This Behaviour Is Why Poor People Stay Poor
I saw something on Quora today that got me thinking. And i'd like to share my 2 cents on it.
So I answered a question on "How can poor people acquire cryptocurrency?" in Quora. Admittedly, these kinds of questions don't get asked on Musing because people on the Steem Blockchain already knows the answer.
I like to share my knowledge and experience to people willing to learn. Ask and I'll answer with what I know and even if i dont know it, it will inspire me to go find and answer. Win-win for all.
So i answered the question to the best of my abilities, If you want to take a look at what i wrote, feel free to read it here.
Kristian's answer to "How can poor people acquire cryptocurrency" on Quora
And then I received this comment
Wait? what?
At first the person asked with the assumption that they cannot benefit from this new technology directly. "I'm poor, therefore I can't acquire cryptocurrency". It's obvious in the wording of the question. "How can.." rather than "what are the ways". It's accusative, as if they are claiming "It's not fair because only rich people can get crypto". And then I proved them wrong with my elaboration of the ways one can earn cryptocurrency.
Now they come and say "It would require alot of time and effort.."?
Now it may look like i'm reading too much into a question and comment but i assure you, i'm very irked by this.
Mainly because it reminded me of how i used to think before i adopted positivity in life. Believe it or not, I used to have the "scarcity mindset" too. And looking back I do feel disgusted at how ridiculous i was back then.
OF COURSE it will take time and effort! All good things do!
Do these people think goodness fall from the sky? People (especially when one is poor) must realize that results don't come without work. Even Gary Vaynerchuk said it himself:

You got to put in the work if you want results. That means days of grinding, that means working for hours on end without seeing obvious results. That meaning steeling oneself even when it all seems fruitless.
I've noticed especially that the poor and unprogressing people usually have this attitude. They recognize their position but either blame it on others or refuse to acknowledge the truth of their lack of action. Those who are otherwise are grinding away and is making progress in their lives. Of which of course when they succeeded they will then say "owh he/she made it because he/she had it easy".
Those kinds of behaviour and thinking really rubbed me the wrong way.
Put in the work, and you'll achieve progress. No matter what you aim to do.

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Kristian Kho [Ian] is a 24 year old freelancer with a passion for steem and a deep desire to be a better person in every aspect. I aim to express any and all my thoughts on things that I find interesting as well as using this platform as a self-development log.
I am a part of #Teammalaysia, a decentralized community initiative that aims to empower local creatives and content creators specifically in Malaysia to create content through the Steem Blockchain.
If you want to stalk me, check out my other social media accounts too!
I think whoever commented wasn't serious nor ready to acquire bitcoin. It takes a little tipping of the scales in one's mind / circumstance to do anything.
Of course the good things in life take time. If it were easy, everyone would be billionaires with six pack abs.
Love your mindset. Cant wait to
@bensimblog You may be right! I believe I left out a crucial part of the story, I initially got pissed at the comment (hence the post hahaha) because I saw that it was given by the same person that A2A the original question to me.
I'm not saying the way the person think is objectively wrong. Kudos if a person is completely comfortable with their current state of life, that's what the Buddhist creed aim to strive for. i kinda envy them tbh. But yes, good things in life takes time and effort as you said.
Now if only i can out my whole mindset and talk into real results!! hahahaha!
Excellent your words, every job is a prolonged effort that will make you feel how valuable it is in every minute of effort, blame the others in your economy, is a mediocre option, just put the desire to get out of trouble.
Exactly! Those who wants to progress in life will put all the effort to reach their goals.