Tulipmania - Not so fast... first listen or watch this... and pass on!

It's very important to distill all the information we get, and we had better get perfectly clear and focussed about the FACTS.


Awesome video lucky, this dude is jumping out off his skin with excitement. I'm not sure if bitcoin will stay on top but I think blockchain is here to stay and will change the world in ways we can't even imagine now. Cheers mate and thanks for sharing.

Thanks silverbug for visiting, you are a good friend.

We saw exponential growth in the crypto world over 2017 and we are only just beginning. It's funny talking to family and friends and telling them about crypto. Some (who are very wealthy) completely disregard it as some sort of ponzi, some dive straight in (big shout out to my father) not because they think it will make them rich, they see it as the future. Some dive straight in because they think it will make them rich.

What I have seen is the ones that see the tech as game changing making a killing (financially), the ones that think it is a get rich scheme are losing money and the ones that aren't even playing are losing the most.

We already HAVE digital currency and transactions EVERYWHERE however they are not transparent. Distributed Ledger Technology ensures transparency and consensus. This is a nobrainer. Morons...

When you watch smart people talking and presenting arguments, it must be obvious to anybody what kind of mass manipulation is taking place. Great share!

I am a smart people and I talk a lot of shit, you are right.

If you think so, then why did you not upvote the post? What exactly are your reservations?

" What exactly are your reservations" Free money for no effort, Lol.

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