On Frailty and White AustraliasteemCreated with Sketch.

*Collins Street, 5pm - John Brack. Image, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Purchased, 1956. © National Gallery of Victoria

It's been a big fortnight in Australia for white men who are unnerved at living in an insane, chaotic and rather stupid time, who yearn to feel safe so badly that they must project it onto not capitalism, or corporations, or rich people, or job loss, or climate change, but onto migrants. We've had Blair Cottrell on Sky News go entirely unquestioned on his desire to purge the black and brown evil from amongst us. We've had Andrew Bolt writing about 'the foreign invasion', about "a tidal wave of immigrants sweeping away what’s left of our national identity." And then a few days ago we had Fraser Anning give his maiden speech in federal parliament where he talked in part about the need to stop Muslims from migrating here and calling for a return to the White Australia Policy, to the tradition of European Christian peoples occupying this land, a tradition that's gone on for oh, at least 65,000 minutes.

What do you think they mean - Cottrell, Bolt and Anning etc - when they talk about our national identity being taken away? They never quite explain what they mean but they talk about it constantly.

It's not that I don't have sympathy for how they are feeling. And I'm sorry if that is repulsive to you. But I do have sympathy for how easily we crumble into hate (all of us). For how easily swayed we are to the childish violent view. To what fucking babies we are, and how quickly we learn how to become immune to others' suffering. To how little we have to hang on to. To how much beauty has been lost. Of what whisps we are in the wind.

Living now, you can't grab hold of anything stable. There's so much rage, so much desire to know who or what to blame. Living now, you really do understand the filmmaker Werner Herzog's comment that "Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness." That ice is cracking, just like the sheets in Antarctica. We are on fire, just like our earth. We don't often consider that we are a part of the earth. We still do, strangely and creepily, consider that we are separate from the earth. We call it "the environment" as if it's a product, a thing out there, a disconnect.

This paradigm is the water we've been swimming in strongly for 500 years. What chance did we ever have to not fracture into 23 million shards?

So what do people mean when they say we as Australians have lost our national identity? Is it the identity of the ANZACS? Is it barbecues with fellow laconic Aussies? Beachgoing? I feel constrained by that identity. It just doesn't feel like much of one, to me. It feels like they are crying out for an identity that never was a very fitting one in the first place. Like something cobbled together by politicians, a story. There's so little story to be gleaned from such a young, young country. A handful of generations attached to a penal colony of a colonising empire, one which then settled the lands and which decimated the bodies of those who were already here.

But we won't face it. Us white Australians with a scattering of generations behind us, we won't face it. We say no, and slap away the hand of history and turn to the wall and pull our never-was-enough-to-keep-us-warm identities around us and say no, the problem is with immigrants who aren't us.

Is this desire to regain back our tattered national identity simply a desire of an inflamed central nervous system that is so lonely upon the earth that it wants to - needs to - go out in the street and see itself reflected back to itself in a white face, so it knows that it exists? That's not so surprising - people do wish to be around their own kind. It's not even racist to say so. The racism comes in when your kind, which happens to feel very weak and frail for totally acceptable reasons (but which are culturally powerful and hence the mindfuck) pushes the blame onto that group over there who smell different.

Is it so hard to accept that white men, if they are not very good at self-examination, or if they haven't grown up feeling very loved, or if they're not particularly knowledgeable about the massive complexity of the tattered world being the way it is, will dig their heels in deeper to racist beliefs when smartass leftists whose identity politics aren't wedded to humanism think abusing white men is not only okay but it's fucking justice, man? I mean, what the fucking fuck is that?

We all see each other as two-dimensional avatars now though, so it's okay. Apparently. Some of us are measuring people solely as power-blips, not as people comprising an already fractured society who are fractured themselves. Well, that idea only ever works as a theory; humans are embodied beings within that society. Individual men did not cause the shitfest. No one started the fucking fire.

I mean, being a bewildered white man who has inherited racist tendencies by dint of being born where you were, and then being blamed for fucking everything and told to change without being given the tools to do so (because we do still expect men to magically fix themselves) would be enough to Frankenstein scared racist men out into their current time in the sun, wouldn't it? And if the only place where your fears are being addressed is on the far right - well, what's a little extra racism, right?

