to put up), this post is not bashing any particular race or Cantonese speaking individual, this is a post that I know, even in Malaysia, commercial sector will take hold on the very idea of it because of its BOUNTIFUL significants that can bring so much Ong (blessings in Hokkien) for those who chose to embrace it.
Chinese people always love to pun words, especially numbers when you come to the Cantonese speaking community. I personally am not Cantonese, but I actually grew up in a Cantonese speaking environment where most of my friends just love its dialect, thanks to the Hong Kong TVB series that flooded back in the 1980s and colour TVs were created.
So how do I find this year, 2018, can be so auspicious?
I actually just noticed this morning after realising one of my colleagues will be leaving the company for greener pastures at the end of February.
And since it is the end of February, and there is no leap year, it becomes Feb 28,2018
Which means 28.2.2018
For Chinese community, this is a very Ong number! Usually Chinese Malaysians will pay extra for house numbers, car plate numbers and even a specific floors for this number!
(There is another 2 more numbers that are significant to the Chinese community too, but they are not important for this string of numbers)
It is only obviously Ong because it is translated into Cantonese. Let me explain.
For 2018, in Cantonese, it is pronounced as “yee leng yat bat”
With a slight slang change, where 8 is loved to be punned as “fat” in Cantonese, it will be punned into
”Yee Leng Yat Fat”

In Cantonese “yee” means easy, “leng” means take, “yat” is one, “fat” is prosperous
So if you say it in a whole sentence, it is “easy to take and it will definitely prosperous!”
So for Steemit, in 2018, take hold on this auspicious year and let’s work hard to achieve that because this is definitely a blessed year! Especially for the Chinese community!
For the Christians, duh, Numbers 6:24-26 and Romans 8:31 holds dear to us all the time as specially those who are born again in Christ.
And for my colleague on the last day of February, saying good bye to my company and venturing to new greener pastures (we wish her all the best) it should be very ong for her to complete one career and proceed to the next on this auspicious day!
And I am pretty sure, 28.2.2018 or 28.8.2018 or 28.12.2018 is probably going to be the wedding day target or business roll out for many Chinese community of any country! Haha!
Wishing everyone an AUSPICIOUS 2018 !
当你看了我选择的标题,请别误解我的意思哦!这个帖子不是抨击任何特定的种族或常用粤语的个人,这是我知道的一个帖子,即使在马来西亚,商业界也会占据上风 就是因为它能为那些选择拥抱它的人带来如此多的旺财的祝福哦。
华人总是喜欢捣烂语字,特别是你是来之广东社区的人。 我个人不是广东人,但是我确实是在粤语的环境下长大的,那里的大多数朋友都喜欢它的方言,这得益于上个世纪80年代涌入的香港无线电视系列节目,彩电的诞生。
对于华族来说,这可是旺大的数字! 通常马来西亚华族会为这个号码特支付购,不管是房屋号码或是车牌号码,
不过这个数字是粤语翻译时才显然福气。 让我解释。
2018以粤语来发音是“yee leng yat bat”
多数粤语对话的民族就很喜欢捣烂发音成: “yee leng yat fat”
可能今年28.2.2018 或 28.8.2018 或 28.12.2018 可是如意吉祥的大好日子男娶女嫁,开工创业的一日呢!
所以,我也祝福Steemit 的朋友们2018大吉大利,有情人终成眷属,发大财哦!
Thank You for Your Time

Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.
2018, Huat ah!
With Ah Huat coffee too. hahahaha....
Very interesting all good omens for 2018
Yes it is a very good omen year for the Cantonese speaking people who understands it. haha.
Thanks for visiting!
my pleasure to visit