To Catch a Predator - Tom (57) Part 4

in #tcap7 years ago (edited)

AOL IM: Good Boy B88
From the Perverted Justice website.

Good Boy B88 (8:15:58 PM):we will get kinda drunkie
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:04 PM):kewl
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:12 PM):how many can i hav
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:16 PM):can i hav 2
Good Boy B88 (8:16:19 PM):okay
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:23 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (8:16:26 PM):I don't want you too drunk or anything
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:35 PM):me neithr
Good Boy B88 (8:16:39 PM):I want you to feel me having sex with you
Good Boy B88 (8:16:40 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:16:46 PM):don't want you to pass out
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:16:54 PM):ya
Good Boy B88 (8:17:03 PM):Kiss (emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:05 PM):that wud not be good lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:10 PM):kiss
Good Boy B88 (8:17:10 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:17:10 PM):no
Good Boy B88 (8:17:12 PM):Cindy?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:18 PM):whut
Good Boy B88 (8:17:20 PM):I'm like hard for you right now
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:26 PM):realy
Good Boy B88 (8:17:34 PM):yes
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:43 PM):is that bad
Good Boy B88 (8:17:44 PM):wish you were touching me
Good Boy B88 (8:17:45 PM):no
Good Boy B88 (8:17:46 PM):it's very good
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:17:51 PM):does it hurt
Good Boy B88 (8:17:55 PM):nooo
Good Boy B88 (8:17:56 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:17:58 PM):feels good
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:18:01 PM):kewl
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:18:22 PM):dammit shez talkin agin
Good Boy B88 (8:18:26 PM):ok
Good Boy B88 (8:18:29 PM):but I want you!
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:18:37 PM):be back in a minute
Good Boy B88 (8:18:40 PM):ok
Good Boy B88 (8:18:58 PM):hey when are you going to call me again?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:21:02 PM):when dad sendz me fone card
Good Boy B88 (8:21:11 PM):okay
Good Boy B88 (8:21:19 PM):I wanna hear your voice
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:21:52 PM):if u realy cum saturday u can bring me a fone card so i can call u
Good Boy B88 (8:22:06 PM):okay
Good Boy B88 (8:22:16 PM):I was just looking, you are about 7 hours away from me
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:22:36 PM):very far
Good Boy B88 (8:23:04 PM):I would make the trip
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:23:10 PM):u dont mind
Good Boy B88 (8:23:24 PM):of course not
Good Boy B88 (8:23:30 PM):I can leave early in the morning
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:23:39 PM):the motel by me sez has high sped internet
Good Boy B88 (8:23:47 PM):oh cool
Good Boy B88 (8:23:55 PM):high speed cindy and tom too
Good Boy B88 (8:23:55 PM):hehe
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:24:04 PM):hehehe
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:24:09 PM):and sexie tom
Good Boy B88 (8:24:16 PM):and sexier cindy
Good Boy B88 (8:24:29 PM):tom and cindy have sexie sex
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:24:36 PM):hehehe
Good Boy B88 (8:25:06 PM):do you want to see me?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:25:15 PM):u kno that
Good Boy B88 (8:25:21 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:25:29 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:25:37 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:25:47 PM):I really want you bad
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:25:54 PM):me 2
Good Boy B88 (8:26:12 PM):I'm horny for you, baby girl
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:26:33 PM):me 2
Good Boy B88 (8:26:42 PM):sexie cindy
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:26:42 PM):im glad u realy like me
Good Boy B88 (8:26:47 PM):I really do
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:26:54 PM):i realy like u 2
Good Boy B88 (8:27:07 PM):I want you underneath me
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:27:30 PM):k
Good Boy B88 (8:27:44 PM):want to kiss you hot and deep
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:28:03 PM):nevr did that
Good Boy B88 (8:28:09 PM):you will like it
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:28:14 PM):i wanna do it
Good Boy B88 (8:28:23 PM):good
Good Boy B88 (8:29:22 PM):we will do whatever you want
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:29:37 PM):k and we will do whatevr u want 2
Good Boy B88 (8:29:47 PM):mmm okay, my baby
Good Boy B88 (8:30:25 PM):when's your birthday again?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:30:40 PM):too long lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:30:44 PM):u forgot
Good Boy B88 (8:30:54 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:30:58 PM):August?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:31:17 PM):no thatz okay i thik i forgot urz 2 rofl
Good Boy B88 (8:31:36 PM):lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:31:48 PM):u dont hafta get me a birthday present till summer lol
Good Boy B88 (8:31:48 PM):tell me yours
Good Boy B88 (8:31:53 PM):okay!
