Tarot Tuesday Reading - Mars Turns Retrograde, Full Moon Conjunct Saturn - An Unexpected Bolt From the Blue

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

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Welcome everyone to #TarotTuesday! In the week ahead we need to be especially mindful about the actions we are about to take as we have a couple of important astrological events taking place that will affect the results of these actions considerably. If you have been taking action easily and achieving your goals while Mars has been exalted and direct, be much more mindful now because we are about to experience a reversal and an upheaval of sorts.

Exalted Mars who is with karmic lunar node Ketu in Capricorn has turned retrograde today, June 26 at 4:04 pm EDT. This will coincide with the full moon that will occur at 10:52pm EDT in sidereal Sagittarius tomorrow night. This particular full moon is within one degree of retrograde Saturn, and will bring forth an intense reality check. Both are falling in the severe yet profound lunar mansion of Mula Nakshatra, a star symbolized as a bunch of roots that gives us piercing insight to see the root-cause of things, cracking open our very foundation to perhaps uproot something that was firmly in place so that something new, stronger and more resilient can be planted to grow. Freedom from conditioned belief systems and karmic entanglements will be the upside.


Mula nakshatra resides at the volatile heart of the galactic center and is ruled by Nirriti, the goddess of dissolution and ruination. Nirriti symbolizes calamity, and is the goddess of destruction who lives in the kingdom of the dead. Nirriti has the power to ruin, destroy and break things apart. This is heavy karmic energy being activated as Mula is ruled by shadow graha, Ketu who is asking us to detach and let go of the past. One's "inner goddess" will be awakening to shake the very foundation under our feet which might seem a bit overwhelming to say the very least. Seismic activity is even highly likely with this energy activated. Mula is also a gandant nakshatra, residing in the "drowning" karmic zone where a water sign turns into a fire sign (Scorpio turning into Sagittarius) so there is even more propensity towards an out of control feeling about events that are taking place. It's definitely a time to ground yourself and hold on tight!

Nirriti, vedic goddess of destruction

In vedic astrology, when an exalted planet goes retrograde it's energy gets exaggerated and therefore loses it's power of exaltation. In basic terms, Mars represents our actions so it is imperative that we really move slowly and take the time necessary to consider the consequences of our actions and our decisions for the next two months until Mars leaves retrograde status on August 27, 2018. Look to the house where Capricorn lies in your vedic astrology chart to get an idea of what area in your life will be affected. If you don't have your chart and aren't sure about your planetary placements according to sidereal zodiac astrology, click on the link below to find out how to get your own personalized vedic astrology report that will include your natal chart and much, much more:


A great metaphor to illustrate what an exalted Mars going retrograde looks like is the children's board game Chutes and Ladders. Exalted Mars would be ascending up ladders, taking definitive action to accomplish it's goals in conquering challenges and ascending to higher ground. However when it enters retrograde status, this same exalted Mars is intensified and concentrated creating a debilitating downtrend instead. If you aren't familiar with this popular children's game from the 80's, take a look at the vintage commercial below so you are to see what I mean.


The above picture of children going up a ladder only to come sliding down a red (color of Mars) chute is the perfect image to represent what we are about to walk into energetically with exalted Mars turning retrograde for the next two months. To add to the intensity, Mars will also be going out of bounds (past 23.5 degrees in declination), so events will feel even more extreme and out of our hands. We are definitely in for some form of a divine, yet uncontrollable slide going down, down, down as we see below!



Now, onto the divination... My first question to the runes and tarot was,
"What will the theme be of this next week ahead, June 26 - July 2, 2018?"

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The rune I randomly cast is called Hagalaz which literally means "hail" or "hailstorm". It is a rune of calamity, crisis, and catastrophe. The runes concur we are in for some kind of radical change regarding objective confrontation with past patterns. A situation that has taken root in our lives might be unexpectedly ripped out or destroyed at this time. Hail shocks with the stinging hardness of confrontation but then melts into water which germinates seeds for transformation. Whatever happens, remember it is ultimately in the interest of our highest good overall - however uncomfortable things get.

The tarot is communicating through it's symbology that the theme during this time will be with regards to our romantic relationships, with the two of cups crossing the ten of swords. The red roses (color of passion, the "root" or base chakra and also of Mars) and the ornate cups (indicative of emotion) in the two of cups will transform into some kind of fatal, death like situation with the involvement of the ten of swords. Notice how much darkness there is in the two of cups, indicating that the passion and feelings in this relationship are surrounded by uncertainty and lack of clarity. But in the ten of swords, we can clearly see the lights are on and what we are beholding is a vision of destruction and ultimate ending. Things have gone too far for far too long which has created a situation where the final sword through the bull's head has sent the relationship into a death spin. Relationships will be severely and irrevocably damaged during this time, with the stark reality check we are about to see. We will soon be waking up to some long held illusions about our relationships for certain. You might even feel like you are being ejected or are ejecting yourself from a relationship that you have been going around and around about unexpectedly, so take the time to ground and center yourself through spiritual rituals like meditation, yoga, or mantra to name a few.

The next question I asked was,
"What is this energy going to look like over the course of the next week?"

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Here we see the 6 of wands, the 7 of wands, and the infamous collasping tower. During this time, we will be feeling confident and victorious in our individual position, our beliefs about our capabilities, and personal stance in life. With the appearance of the rainbow, we will be feeling quite harmonious within ourselves about where we are individually coming from. A sense of victory and overcoming hardships will be present and we will feel strong.

It seems the point of contention comes however when we encounter someone who is challenging those heartfelt beliefs. Since we will feel that we have the moral high ground, we will be extremely inspired to dig our heels in and push back against whatever this person is coming at us with. In defending ourselves and our beliefs by not backing down, it looks like something unexpectedly breaks, gets destroyed, or is set ablaze. It appears that like the tree in the tower card, the relationship itself will suffer some sort of fatal destructive force in the process of this confrontation. This connection that we thought was rooted, strong and resilient will be ripped out and unexpectedly broken. We might even see literal forest fires on a more mundane level.

If one looks at the above picture, we can see kindling in the 6 of wands being added to the match flame in the 7 of wands creating a forest fire unexpectedly in the tower. Lots of fire here in these cards, so expect destruction but a resulting purification that is needed and necessary for healing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all and the rest of the world during this time of radical awakening. Just make sure your plans of action are well thought through in the most painstaking way, and have a plan B, or you could wind up regretting it. With so many indications of things being out of control in the sky over the next week, influences upon us now will be very karmic, foundation shaking, and extremely transformative.

May the force be with you!

If you would like a reading with me, please click on the link below:

Lord Ganesh - Remover of Obstacles



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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Thank you very much as always :)

You're very welcome! 😊

Um, wow. Intense.

That being said, nice aesthetics in this post! Nice creative trajectory with your Tarot card photography.

Thank you so much - can't wait to see where this goes :)

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