My Tattoos are Armor
When i was young some bad things happened to me.
After years of drawing on my jeans, painting my skin, coloring my hair i was finally 18. See i knew people who could tattoo me before i was 18 but i wanted to wait and do it right.
So i went and got my first tattoo on my birthday which landed on easter sunday. I had the most amazing artist who came in just for me. The feeling as i got the tattoo was like nothing i ever felt before, i was calm and collected. I felt powerful and protected.
Over the next 8 years i would go regularly to get more done, each time i would feel the same. I realized that my pain, anger, sadness from my trama was being shielded by these colorful pieces of art. Each piece had a reason even if i didnt know it at the time.
Earlier this year i saw my mother and she asked me why i continued to get them, i have my arms, legs and back covered. I dont plan any face or hand tattoos but everywhere else will be touched. I explained how i feel each time i would get a new tattoo. How it was my therapy and afterwards how i felt. She couldnt understand but she supports me with anything that helps.
I know there are others like me, who find help in the feeling of the ink in your skin. Tattoos can save lives.