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:32:07 PM):crap brb im gonna kill her
Good Boy B88 (8:32:13 PM):ok hurry baby
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:33:19 PM):back
Good Boy B88 (8:33:22 PM):I love u
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:33:31 PM):for a minute till she startz yappin agin
Good Boy B88 (8:33:38 PM):okay
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:33:46 PM):dammit brb
Good Boy B88 (8:33:49 PM):is the motel close to you?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:34:23 PM):hehehe I just said i gotta go bye and shut IM rofl
Good Boy B88 (8:34:31 PM):lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:34:32 PM):motel is rite in front of me
Good Boy B88 (8:34:52 PM):oooo
Good Boy B88 (8:34:56 PM):you can walk there
Good Boy B88 (8:35:00 PM):what's the name of it?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:35:17 PM):ya is (name of motel)
Good Boy B88 (8:35:31 PM):ok, does it look decent?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:35:52 PM):ya i gues dont look junky
Good Boy B88 (8:35:58 PM):ok good
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:36:04 PM):looks kinda new
Good Boy B88 (8:36:04 PM):so how do we meet up?
Good Boy B88 (8:36:08 PM):nice
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:36:28 PM):u can im me and ill walk ovr
Good Boy B88 (8:36:42 PM):ok if there is a computer in there
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:36:52 PM):itz lik less than a block
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:37:03 PM):or i cud look 4 ur car
Good Boy B88 (8:37:06 PM):maybe you can just walk down there and I will wave to you or something
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:37:12 PM):kewl
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:37:27 PM):ill b the one thatz not mexican rofl
Good Boy B88 (8:37:32 PM):LOL
Good Boy B88 (8:37:35 PM):the cute ass blonde
Good Boy B88 (8:37:36 PM):hehe
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:38:05 PM):and i kno what u look lik if u stay on back of motel i can c u
Good Boy B88 (8:38:14 PM):alright
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:38:36 PM):im on (street) Circle itz rite bhind motel
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:38:44 PM):kinda makes a circle
Good Boy B88 (8:38:44 PM):maybe I can walk over there
Good Boy B88 (8:38:48 PM):what's your address?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:38:55 PM):2204
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:39:03 PM):dont u nevr tell
Good Boy B88 (8:39:08 PM):never!
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:39:20 PM):whut kind of car u got
Good Boy B88 (8:39:22 PM):maybe I can walk over there and you can like open the door and wave or something
Good Boy B88 (8:39:27 PM):a toyota
Good Boy B88 (8:39:28 PM):blue
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:39:36 PM):lik a little car
Good Boy B88 (8:39:45 PM):yes
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:39:51 PM):k
Good Boy B88 (8:39:59 PM):but I would walk over
Good Boy B88 (8:40:01 PM):not drive
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:40:26 PM):just park at room and i will cum there so dont get caut
Good Boy B88 (8:40:45 PM):okay, so where should I be, like in the lobby?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:41:10 PM):can u park ur car in front of ur room
Good Boy B88 (8:41:15 PM):yes
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:41:50 PM):u can watch 4 me and ill hurry
Good Boy B88 (8:41:54 PM):okay
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:42:08 PM):can u bring ur computr
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:42:22 PM):then u cud im me
Good Boy B88 (8:42:39 PM):no, it's a desktop
Good Boy B88 (8:42:40 PM):lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:42:46 PM):u tell me friday whut time ull be here
Good Boy B88 (8:42:51 PM):alright
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:42:56 PM):and ill just watch
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:43:04 PM):omg im so exited
Good Boy B88 (8:43:09 PM):me tooooo
Good Boy B88 (8:43:33 PM):I'm thinking I should check in at 1:00pm on Saturday
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:43:47 PM):k
Good Boy B88 (8:43:55 PM):then you come over
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:44:02 PM):ya
Good Boy B88 (8:44:09 PM):what will you be wearing?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:44:21 PM):jeans and tshirt i gues
Good Boy B88 (8:44:25 PM):ok
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:44:25 PM):dunno
Good Boy B88 (8:44:28 PM):is it cold there?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:44:34 PM):kinda
Good Boy B88 (8:44:38 PM):here too
Good Boy B88 (8:44:45 PM):I'll wear jeans and a t-shirt too
Good Boy B88 (8:44:47 PM):and a jacket
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:44:54 PM):k
Good Boy B88 (8:45:14 PM):then when we get inside, you can kiss me
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:45:24 PM):hehehe yepperz
Good Boy B88 (8:45:29 PM):sweet
Good Boy B88 (8:45:41 PM):you sound older on the phone
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:45:50 PM):oldr than me?
