2025 a year for what?
I have felt it, have you?
Within The Decade:
An acceleration in the rate of change as we move closer to globalization and the looming debt crisis.
Both appears to be racing toward us via institutional governance and their bad policies.
However, these scheduled events and objectives I find very interesting:
image source: usnews.com iStock
G20 Has Commitments Vowed All Citizens Be "Digitally Connected" By 2025
Why did singularityhub.com (in 2015) list "Blockchain... a protocol that allows for secure, direct (without a middleman), digital transfers of value and assets (think money, contracts, stocks, IP). Investors like Marc Andreesen have poured tens of millions into the development and believe this is as important of an opportunity as the creation of the Internet itself. at number 8 for "The World in 2025: 8 Predictions"?
USNEWS.COM posted "Pew's report, the group sent surveys to leaders in technology, education, health care and other fields, asking what they saw coming by 2025 that would be made possible by faster connection speeds."
... "Advances will be gradual for various reasons, but bandwidth is not the issue. The U.S. will lag because a widespread gigabit network is not easily achieved."fastcompany.com reportedly "asked the experts what work will look in 2025."
** "The last billion people on the planet will be connected to the Internet"... says Erik Brynjolfsson, professor at M.I.T.’s Sloan School of Management, director of the MIT Center for Digital Business
** "while self-driving vehicles, smartphones, drones, and new types of work robots are getting attention now, smarter ’bots, sensors, embedded systems, and other connectivity drivers will take over many of our work and personal tasks" -Janna Quitney Anderson communication professor at Elon University, director of its Imagining The Internet Center, and the co-author of the Pew Center research report, AI, Robotics And The Future Of Jobs.
** Wearable tech will become ubiquitous, collecting data about us and providing information to us as we move throughout the day. Have a question or need instruction? Your watch or glasses will help, improving productivity. A 2014 report by consulting firm PwC found wearable tech adoption rates currently on par with tablet adoption rates–which doubled from 20% to 40% between 2012 and 2014–when they were first introduced.
** "while more technology might create new and different types of jobs, so far we’ve seen more job loss than creation in these areas" Brynjolfsson said -Read more from fastcompany.comBusiness Insider, in the year 2010, posted "Our Economy In The Year 2025..." where Rick Bookstaber referenced Robert Reich’s new book, Aftershock.
"The root of our economic problems is the ever widening income gap. The rich, who are laying claim to a higher and higher percentage of income, don’t spend as much of their income as do those down the income ladder, so demand for goods and services is dropping." [...]
We are in the year 2025. Because of advances in production technology, much of the path from extracting the required renewable resources through to the production and distribution of most of the items we demand can be accomplished with automated methods overseen by a small cadre of engineers. (At least that is what we are being told. But some blog posts are claiming that all we are doing is exporting wheat to pay for labor-intensive production in Africa. Africa, The New Asia®. It is hard to know who to believe anymore).
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Scary future indeed. I can't see there being many jobs left for humans with automation and A.I taking over and big brother is well truly watching 24/7 in this digital world.
@somecoolname facial recognition cameras everywhere (even in your home) and RFID tracking tech in bank cards and smartphones wasn't enough, they have tracking and body scanning tech in wearables too - Yikes this is creepy dystopian script for 21st century institutional governance.
Bots, drones, automation, A.I., cashless digital economy, and austerity policies - what a future.
I say End Fractional Reserve Banking perpetual debt bondage - when I say End The Fed!
I was recently talking to a friend who had broke the glass that covers his smartphone's camera. He noticed the noise the camera makes when it is attempting to auto focus was constantly occurring even when his phone was off!
@flatearthvegan sound like your friend found the tracking/surveillance tech inside the "smartphone" gadget.
I don't have one but my family does.
The money masters are so much the control-freak paranoid class of rulers.
A few of my recent articles have been on facial recognition cameras (for pre crime) and RFID implants. It's crazy to me how people willing except these things.
@somecoolname yeah some individuals are lost in the belly of the beast.
I focus on sharing evidence and amplifying awareness in hopes to reach those who are willing to look and shift paths.
I wish to see the so-called "tipping point" in this life span.