TEAMAUSTRALIA: Weekly Challenge #1 - Prize: 5 SBD

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)


#TEAMAUSTRALIA Weekly Challenge #1

G'day mates! It's time for #teamaustralia's weekly challenge. I'll be hosting this challenge myself and everyone is welcome to participate. I will simply ask a question in each challenge and all you have to do is answer the question in the comment section below. I will then pick and announce the winner in the following challenge. EASY PEASY!!!

Question of the Week

This week's question is about taxation. As you know, the financial year in Australia is about to finish and it's time for Aussies to pay taxes. What do you think about taxation in general? And what tips do you have about taxation, especially taxation in Australia? Please let us all know in a nice comment below! Cheers :]

Important Note

This is a trial run and I may or may not continue doing this depending on how it goes the first time. If you like the idea and want to see me do this every week, please consider supporting the challenge by participating in it. If it goes well, then I will not only continue doing this but will also consider increasing the prize pool and perhaps even the number of winners.

Terms and conditions of the Challenge

You don't have to be an Aussie or in Australia to take up the challenge. You can be anybody, anywhere in the world. Evreryone is welcome! However, you do have to upvote this post and resteem it, otherwise you won't enter the draw. The winner will be manually picked up by myself.

1... 2... 3... GO!!!



Taxation is a kind of theft obviously no matter how it's spent. However, I don't have much problem with taxation as much as I have with how it's spent. I think most people would be happy to voluntarily chip in, in order to make a better society.

My tip for taxation is this: Do everything you can to minimize your taxes. This can be from working less, and enjoying life more... to donating money to charities with a tax-free status. Scripture says whoever refreshes others, will be refreshed!

Great post by the way. Upped and resteemed! :)

I think the tax system should be in a block chain open ledger type of format, where everyone could somehow see, not necessarily what everyone else paid, but mainly where the tax money goes and what it is used to pay for. I think there should be a little more transparency on the spending of the communities money. It would probably even lower taxes in the long run by reducing (or eliminating) waste, fraud, mismanagement etc.

Nowadays when you get your return the ATO sends along a shitty little graphic stating very broadly where most of your income tax goes. And its over 30% to welfare from memory

What do you think about taxation in general? I want to pay a lot of taxes, the more taxes I pay, the better I am doing.

And what tips do you have about taxation, especially taxation in Australia? Go to your local library, read every book on taxes and super annuation and business operation, go the the ATO website, study it. You will save atleast 1 months salary per year if you have understood the system.

Taxation is theft.
Governments and countries are imaginary.

for those on PAYG taxation the options are limited to using a tax agent to maximise your return. The best way to deal with taxation in Australia is to become self employed and thereby many of life's expenses become tax deductable. Use of your car, phone and dwelling can be partly claimed as deductions, further you can claim expenses for bad investments and all the materials used in the work you do. The slave society is based on our fear of failure and i recommend the best way to increase freedom and wealth is through self employment.

Fully agree, though that is the last thing the gov wants, which has been proven by all the expenses and regulations put on a small bus owner. They want worker bees.

thanks for connecting with a comment- i am now following you

I really like your reply.

i am a philosopher and buddhist type person

Tax is great but how it's spent is the issue.

Excellent msg768. Upvoted and resteemed.

My answer - 'I wouldn't mind paying tax if the government would only be more responsible in its spending.'


Taxation is required for the government to operate but I think Australian tax rate is over the limit, if I am not wrong, is it 50c in a dollar? That's because the social benefits are too high, reduce the benefits and the tax can follow suit.

No it's not 50c in a dollar. It starts with 0c in a dollar and goes up to 45c in a dollar. Depends on how much you earn. If you earn less than 21K per year, you won't have to pay any taxes!

Thanks for the clarification. However, for the highest tax bracket, 45c is still too high.

Oh Yeah absolutely! :]

ooops I forgot to add.
Im sick of seeing my taxes go to ridiculous government schemes like forced immunisation and measuring the weight of children at schools to continue the invasion of privacy of parents based on the "nanny government knows best" principle. Its un-Australian and undermines the parents authority over their children. If a kid is obese its obvious and the money should be targeted at the real problem. eg. Corporate influence over eating habits and the cost of readily available fresh healthy food.
voted resteemed .
Cool competition : o)

Cringe!! Someone had to say it. Un-Australian. What the **** does it mean anyway? Just sayin. :-)

Well I couldn't say the context in which you have come across it in the past, as clearly it wasn't a positive experience for you.
However in this context ...invasion of privacy and undermining the family structure,flies directly in the face of our once so cherished Australian values. Being un-Australian is adopting the values of a foreign country, external political movement or even worse a corporation, to benefit a few unsavory individuals rather than the population of our great country. Being un-Australian is conforming to global agendas that inhibit and/or destroy the ability of Australians to develop skills that will strengthen the core paradigm of the Australian community at large. Using our taxes to advance this systematic undermining is very, at minimum, Un-Australian.
Even though some of our politicians have hijacked the term to manipulate the Australian public, it is upon "us" to discern the difference between the context in which I use it, and how they use it.

The reason I say this is that I don't believe it to be unique to Australians. A large majority of humanity I believe share the same Australian values.

Our government doesn't represent humanity it's meant to represent us.

The members of the Australian government are pretty well all in it for themselves. Yes, some enter politics with grand ideals, but not too long after they give their maiden speak they are "told" how the game is played. If they want to survive in politics they either tow the party line or find themselves on the outer. These aren't my words, I'm basically paraphrasing Don Chipp from his book "Keep the Bastards Honest". Yes, they are supposed to represent the people, but in reality the people are last on the list as far as priorities go.

As to the term Un-Australian, when it is generally used, it suggests that Australians have unique values that the rest of humanity do not have. What I'm suggesting is that the values Australians have are really no different from the rest of humanity. So when I hear un-Australian they may as well be saying un-Fijian, un-New Zealand, un-French, etc. For most people around the world want exactly the same thing. To be left in peace, to have food and shelter for their family, to be able to explore their passions unhindered by government interference, to name but a few.

Well said you're quite correct, people really do just want the same things in life thats for sure. Don Chipp from his book "Keep the Bastards Honest".lol great Australian to say the least.

Taxation is theft. Avoid and minimise by having a company or being self employed.
Australia pays over 1 billion a month in interest on the money this gov has wasted and owes to the banks.
The tax we pay is wasted and we would spend it better ourselves to improve the economy without gov constant wastage.

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