Delicious Local food "chotpoti"
Hlw my all food lover,
Hope you all are well. Today I will take you to a "chotpoti" shop near the street.This is a delicious food shop.
The chatty of this shop is so delicious to eat. We all go out to eat at this shop together with friends.This chat is our favorite item. Not just for the sake of taste, the food here is beautifully served. All people smell the food on the roadside.
This sauce is made with lentils, potatoes, and various spices. And serving is done with eggs, yogurt, sasha, salat, etc.
Tas chotpoti shop
saidpur plaza super marked near, Aria Saidpur,Nilpham, Bangladesh
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Restaurant Information
Tas chotpoti shop
Saidpur, Bangladesh
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