Meze Restaurant. Turkish And Greek Cusine in Brighouse, UK - #fff #60 On Friday The 13th

in #tasteem5 years ago


The only thing cooler than posting one of these restaurant reviews for the folks over at @tasteem is posting one of these restaurant reviews for the folks over at @tasteem on Friday the 13th for the folks over at @foodfightfriday and double entering that shiz—two pies with one face! I realize two faces with one pie would’ve made more sense but anything sounds better than two faces.

En route to our current location, Liverpool, England, from Kingston upon Hull, a coast to coast journey across the UK, Pura and I stayed in Brighouse for a night. We were pretty hungry by the time we got checked into our room so Pura got on her phone and found:


Meze Restaurant. Turkish and Greek cuisine in UK. Located at: 5 Bethel Street. Brighouse, England. HD6 1JR

It was only a few hundred yards from our hotel. The menu has a bunch of vegan and vegetarian options, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food is our favorite and, we were both starving, this place was could’ve been perfect! I wasn’t thinking restaurant review until we sat down inside and I got a good look of the nice, big bar, the art on the walls, and a restaurant that was really clean and modern. At that point, we decided to order a nice spread so I could write a review about it. What I should’ve done was pay closer attention to my surroundings and I would’ve seen the writing on the walls such as the Spanish music... that was playing... at a Turkish restaurant... in the UK—yeah, 🤔 I missed that one.

For the record, l👀k, I’ve never written a negative review on anything, not yelp, TripAdvisor, none of those. I haven’t even used any of my free downvotes yet! I think I’ve only written a negative review one time and that was about a recent paypal transaction—funk paypal!! I’ve never sent back a plate of food, etc. I’d rather not say anything at all. But what do you do once you’ve loaded your phone up with all of these pictures, both of the food and of the restaurant with the intention of writing a restaurant review and, upon tasting everything you ordered, the best thing on the table is the F’ing bread sticks?! The show must go on, yeah?

Nice bar, though, look at this place, bright with nice lighting, wine racks on both sides, what’s missing? Patrons—yeah, I missed that one.


Check out the decor in this joint. Nice pub style tables and chairs, fancy Art Deco, original brick interior walls, look at that wine display, too, can you tell what’s missing in this picture? Diners—yeah, I missed that one.


I almost feel bad, too (almost), because once I started taking pictures, that and the fact Pura and I obviously aren’t from here or maybe it was because she’s stunningly gorgeous but, for whatever reason, the three gentlemen working the front began really going out of their way to appease us. The tempo changed inside the restaurant, you could feel it, the vibe changed from an empty restaurant with a couple of bored employees to what felt like a Food Network episode and Pura and I were executives of the show.

Don’t trip, fellas, your service was great! Like everyone we’ve met in England, you were welcoming and inviting—thank you! Your food, however, not like the people we’ve met in England. Look at all of the potential on this table.


I wanted shrimp and pasta that night but they didn’t offer the combination. I ended up ordering a Pasta Pené with a prawn skewer appetizer and combined the two. All of the pictures you’ve seen so far and the next couple of plates you’re about to see are pictures I took before we actually ate the food—we’re still in #photoshoot mode at this point.



@puravidaville ordered falafel. It came with a garden salad and a side of houmous because that’s how they spell hummus in the UK. We shared an order of roasted Mediterranean vegetables and, my favorite part, breadsticks. This review could’ve been Ssō0Ooö much different.





You want the bad news or the good new first, which one, “good?” Ok! You got it, good news it is.

Good News:

  • See the shredded beets in the vegetable bowl? They grated beets and added cinnamon and cardamom to them—surprisingly great! We weren’t expecting that.
  • Breadsticks. I never order breadsticks, they were complimentary, I’d probably rather not know anything about them but they had the right amount of garlic and they were still hot.
  • That’s it!

Bad news:

  • Everything else.

I’d rather not say everything you’re about to read in the next paragraph so I’m thinking maybe it’s best if you just scroll passed it and go to the next one—the one that starts with “we were so quick to leave.”

