Single Moms of Steemit, I want to curate you!
Hi I am a single mother and I think we have our own unique and often badassed stories to tell, and I would love to curate you, no matter what you blog about. I will make a curation post later this week, and so I am looking for at least 3 single mothers to feature in that. From anywhere in the world!
If you are interested, check out my ideas below, and please leave a comment so I can find you.
Let's Podcast!
If anyone is interested in an audio interview, I would like to try to create a little podcast recording, too! So if you are on Discord please DM me there if you are interested, or post a comment below.
It takes a village
A philosophy that I have truly experienced as a single mom in real life, is that It Takes a Village to make us strong. Single moms often do their thing in an isolated way because we just have so much to do. It can get lonely. But then again, we pretty much always have each others backs, the best we can, even if its just pep talks over text messages while juggling 900 stressful situations at once! I owe so many thanks to my single mom friends who I hardly ever see, because we are just so busy all the time!
Other single moms in my life have reminded me I am strong, helped me through hard situations, hugged the crap out of me, and have inspired me to have that grit and tenacity, and be proud of it! Single moms have also helped me remember my vulnerability is my strength, that my anxieties make sense considering the context, and they have helped me remember to cry when i just need to cry! And they have watched my kid in a pinch, so I could have a little break! I love single moms and I want to be a part of a single mom mini community here on Steemit, so I thought I would try curating!
An ongoing project
It takes a village to raise children, but it also takes a village to support all of us in our human journey. That's why I am tagging this with #ittakesavillage and #singlemoms . I am interested in curating all the little "villages" around steemit so that people can learn more about sub communities and how they support one another.
Single Dads!
One final thing! If you are a single dad reading this and you feel excluded by this idea, let me know. I am not making it to exclude anyone! So please comment and we can discuss what this means to you as well!
Here are the questions I want to ask single moms
What are you into , just as a human being? What subjects do you blog about? What part of the world do you live in?
What does being a single mother mean for you in terms of how you engage in the platform? To elaborate, I'm looking for your thoughts on how juggling motherhood, running a household, figuring out financial things, working, etc impact your time here at Steemit (or not).
I am interested in hearing your challenges, but I am also looking for the strengths in this. I feel like we are a certain kind of motivated bunch us single moms, and we have a certain fire in us that I am awfully proud of! So show me your fire! What fires you up! What gets you going and pushes you here on Steemit?
Do you have a cool story of how another single mom supported you once that you would like to share? How can single moms support each other here, other than the obvious of voting/upvoting/resteeming?
Is there anything else you would like the community know about you as a single mother?
Go ahead and make a post, but you don't have to create a post about this, to participate!
You could reply to these questions in comments below, in direct message on Discord, or you could even send me an audio file with you answering these questions out loud, and I will edit these into a mini podcast to put in a post.
Answering these questions might take a little time so you might want some SBD for your work! Thats fine! That is why i am saying you could make a post about it, and then I would excerpt from that and link people back to it.
I dont have a ton of voting power yet myself but I will definitely come over and upvote !
Lets tag it #singlemoms ?
In my curation post I will feature your answers to these questions, and I will link people to your blog. I will also include an image from your blog to help people get to know you.
Please please comment below to help me find you. Also let me know if you have other ideas for how to best curate! And if you know single moms please send them my way!
Thank you
PS! There is now a channel for this in the TeamGirlPowa Discord server! Its called single-moms! Come find me over there and thank you so much @teamgirlpowa ~~~~~ <3
This is a really good idea! It is a beautiful, chaotic, rewarding experience to be a single mom. But I definitely love it. I will try to answer all your questions bu right now I have to put my kid to sleep (talk about single mom parenting)
Yay i am so happy to have found some moms already so far! Not a super hurry on this, I want to make a post later this week but if you need some time just tell me because I will wait. I get it so much.
Yaaaas!!! I already dm’d you in discord. I am very enthusiastic about this, as I loooove being a single mom. My art and photography was a huge piece of me finding myself and ending a toxic relationship.
Yayyyy I am excited now we have two people now ! Just one more to reach my goal 3 moms to curate, but I secretly want to find like 20 so I hope that I do eventually.
👌 yay
Great Post! You handle a lot from day to day
I thought you did?
I am confused about this cleverbot thing what is it? And also thanks!
cleverbot is an automated chat bot for entertainment
This comment has received a 0.23 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @sn0w-fox.
what on earth. you sure have the comment bots on lock
This project seems awesome. Good luck with everything and amazing initiative.
Thank you! Teamgirlpowa just added a channel for it on their server so send anyone you know that might want to do this, over there ! :) :) :)
I wholeheartedly support this curation effort! Thank you for doing it!
Well, I'm not a single Mom or Dad, just a single :) I have a dog, I don't suppose that counts for much...
In spite of that smart ass comment, I'm actually here to support what you are doing. Good on you!
Thanks for all you do.
This is a wonderful idea and I'll make a post about it soon. :)