Good Boy B88 (8:45:57 PM):yes
Good Boy B88 (8:46:04 PM):you're 13, right?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:46:08 PM):ya
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:46:11 PM):almost
Good Boy B88 (8:46:17 PM):12?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:46:27 PM):ya
Good Boy B88 (8:46:31 PM):do you like my age?
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:46:42 PM):ya i do i thik ur very handsum
Good Boy B88 (8:46:50 PM):why thank you
Good Boy B88 (8:46:59 PM):I want you to want me bad!
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:47:02 PM):i mean like very very handsum
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:47:05 PM):i do
Good Boy B88 (8:47:14 PM):sweet
Good Boy B88 (8:47:16 PM):me too
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:47:50 PM):ill b 13 in june
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:48:31 PM):and u sad urs is in octobr
Good Boy B88 (8:48:34 PM):yes
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:48:49 PM):see u forgot and i didnt haha
Good Boy B88 (8:49:09 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:49:11 PM):you're so cute
Good Boy B88 (8:49:14 PM):no wonder I want you
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:49:19 PM):ty
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:49:26 PM):im glad u do
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:49:44 PM):nobody nevr liked me lik this b4
Good Boy B88 (8:49:44 PM):I want you really bad!
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:49:53 PM):me 2
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:50:00 PM):i cant wait til sat
Good Boy B88 (8:50:11 PM):me either
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:50:15 PM):i cant beleive ur realy gonna b here
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:50:24 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:50:31 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:50:35 PM):(emoticon)
Good Boy B88 (8:50:37 PM):I want to be there
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:51:19 PM):itz gonna b realy fun
Good Boy B88 (8:51:35 PM):very much fun
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:51:50 PM):and i gotta go do homework blech!
Good Boy B88 (8:51:57 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:52:00 PM):I understand
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:52:05 PM):i dont
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:52:10 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:52:10 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (8:52:13 PM):funny girl
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:52:15 PM):but i gotta
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:52:28 PM):we can talk 2morrow nite
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:52:38 PM):xoxoxoxo
Good Boy B88 (8:53:01 PM):yessssss
Good Boy B88 (8:53:03 PM):for sure
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:53:17 PM):gudnite sweet man
Good Boy B88 (8:53:28 PM):nite, sexie girl baby
LttlegirlBlue12 (8:53:34 PM):bye
Good Boy B88 (8:53:38 PM):nite
March 12, 2004

LttlegirlBlue12 (12:54:32 PM): r u here
Good Boy B88 (12:54:36 PM): Hey
Good Boy B88 (12:54:40 PM): what happened to you?
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:54:49 PM): when
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:55:29 PM): r u here alredy
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:55:53 PM): yoo hoo
Good Boy B88 (12:55:58 PM): i'm here
Good Boy B88 (12:56:01 PM): lol
Good Boy B88 (12:56:04 PM): no I'm at home
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:56:16 PM): at ur home ur not here
Good Boy B88 (12:56:30 PM): yeah, I didn't see you on line all week, so I got worried
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:56:53 PM): i had flu and wuz very sicky ok now
Good Boy B88 (12:57:02 PM): awwww
Good Boy B88 (12:57:12 PM): I missed you, babe
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:57:13 PM): i thot u wud b here
Good Boy B88 (12:57:28 PM): I was afraid to leave without checking in with you one last time
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:57:45 PM): (emoticon)
Good Boy B88 (12:58:09 PM): Hey!
Good Boy B88 (12:58:16 PM): don't worry I will get down there
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:58:52 PM): (emoticon)
Good Boy B88 (12:59:09 PM): can you call me?
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:59:15 PM): no
LttlegirlBlue12 (12:59:36 PM): im gonna quit lookin out window for u
LttlegirlBlue12 (1:00:25 PM): and now im gonna go 2 the park. i dont wanna talk rite now but later if im not still upset.
March 18, 2004
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:15:24 PM):hi read my emails first
Good Boy B88 (7:15:28 PM):I did
Good Boy B88 (7:15:30 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:15:38 PM):k im sorry i wuz a butthead
Good Boy B88 (7:15:44 PM):what was wrong?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:15:54 PM):i wuz mad cuas u didnt cum here
Good Boy B88 (7:16:01 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:16:02 PM):gues it was my fault
Good Boy B88 (7:16:07 PM):I wanted to cum
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:16:19 PM):im sorry u wanna cum 2morrow
Good Boy B88 (7:16:19 PM):I just didn't hear from you or see you on here so I wasn't sure
Good Boy B88 (7:16:28 PM):I do want to cum tomorrow
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:16:35 PM):realy???
