Tom Yum
If you looking for Tom Yum then this is the right place where you can find it. 818 Seafood Restaurant Donggongon Penampang Sabah.
Sedap tapi pedas.. Dulu memang service durang inda bagus tapi sekarang ok sudah. not bad lah... :)
If you looking for Tom Yum then this is the right place where you can find it. 818 Seafood Restaurant Donggongon Penampang Sabah.
Sedap tapi pedas.. Dulu memang service durang inda bagus tapi sekarang ok sudah. not bad lah... :)
Lapar trus ohh angela..
Hahaha... Cuba tingu itu sup dia.. Punya pekat.. Kalu kita yg order nie, mesti kasi tau tu orang, kasi kurang pedas.. Hahaha