coffee while eating sponge cake
Many factors affect our health. What we can not control may be genetic and age. However, we can make a change in lifestyle.
Lifestyle is very important because how we live make these choices and choices decide how healthy we are. Habit is an important part of lifestyle.
Many of us do basically unhealthy habits after eating. Doing certain things or eating something after eating will cause our body's reactions that can interfere with the process of digestion and metabolism. But most of us do not realize these things, until finally gave birth to the myth.
Ada beberapa mitos yang beredar tentang apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan setelah makan. Mari kita jelajahi apa itu.
Restaurant Information
Abuwa kupi
Jl. Merdeka, Simpang Empat, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
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