More than dogs.

Everyone has a story, here is a story about rocky and gunner thar must be told.

I first met rocky about 4 years ago, he was just a puppy then. Rocky is a sort of an experiment that went wrong.

The ownerwas a dog breeder. He wanted to have a mix breed of German Shephard and rotweiller. Unfortunately, out of 3 pups. Rocky was somehow a failed plan according to the breeder.

When I heard about it from my brother, I was kind of sad for him. My brother ask me if I want adopt him. I said yes.

2 weeks later, the owner sent a puppy over to my place then was 5 months old. I remember the day we first met. I knew he will be a loyal friend.

I pour so much attention, and even let him sleep on the bed as he was scared puppy.

We loved him, cared for him and name him rocky as we thought that he will learn to be brave and strong like rocky the movie.

Like the movie, it turn out to be true.not only he is loyal, he is indeed a brave dog. @bitrocker can attest to that.

In the past, rocky companion was a dog named jiggy. Unfortunately when he move to a new place, jiggy got attack by several village dog. Rocky was sad when jiggy died. We all were too.

So one day , my dad went to the famous Sunday market known as Tamu at Gaya Street.

He came back with original breed of German Shephard. My dad told me that somehow this particular puppy is not sellable, apparently it is because of certain scar on the face. My dad got the dog pretty cheap for an original German Shephard breed.

We called gunner. When I first meet gunner. He was a tiny dog. I was wondering if he will grow big as how its breed suppose too.

Growing up, gunner was clumsy and funny. I can't recall how we decide on his name but i remembered how curious he was, well he is still a curious dog until today.

Gunner don't bark much. But if he does, it so loud, you would be frightened.

When I was got him, I started learning about K9 training. I put a lot of attention and time to train him to attack. I want him to play the role of a dog that is very protective of his area. And yes, I succeeded and listen on command Thank you to YouTube.

There was one time, that kampung dog came up the hill to the house , rocky manage to chased them away then suddenly ran back as the village dog comes in number chasing after him. Suddenly, gunner jump to stop the attack. It was 2 againts 6 dogs.

The very day, one village dog died, 5 ran away. And 2 came home victorious with big smiles.

I am very proud of them both. When I think about their beginning. I can't help to think how awesome it is when these two unwanted puppy turn out to be two handsome, loyal, protective loving family member.

Nowadays, they are protective of little Matthew. How awesome is that.

rocky on the left, gunner on the right


I love their story @danieldoughty. Long time ago, I believe that dogs like these are only exist in movies until I own one and reading your story tell me that dogs like this could be more than just a story.

Dog also deserve to be given a chance and if we treat them right they'll give us protection.

Sound like little matthew got his own fierce bodyguard 😅
Gunner look likes the k9 dog in chihuahua movie

Awesome Dawgs ! Next time I bring some doggie food 😁😁😁 need to make peace with it . Lol

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