Fraser Anning's speech is full of a great yearning for things to return to the way they were. By this he means the Australia of his youth, where he was safe and secure in his life, in his place, in his country under queen and God. It's a bit of a requirement for a good life, really, knowing where your place is.

There is though, for the time being, nowhere, no places, for any of us.

However, he also wishes to return to a history where the blood crying from the ground of Aboriginal people slain not even 200 years before was as silenced then as it is now. As unacknowledged then as he wishes it to be now. And if you can't acknowledge your country's beginnings, then you shouldn't expect that tattered identity to do much for you at all. If you yearn for the past but you also won't face it, how on earth do you stand?


I caught the speeches over here in the Netherlands, and I'm frankly quite embarrassed. Add in the Katter defence and it is clear that there is anger against someone or something, but it is easiest to pick on the weakest and pretend that you are a strong man. Also, it is interesting that many of the loudest are not so many generations back, migrants themselves.

I remember that my parents were the subject of nasty stuff as they were not white, and thus visually fair game for any idiot that thought he was standing up for Australian values. They contributed more to society than most of these ill-reasoned haters, my father was a Mathematician during the years of Cold War, and my mother helped bring her experience of her training in open heart surgery to an Australia that was sorely needing skills like theirs.

I had my share of idiocy heaped on me while I was growing up. It was nasty, and was especially hurtful as I identified as Australian, as much as any other person.

Hey @bengy, thanks for the upvote. It's a most curious thing, isn't it, Katter going on the way he is and suggesting intake from the Middle East should be curtailed when his own grandfather (I think?) was Lebanese. Truly bizarre.

That Chinese maxim "May you live in interesting times" was intended as an insult, I heard yesterday. Makes sense. Interesting times reveal us for the odd and complicated creatures we are :)

It is a weird thing listening to Katter in all those interviews.. It just gets more and more bizarre!

I find it strange to identify so strongly with such tribal as a stereotypical national identity or football teams... But I guess that is just me. I identify as an Australian, but I would not say that it is the defining part of my identity. There are many things, such as my interests and hobbies and the people I know and love that are much stronger contributing factors to my identity.

I find it strange (living overseas) that people deliberately seek out expats of the same nationality to gather with and be friends with.

If you yearn for the past but you also won't face it, how on earth do you stand?

Here fucking here. Loved this. Xx Love your writing. Loved your Bracks inclusion.. such a great image.

I don't identify with this Australia. It is a cobbled together identity that's flimsy and shallow. My Australia is better than that. This one I'm ashamed of.

Thank you. It's a typically teenage identity isn't it. It's no wonder so many people of UK descent are so fragile. I mean, even before they came here, a lot of their earlier identity had been trodden underfoot by invasion and religious ideology. i totally understand a desire for historical roots; I feel the lack of them.

I dont understand why it has to be so darn competitive. It would be nice to embrace indigenous culture and learn about country from them... like, mandated in schools. And when i was growing up multi culturalism was the foundation of my schooling. Whats wrong with that identity under the southern cross? Theres my naive idealism again.

That was rather powerful and well said. It is very difficult to have sympathy for those who spout hate and ignorance, but I am also humble enough to know that I once did the same out of ignorance and upbringing and that writing people off doesn't allow them room to change.

It takes interacting with indigenous people (and people of various other backgrounds and cultures) to see how they live, what they eat, how they operate to really eliminate fear and cultivate understanding, etc.

Thanks. I so agree. I get so frustrated at the lack of space to change granted to people. I mean, WTF? Insecure people who give themselves a boost by being self-righteous towards those who are still blind to how being racist is something we were taught to do? Where's the community in that? I'm so sick of living in this dumbass game:)

It feels like they are crying out for an identity that never was a very fitting one in the first place.

This is the entirety of the human condition

will dig their heels in deeper to racist beliefs when smartass leftists whose identity politics aren't wedded to humanism think abusing white men is not only okay but it's fucking justice

This isn't real IMO, and the turn towards fascism isn't a result of 'leftist abuse'. Tumblrina politics doesn't make fascists fascists. And we shouldn't cater politics to the demands of a fragile white identity. Its up to white ppl to reassemble their identity shattered by neoliberalism, not the rest of the world

Let's agree to disagree that white racist men who are not particularly politically aware or smart enough to know when they're being taken advantage of suddenly find themselves shouting race hate. I've read of these accounts.

I'm not suggesting the turn towards fascism is entirely because of this. That would be moronic.

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