Good Boy B88 (7:16:39 PM):yes
Good Boy B88 (7:16:46 PM):do you want to be with me?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:16:57 PM):ur not just jokin r u caus YES I WANNA B WITH U
Good Boy B88 (7:17:07 PM):gooooood
Good Boy B88 (7:17:10 PM):I'm not joking
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:17:16 PM):omg r u realy gonna cum
Good Boy B88 (7:17:20 PM):yessssss
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:17:39 PM):im so exited i cant type lol
Good Boy B88 (7:17:43 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (7:17:51 PM):promise to kiss me?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:00 PM):ya i will
Good Boy B88 (7:18:04 PM):good
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:06 PM):big kiss
Good Boy B88 (7:18:07 PM):I'll kiss ya back
Good Boy B88 (7:18:09 PM):mmmm
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:13 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (7:18:20 PM):I want you
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:22 PM):omg ur realy gonna do it?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:27 PM):i want u 2
Good Boy B88 (7:18:31 PM):yes, baby
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:18:31 PM):i realy do
Good Boy B88 (7:18:36 PM):I want you bad
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:19:01 PM):i missed u so bad and missed talkin 2 u caus ur my best freind omg i missed u
Good Boy B88 (7:19:09 PM):mmmm you are mine too
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:19:21 PM):i cant wait
Good Boy B88 (7:19:24 PM):me either
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:19:27 PM):when will u b here
Good Boy B88 (7:19:34 PM):Imma grab you and kiss you hard
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:19:42 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (7:19:50 PM):I was thinking about noon or 1:00pm?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:19:55 PM):kewl
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:20:02 PM):i will watch 4 u
Good Boy B88 (7:20:04 PM):how will I find you?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:20:24 PM):if u get a room on back of motel i can c u from my house
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:20:30 PM):i cud c ur car
Good Boy B88 (7:20:34 PM):okay
Good Boy B88 (7:20:41 PM):what is the name of the motel?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:21:00 PM):(name of motel given)
Good Boy B88 (7:21:17 PM):okayu
Good Boy B88 (7:21:19 PM):oops
Good Boy B88 (7:21:20 PM):ok
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:21:48 PM):im so exited
Good Boy B88 (7:21:52 PM):what's your address?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:22:27 PM):name is (name of motel)
Good Boy B88 (7:22:41 PM):that's where you live?
Good Boy B88 (7:22:45 PM):in there?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:22:55 PM):behind motel on (Street) circle
Good Boy B88 (7:22:59 PM):oh okay
Good Boy B88 (7:23:04 PM):are you in an apartment?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:23:08 PM):ya
Good Boy B88 (7:23:19 PM):upstairs or downstairs?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:23:27 PM):4-plex
Good Boy B88 (7:23:35 PM):what street is the motel on?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:24:05 PM):8th street and that is hwy 62
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:24:15 PM):is on corner of my street
Good Boy B88 (7:24:24 PM):alright
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:24:31 PM):kinda across from a tracter plac
Good Boy B88 (7:24:45 PM):got it
Good Boy B88 (7:24:52 PM):how long can you be with me?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:24:55 PM):r u realy gonna do it
Good Boy B88 (7:24:59 PM):yes, baby girl
Good Boy B88 (7:25:16 PM):I want to do it
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:25:22 PM):mom leaves at 11:15 and dont get back till after midnite
Good Boy B88 (7:25:27 PM):oh cool
Good Boy B88 (7:25:30 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:25:31 PM):i kno
Good Boy B88 (7:25:35 PM):lots of kissing
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:25:40 PM):and huggs
Good Boy B88 (7:25:44 PM):yesssss
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:26:13 PM):i look at ur pics evryday
Good Boy B88 (7:26:17 PM):sweeet
Good Boy B88 (7:26:21 PM):I look at yours too
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:26:32 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (7:26:39 PM):I like your body
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:26:44 PM):hehehe
Good Boy B88 (7:26:48 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:26:49 PM):i like urs 2
Good Boy B88 (7:26:52 PM):good
Good Boy B88 (7:26:55 PM):you get to feel it
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:27:03 PM):(emoticon)
Good Boy B88 (7:27:06 PM):(emoticon)
Good Boy B88 (7:27:13 PM):I missed you so much, Cindy
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:27:32 PM):i missed u 2 im sorry and i wont nevr b hateful agin
Good Boy B88 (7:27:37 PM):it's okay
Good Boy B88 (7:28:17 PM):I keep thinking about being with you
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:28:19 PM):i will watch 4 ur car but i 4got what kind it is. i kno u said itz blue
Good Boy B88 (7:28:26 PM):yes
