Law - Income Tax - Birth Certificate - How Can Government Legally Cause You To Pay Voluntary Taxes - Trick By Definitions/ Illusion.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tax7 years ago

Law - Income Tax - Birth Certificate - How Can Government Legally Cause You To Pay Voluntary Taxes - Trick By Definitions/ Illusion.


I have studied law as a hobby via the internet for a few years and the stories and facts have come together to create a picture of ultimate proportions - How the human race has been enslaved & how nobody seems to know it.

The Inspiration That Got Me To Write This Steemit Post Starts As Follows:

I was asked to sign tax papars by my employer - I said that income tax does not apply to me as the term income defined in black laws dictionary states

that income is corporate gains & business profits and that my work with you is an equal exchange; my time for a fair exchange of money - there is no profit.

additionally this is not my business making profits nor is my pay tied to a corporation of any kind. I am a natural born sovereign person.

The look on her face was hard to dismiss. Her face was red as she slowly uttered - Everyone has to pay taxes..

Now this brings me to the question of - How can a government legally enforce income tax on natural private sovereign people when it is unlawful to do so?

The answer may surprise you!

One way to get you to pay income taxes is threw voluntarism - where you voluntarily pay taxes you don't owe but claim you do (Which ill get to in a moment)

and secondly by making you threw illusion take responsibility for the legal corporate title, which was written in your name, that your birth certificate created via the mechanisms of a legally binding contract which is void of holding any legal ground (due to the fact that full disclosure was not given & you were an infant incapable of taking part in this legally binding contract/status bracket) Called your birth (Berth) certificate.

The words we use in everyday life have different definitions in the language of law.

one example is the word driving. Driving in lawful terms state the definition as one engaging in commerce while using public road; one driving for hire; for pay.

Examples are taxi drivers, truck driver, etc.

These persons engaging in commerce (commercial DRIVING) with the use of a vehicle, travelling on public roads must have a drivers license, registration & insurance.

The natural born person - has an unalienable right to travel - meaning to take they're property from point A to point B.

The right to freedom of movement is a fundamentally protected constitutional right that is given by god the ultimate authority.

No Earth bound authority has the right to violate, infringe or step on this right.

Thus the private sovereign natural person requires no license to operate his vehicle. Your Traveling privately not commercially.

One's right to travel is given by the highest authority to a natural born person of earth and as such this right (as all others) are unconditional and requires no licensing or permission to express this god-given right. especially in regards to privately using PUBLIC roads.

Now how can government have tricked us all (for the majority) that many of these things that they punish us for by not adhering to they're strict and ever changing rules and regulations, are actually not required by us.

Well its via the trick/ illusion they create - the false webs of perception that they cast in plain sight

  • its just most of us are too stressed and overworked to actually learn what so vital in terms of our liberation.

For the keys of liberty & freedom are held dangling in front of our facing by the captors of the human race.

They keep us from reaching the keys simply by keeping us distracted and busy not to mention ignorant via these mechanisms.

The IRS States themselves - Taxes are voluntary.

And The Term Income Isnt Even Defined In They're Legislative Bill

  • thus without proper definition - one can not enforce anything in regards to income- for its not defined.

  • For if they defined it the average person would not file income tax - so they leave it out just to create the

illusion that a uneducated person in law would just read as income and then below the rules regarded to the undefined word income.

There is no law that requires an individual to pay taxes.

Ask the IRS to see the that law - they can't show it. There is none.

If they want to enforce a law (that does not exist) - Its they're legal obligation to show you that law upon request.

Be the non-combatant - non-belligerent party who is cooperating and who wants to comply.
But for your records you need to see the law - its your right.

When they fail to provide this information - they've lost more than half the battle right there.

Also please note that it is unlawful to incriminate someone for a failure to do something (like a failure to pay taxes)- in others words - doing nothing.

You also have a right not to self incriminate yourself - yet by filing taxes you can accidentally wind up unknowingly self-incriminating yourself.

Lets get further in the meaning of the berth certificate.

It in refined form the birth certificate is your parents unknowingly signing you off as property to a fictitious entity known as a corporation.

It is essential to note now that all countries are at they're root; corporations.

Thus in other words you are simply an employee of the coperation of Canada for instance and everything you own including your children are given to the state to hold

legal authority over these assets.

But as mentioned above this was done without full disclosure- thus the contract is void. Also you were an infant and had no say

  • thus nullifies the contract further.

So as Assets/ Employees of the state corporation via the birth certificate the government can now legally harass you and basically do anything they want to you

as you are they're property.

But not really as threw education of the facts - you are thus liberated. Via the same system that has enslaved you - you make the system work for you instead of it working against you as what is currently the case via the status title enforced upon you unknowingly.

  1. I don't identify as that all capital letter corporate name - that's not me the natural earth born sovereign individual.
  • That's the corporate name they want me to take responsibility for so that they can now legally harass & extort the me the individual.

If you identify as that corporate name and for instance walk into a court claiming ownership of that corporate title disguised in your birthed name

  • then they own you!

When you find our the truth; things become easier and less stressful for you now realize that to deal with the legal system - you deal with these things on the

private side no longer dealing with courts and the public domain where its build to extort Debtors - tax payers.

So in closing the way government can legally extort taxes from you (Which supreme court has ruled to be unlawful) is by you volunteering.

  • They create the illusion that you are legally required to do so - and they are able to violently

enforce punishment legally due to the fact that you've agreed that your physicality is responsible for that fictious legal title (name) of the corporate

entity created upon your berth.

Its you who volunteers to include your private income as corporate gains and profits as theyre employee.

But its not your fault threw ignorance & illusion, you've been tricked.

False flags, wars, mainstream media, politic, elections, poverty, sports & all the things alike are linked to creating distractions and

keeping you busy in some form or another - you end up investing your most precious resource in this treacherous scam; Time- until you don't have any energy left

to even care about your enslavement.

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Great post. I created a poem a few weeks ago similar to this message. Feel free to check it out.

That was very good! Thanks For Sharing

You are very welcome!

Very interesting. Yet, why hasn't there been any attorney who has been able to prove this? Wesley Snipes is the first to come to mind as a high profile case who lost appeal and did serve time.

I can't wait to learn more about this deception.


There is two sets of laws in place - Corporate & Private.

Don't let them confused who you are for a fictitious corporate entity having no rights & having corporate law apply to you - a private individual.

Cops naturally have been trained to enforce Corporate law and will apply this onto you.

Be Aware - And State Your Rights.

They get away with this Un-Lawful Extortion by your ignorant compliance.


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