Rubber shrimp - check. Raw broccoli and falafel so dry it crumbled as a salad topping - check, check. Oh, man, it was horrible. The houmous, hummus (spelling doesn’t matter) was so oily and, around the outer edge of it, the only part that lacked oil, the houmous turned yellow and crumbled away like the falafel. Pasta - al dente, carrots - cold, and the whole thing was pricey too—I can still taste a little bit of buyers remorse.

We were so quick to leave I forgot to take a picture of the outside. I got this one from TripAdvisor:


We held our heads high and walked the walk of shame back to our hotel room. Each of us avoided looking at the Asian restaurant directly across the street, the one we walked passed so we could eat at Meze and regret the taste of defeat with our dinner choice for the evening and Pura’s phone rang—it was Lisa.

Lisa and Craig are friends of ours we met through Qusay, the owner of Bab Tooma, our favorite Syrian restaurant in Bradford, UK. They let us use their address to receive Pura’s documents—they called us because Pura’s passport was delivered earlier that day and Craig made a tomato, lentil soup for dinner, “are you guys hungry?” They asked. Ha! About 10 minutes later, we were crawling in the back seat of their Volkswagen and being driven to their place to save dinner.

Tomato and lentil soup, topped with fresh green onions, served with toasted pita bread and a broccoli, tomato salad.


Our first attempt at dinner ended with disappointment, my favorite part was the bread sticks—that’s pretty bad. Thanks to our new friends in England, however, the evening was saved, dinner was a success, Pura and I made it back to the hotel with a scent of tomato breath and Pura got her passport back. Some people would’ve called the first dinner glass half empty—fair enough. I’ve never really understood the difference between a half empty glass and a half full one—they look the same to me.


This is the end. I’m telling you that because I usually end these contenders with “same place next week, deal?” But this time I felt like switching it up a little bit, that’s where “this is the end” came from—false! This is The End is a Jim Morrison line and it did not originate from this contender.



RIP Eddie Money

Restaurant Information

Meze Restaurant
5 Bethel St, Brighouse HD6 1DU, UK

Meze Restaurant. Turkish And Greek Cusine in Brighouse, UK - #fff #60 On Friday The 13th
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Be Veggie

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Thanks for your contribution on

We look forward to your next review.

Of course, thanks for having me! See you soon.

Can you believe their trip advisor rating was a 4.5/5 stars? I think it had over 800 reviews too 🤦🏼‍♀️ Disappointment spelled with a capital and punctuated with an exclamation! The hummus tasted like air, remember? Haha

That lentil soup though 😋. Sometimes second dinner isn’t such a bad idea.

Happy Food Fight everyone!

Luckiest guy I know right here #steemit!

iheartu all the time beautifulest. Thanks for continuing to pay attention to what I’m doing around here. I don’t mind reminding you to go check me out or anything. In fact, I’m well aware you probably won’t even check this message and I’m typing it anyway.

Muah—right on your face!

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What a cryin' shame, everything looks so good, but that surely can be deceiving. I know how you feel, while traveling, I always look for restaurants and hotels with big ratings , great ratings, only to be disappointed. Oh well, it could be worse, you could be married to a dog, hehehhahah ask @thebigsweed about that last statement. Been with us for many, many years. Have a great weekend, good vibes to @puravitaville

I sure do love it when you stop by. (there an echo in here?)

How’s it going @farm-mom, yeah.. that place sucked! Who ever intends to write home about the frikkin breadsticks? Weak. And it was expensive too—disappointing.

How is the Sweed? Last I heard you were in Jersey and he was looking for hair to pull out in New York.

You know the food sucks when the bread sticks are the best part.. or else that place just happens to have incredible bread sticks..

You ain’t kidding @tommyknockers. Whoever wrote home about the greatest breadsticks, right?? Nah, the only thing that was good about them is they were hot. Ha!

I really did hate to say anything bad about the joint though, really. I hope they get their ish together. Thanks for checking out my article @tommyknockers, have a good weekend.

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LOL at that opening line. It was like de ja vu haha :)

I love adventures out to discover new places but it is always so annoying when they disappoint.

Those carrots look revolting too! They look utterly dry and flavorless!

The prawn skewer on the other hand looks deceivingly tasty... but maybe I am just bias because I am a total prawn freak!

