Highlights of my 2018 Chinese New Year

Ah, time flies, as many others are still celebrating their Chinese New Year holiday, I have started work since Tuesday.


That doesn't mean that I didn't have some fond memories during this short festive season; and this coming Sunday with @myach there are going to more epic highlights for Chinese New Year!

So before I hint more about this coming Sunday, let me just quickly wrap up what my highlights were in my hometown.

Behold, my cheekiest little photo-bomber!

My youngest little princess in the family, growing tall and strong and she has always been my G.I.Jane and I definitely will introduce her to @cikxaijen one day!

She is now the most active one in the family, first gymnastics; now swimming (as she is too old to practice since she can no longer do the arch back bending). Nothing really can stop her if she chooses to be happy and stay happy for the day.

If you are in a bad mood and you managed to be in the same room with her during her cheekier moments, you can't stop smiling.

(Someone who can remember Ephesians better than me! How can she not be cheeky and energetic?)

The Steamboat (hot pot) that worsen my ulcer!


I have been suffering fever blisters way before Chinese New Year, probably due to travelling up and down to check on my parents and lack of sleep. I could keep it at bay, but this was the killer!

It wasn't very spicy, though it looks rather red (the curry!), but my mom added her home made innocent-looking-but-deadly-spicy-chilli into the mix and there goes my ulcer.

(It has now spread across the inner walls of my left cheek . I hope I won't still look like someone punched my cheek this Sunday)

The ultimate 7-hour drive challenge!


Usually it takes maximum 3 hours door-to-door travel with my trusty little car to my hometown / back; but because of 3 major accidents from the North side of the North-South highway and in between, plus some pretty nasty thunderstorms, the journey has stretched till 7 hours.

By the Grace of God I managed to hold my bladder until half way through and had a pit stop to relieve myself (along with an army of Malaysians trying to head South to where they work and reside); and half of the time it is like this; total stand still to the point I can take a nice picture of my windscreen.

And another miracle is that if I continuously change gears for hours I usually have leg cramps; and this time, I am fine and dandy besides being a little tired.

So overall it was pretty good for a holiday . Family meetups, food, dehydration and ulcer (haha). This is an annual thing that despite of all inconveniences and discomfort, many Malaysians (especially the Chinese community) still look forward to embark without fail.

And today is the 8th day of Chinese New Year, where tonight the Hokkien clan of the Chinese community will be giving thanks to God of the Heavens with their unique Nonya kuih, fruits, slaughtered chicken and even seafood (for the Penang-knights they will know) and tons more and have their time of their lives with love ones.

Note: Hokkien community celebrates hugely on this day for a reason; and perhaps one day when I gather all the facts together I will be able to share with all of you here.

Right now as I can remember, it has a lot to do with Sugar Cane, and war.

For those out there who celebrates Chinese New Year, how was your celebration? Maybe I will look at #cny and see if there're any recent post to read.

Until then

Thank You for Your Time

Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.


um... please don't mind me, I am just testing this out. I am not spamming, really. I'll be on my way now. oh yes... I just upvoted you by the way. Stephard Tester, superoo7/superoo7-dev

This is the first time I celebrated CNY outside KL after I move here. Really really blessed. All the way to Kulai and from Kulai, the traffic was smooth. The girls enjoyed the most... 😉

When did you travel (which CNY day) ? Indeed you were very blessed! Otherwise your girls will be really suffering.

Your CNY post is a homey and cozy one.. mine is just food food and food.. will post something different about my other CNY related posts.. hehe

CNY photos are too common on food. Sometimes the experiences are more important to be recorded (to me) than just the beauty of the items.
Probably because the fever blister turned ulcer has gotten me off-mood from food, so it is a very simple New Year for me.

Simple is best, eh?

Thanks for stopping by.

I actually prefer journal like what you and Aaron do all the time... like the know the entire journey which is like an adventure....

And thus my Steemit username. lol. every post if possible, is an adventure to tell. Big or small.

OMG.. 3 hours become 7 hours.. Cant imagine if i have to go through that..

I used to kena that, and there was a time that I have avoided that when I stayed a little longer and return to work during off peaks of CNY.

Unfortunately this time because my car's aircon was broken... (Oh I have a video to proof that, maybe I should turn it into a GIF and post it here) and I have to pay 400 for a brand new cooling coil.
Next time must quote from @aaronleang and pay by steam for my car's spare parts.

Aiyooohhh, you poor thing - I read, I can feel your pain! Drink more water (bet you heard lots of that already... lol) Gargle with salt (sadistic as it may sound, it heals... and fast!!!) And avoid more spicy food (not easy for Malaysians...I know) My neighbour came back from Alor Setar and it took 11 hrs!!! 😳 That's why I try to avoid driving anywhere out of KL if I can - luckily KL is my hometown! Cheers, and see you Sunday! 😊

I have been drinking tons of water and going to the toilet too haha. Apparently I need 3000mg Vit C for a patch like that.
You read you also feel the pain... if I show you guys how bad my fever-blister ulcer is I think everything in #teammalaysia will scream.

Soon KL will be my new hometown lol.... then I don't have to go back during peaks on CNY to see my relatives.

i know ur pain for the super long drive.. i had few experiences for that, worse case I had ,the car i was driving is a manual.. my leg was crying for helppp... and worse is i dont even dare to minum air,, cos i dont want stop for toilet break haha.. glad u are home safely and having a good CNY !:)

haha. I know that feeling, because my little car IS A MANUAL CAR haha.

I personally felt this was a super natural journey, because of my fever blister ulcer, I had to drink water to keep the pain at bay, and I manage to drive through super slow jam for 3 hours in cold rain and reached Tapah R&R to relief myself, without feeling that my bladder is going to give way.

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your priceless experience!

geng la u.... can only applause to you haha

Nothing feels like going to the toilet when you have to - bliss.

On a more serious note - that STEEMboat looks YUM-MY.

haha... indeed @bensimblog (on the toilet relieving part)

And that STEEMboat was delicious... that is why I ignored my blisters and now I have to pay for it. hahaha...

Thank you so much for stopping by.

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