RE: Central Banks Are Preparing To Regulate and Dominate Blockchain (with their Cryptocurrency & Data Harvesting offsprings) Technology
Hi @ronmamita,
I just want to thank you for showing me the reality.
I was just searching for info related to this Blockchain technology and I came across your posts, including the one with the video Blockchain Video Promo has creepy subliminal message!
I've been talking with my co-workers about all this hype, "one talks about wanting to retire at 45 years old", "others talk about this is the future in terms of DevOps", and I'm just wondering... what about the Governments?!. It seems they have reasons to be afraid of this Tech. and also wondering how would they allow themselves to lose so much $$$$. Now, after reading your post I'm totally sure they're not sleeping, quite the opposite.
In fact, even Microsoft has now a Blockchain service. For those interested, I leave here the link BaaS DevOps. With Whom are they going to partner?, right? Everyone knows, including, taking advantage to cache in with the private sector.
At least the info is available if you are really interested to pursue it and too know the game rules.
Thank you once more.
Hi @applokiz I'm pleased to meet you.
Thanks for the encouraging words, I am glad the information is being seen by more worldwide - indeed the more awareness the more eyeballs to see and reveal more hidden deception and secrets.
For instance I have not been looking at Microsuck recently and your comment will have me looking at their FINTECH strategy and yes "the info is available" but not on the msm fake news outlets.
Thank you for being here, hope to hear from you again, you are always welcome to share the documents you have seen.