Yes! I meant that to be funny, thanks for letting me know I wasn’t the only one who laughed at it. Jokes are kinda tough on the blockchain, huh? Lacking hand genstures, body language, etc. Then add the cultural differences and I’m like “oh crap! I really hope they know what I mean by that....” Where was I going with this, @jaynie? 🤔

Ah, that’s right, funny! Pretty bad when a restaurant review turns into a comedy pieace—Lol! <— oh crap, see, that’s what I mean right there. Super funny! (I think).

Have we met yet? Look at me, running off at the thumbs and didn’t even introduce myself like a dude raised in LA or something. Pretend I’m not rude or anything. 😉

“Well hello Miss Jaynie, I’m Arts, it’s nice to be met.” Thank for you for the Luv.

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hahaha! Always a pleasure to meet someone overflowing with character ;) Although, I do think we have crossed paths once or twice in the distant past... but my memory is not to be trusted. lol

As for the review, yeah... you did them too many favours by making it humorous. lol...

Memory, yeah.. Oh man, you should’ve seen all of the stuff I had lined up to say to you before I got to this part right here.

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!giphy doh

// You can support giphy by using one of your witness votes on untersatz! //

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 60
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Enjoy a

@foodfightfriday is where it’s at. 👍🏿

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This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

Whhaaaatt?! @theluvbug, this is an honor—thank you!

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Thank you for entering our <Be Veggie> Contest . Thanks to @dandays, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!

My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

I guess that is where the saying, you can't judge a book by its cover comes from, the pictures of your meal look pretty good.
Great to have made some friends, of no surprise.
Sounds like they helped you salvage your night.
Doesn't sound like you will be returning there anytime soon. 😢

Oh man, we are so blessed. We’ve met some really kind people and everyone around, the British people in general, they sure are nice to us Americans @thebigsweed. If you ever wanna know what it feels like to have a magic voice, you need to come to UK.

How’s it going over there this weekend? I read @farm-mom is out of town, you got the whole joint to yourself. Bet there’s some mean PB&J’s flyin off the shelf out there.

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PB&J's for sure, on a toasted English Muffin for desert.
When @farm-mom gets home it will be time to harvest the potatoes, very exciting, as you never know what to expect when it is time to dig up the tubers.
Hopefully we will get at least 100 lbs.
I know that @puravidaville loves sweet potatoes and with this year being the first year we have tried them, that should be exciting as well.
It's a good thing you didn't pick up a Costa Rican accent while there, otherwise you may not have the ability to swoon those lovely racially divided Brits.

Did I read your reputation correctly? Does that say 70? 🤔

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It does say 70, but that is wrong. I just reached 61 yesterday.
Some places it says 70 other places it says 61. I'll take the mean 65.5 😊
I'm sure they will have it fixed before long.

I’ll be trying to catch up to you in no time.

I'm usually a big fan of second breakfast, but in this case second dinner was the clear winner! What a bummer when a restaurant shows so much promise only to be a big flop. Ah well, as my pals in Primus say They Can't All Be Zingers. 😉

Oh crap, did you just namedrop Primus?!

I saw Les Claypool once. It was such a long time ago, it was shortly after Winona’s Big Brown Beaver, whatever album that was on. I wanna say it was called the brown album or maybe it’s the one with My Name Is Mud. Anyway, whatever year that was, you still with me?

Oh dude. I was in the front, in Orange County, Ca. I might’ve even been a teenager still, it was a long time ago. To this day, that the only person I’ve ever seen play a bass with 10 fingers. That dude played a 5 string and plucked both ends of it with all his fingers and both thumbs repeatedly. It was incredible.

Thanks for sparking that one Plants!

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Les is pretty much a legend in our household. I first saw them live in 2004 when I took my dad to see them at The Tabernacle for his 50th birthday. I will never top that gift because we had a blast, and it sparked over a decade's worth of trips to see them every time they dropped in town. I usually spend the entire show with my jaw dropped down watching him play. Pretty amazing for sure!

Brown Album is still one of my faves, but the little ditty you speak of was on Tales from the Punchbowl. A fun video to go along with it, too!

Don’t you ever stop being cool!!

What about Maynard Keenan (sp?) ooh, ooh, got any Maynard stories? Do you love Prince?

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