Bread Bakar abound at once cheap!
For the culinary explorer of Bandung, never ventured to Simpang Dago? Because here a lot of culinary wealth of Bandung hide
mangkal near angkot Simpang Dago. As a place to sell this toast that has been really long here..Before tempat2 eating bread like a famous toddler, the baker / burn type like this first boom .. bread they make bigrrrr so bsia eaten rame2 ..
baked baked goods guedeee, In addition to delicious the price is also cheap: D really fitting for backpacking exciting on the night of the week while enjoying the excitement dago street at night:
Restaurant Information
Culinary bandung (intersection dago)
Pasar Tradisional / Pasae Sae, Jl. Ir. H.Djuanda, Lebakgede, Coblong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
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