Good Boy B88 (7:28:33 PM):maybe I can meet you somewhere
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:28:44 PM):why
Good Boy B88 (7:28:51 PM):in case you don't see my car
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:29:02 PM):i can walk 2 motel. u kno what i look lik and i kno what u look lik
Good Boy B88 (7:29:08 PM):yes
Good Boy B88 (7:29:14 PM):go like to the lobby or something
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:29:42 PM):i cud jsut sneek into ur room if u park in back
Good Boy B88 (7:29:47 PM):okay
Good Boy B88 (7:29:49 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:30:14 PM):i will start watchin at noon
Good Boy B88 (7:30:19 PM):okay baby
Good Boy B88 (7:30:37 PM):no one will see you go in my room will they?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:30:38 PM):u r realy gonna cum c me omg omg omg im so happy
Good Boy B88 (7:30:54 PM):oh god yesss baby I been thinking about you all week
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:31:02 PM):no and i dont kno anybody in apartments anywayz
Good Boy B88 (7:31:08 PM):okay good
Good Boy B88 (7:31:15 PM):what do you want me to wear?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:31:22 PM):i promis ill b careful
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:31:25 PM):dunno
Good Boy B88 (7:31:26 PM):i know baby
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:31:33 PM):what u want me 2 wear
Good Boy B88 (7:31:41 PM):something very sexieeeee
Good Boy B88 (7:31:43 PM):(emoticon)
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:32:03 PM):not sure i hav nothin very sexiee
Good Boy B88 (7:32:07 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (7:32:16 PM):you are sexie so it doesn't matter
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:32:22 PM):tyvm
Good Boy B88 (7:32:26 PM):welcome
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:33:09 PM):i cant beleive it
Good Boy B88 (7:33:12 PM):me either
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:33:14 PM):im so exited
Good Boy B88 (7:33:15 PM):i want you sooooo bad
Good Boy B88 (7:33:17 PM):me too
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:33:19 PM):me 2
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:33:32 PM):i was scard u were mad at me
Good Boy B88 (7:33:36 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (7:33:40 PM):I thought you were mad at ME
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:33:59 PM):oh man we gotta kiss and make up rofl
Good Boy B88 (7:34:03 PM):yesssssssssss
Good Boy B88 (7:34:04 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (7:34:06 PM):kiss a lot
Good Boy B88 (7:34:24 PM):I want you to grab me and hold me tight and kiss me all over
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:34:30 PM):i will
Good Boy B88 (7:34:33 PM):good
Good Boy B88 (7:34:37 PM):I will kiss you all over too
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:34:41 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (7:34:53 PM):I want you hot for me
Good Boy B88 (7:34:56 PM):hehe
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:02 PM):i am
Good Boy B88 (7:35:07 PM):I'm hot for you too
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:11 PM):kewl
Good Boy B88 (7:35:15 PM):sweet
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:17 PM):were 2 hotties
Good Boy B88 (7:35:20 PM):lol
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:20 PM):hehehe
Good Boy B88 (7:35:23 PM):no you are the hottie
Good Boy B88 (7:35:26 PM):I'm just me
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:30 PM):no u r
Good Boy B88 (7:35:33 PM):no u
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:36 PM):no u r
Good Boy B88 (7:35:39 PM):lol
Good Boy B88 (7:35:43 PM):you are so cute
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:35:44 PM):hehehe
Good Boy B88 (7:35:55 PM):I wanna roll around on the bed with you
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:36:01 PM):u r cute 2 u r very handsome
Good Boy B88 (7:36:09 PM):you are so sweet
Good Boy B88 (7:36:13 PM):but you are hot and cute
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:36:13 PM):ty
Good Boy B88 (7:36:16 PM):welcome
Good Boy B88 (7:36:52 PM):do you want me to hold you tight?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:36:59 PM):what time u hafta leave there
Good Boy B88 (7:37:08 PM):probably about 6:00am
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:37:13 PM):k
Good Boy B88 (7:37:24 PM):I will get there as fast as I can
Good Boy B88 (7:37:32 PM):what if I don't see you, what should I do?
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:37:40 PM):kewl i think it must be very far
Good Boy B88 (7:37:49 PM):I will drive there for you, baby
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:37:52 PM):u will c me i promis
Good Boy B88 (7:37:57 PM):okay good
Good Boy B88 (7:38:01 PM):I luv u
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:38:11 PM):i luv u 2 and im glad u luv me
LttlegirlBlue12 (7:38:21 PM):nobody nevr luved me b4


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

missed u so bad and missed talkin 2 u caus ur my best freind omg i missed u.
It should be friend instead of freind.

Thanks for the post, twacar.

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