Keep your mind in action to prevent Alzheimer's

It's nice to be sitting on your grandmother's legs, listening to the stories of fifty years ago when she was still a young girl and things were very different. On the other hand, it is very sad to have the panorama of a grandmother prostrate in a bed forgetting the memories as yesterday's newspaper.
Alzheimer's produces that, and is one of the most difficult diseases to endure for the patient's relatives. Although the causes of Alzheimer's are not exactly known, precautions can be taken that, while not entirely reliable, can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Feeding to prevent Alzheimer's
• According to studies, the weekly intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids improves brain function. Blue fish and vegetables like corn, soy, sunflower and walnuts are rich in this component.
• Vitamins E and B are important for the prevention of Alzheimer's. By eating foods such as grains, yeast and meats, it may help the cells of the hippocampal nerve (which works on memory and learning) not to be damaged.

Habits to prevent Alzheimer's
• Avoid smoking.
• As long as you have cognitive stimulation, such as doing crosswords, drawing and reading, the brain will be functioning.
• Avoid isolation, try to join the family or join a group that allows you to have contact with people.
• It is recommended to read frequently, watch documentaries and films that allow reflection.
• If you have diabetes, it is necessary to follow a treatment and stay stable.
• Obesity has to be controlled, for this and for many other reasons.
• High blood pressure is another disease to which much attention must be paid, since it is harmful by itself. Studies indicate that it is associated with Alzheimer's.
• Exercise, at least walk half an hour a day for the body to fight brain and muscle atrophies.

Finally, if an elderly relative suffered the loss of a close loved one, as his partner, do everything possible to get him out of his depression as this may trigger an incubation of Alzheimer's disease
take this into account.
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