Cards are Up for Tarot Tuesday! Pick one and have some fun by Sunscape
Sunscapes Card Reading
Pick a card from the following to receive
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.
- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well.
This weeks reading is from the Card Deck
Souls Journey & Trust Your Vibes
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!
Card 1
"I am open to seeing both sides of a situation."
"I am open to seeing both sides of a situation."
Chances are you don't truly understand others' motivations if you haven't lived their lives and seen the world through their eyes. It's so easy to judge another's behavior matched up against your own and label it as right or wrong. But you're missing an important part of the equation: the other person's history and personal soul path.
We are all sparks of the Divine, with a purpose here in the physical dimension, and we can all exert our free will. Some of us have lost our way along the path to love, and it is a human reaction to judge others before examining heir journey through their eyes and with compassion. Your job is not to judge; your job is to love and understand.
Ask Your Spirit Helpers - No. 15 = 6
This is a time to call on your helper guides, those higher beings on the Other Side who are masterful in addressing the specific challenges you face right now. They're ready, willing, and able to gently help you achieve your goals, so don't hesitate to ask for help. Open up to their influence when you're stuck by doing something completely unrelated to the challenge at hand, such as going for a short walk or relaxing with a cup of tea.
If you want to contact a specific helper guide, you can do that as well. They can be people known only to you, such as your father or grandfather, or know to all as public figures or famous people. You can also ask your deceased grandmother, for her apple pies, to help you prepare dinner for your boss or a new love interest. And don't be shy to ask for the best in every area. Your helper guides love to help, and will whenever you ask.
Card 2
"I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment."
"I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment."
Balance means bringing a sense of stability and wholeness into every area of your life. Many times when you look at a situation objectively, you will resonate with one side more than the other. Try not to view either as good or bad, but simply recognize that it is.
The true nature of the scales of balance is to give both sides of a situation your equitable, objective perspective. It can be difficult to understand the sid that you don't relate to, but that is a lesson in itself.
What is it about you that prevents you from giving both sides of the coin your non-judgmental assessment? This situation or person has been placed in your path to teach you that everyone has his or her own unique, authentic life story, and you must put yourself in tht person's shoes to really understand his or her motivation. Balance is a godly virtue, and if it is struck, you will reap the benefits of insight and compassion
Feed Your Spirti - No. 47 = 11
Just as you must feed your body, you must also feed your spirit. It makes you stronger, energized, and more powerful. Most people are unaware of what feeds their spirit, but even if they know, they neglect to follow through. Don't be guilty of this. Feeding your spirit comes from choosing experiences that empower you, and help you feel more authentic, spontaneous, and joyfully alive. Your spirit's food is personal; only you know what your spirit hungers for.
For example, your spirit could be fed by exercise, dancing, time with grandchildren, having a great cup of coffee, and walks with someone you care about deeply. What may feed some others, like a walk on the beach, or sitting with one's back against a tall Oak tree or singing at the top of your lungs while driving down the highway, may not be your style. Whatever makes your heart jump for joy is what you are needing more of at this moment in time. Take time to feed your spirit and watch your vibration rise to new heights. Oh Yeah, go for it!
Card 3
"I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness."
"I want to expand my consciousness and my awareness."
You are constantly being presented with situations that enable you to develop your inner wisdom and assist you in advancing to higher levels of understanding. The lesson is to be aware of these events and recognize them for what they are. To live a mindful life is not only about respecting and honoring those around you; it is also about recognizing every person and circumstance on your path as a teacher. The constant chatter and diversions of life on Earth can distract you from the signposts that Spirit has left on your path.
Take the time to be aware of the bountiful wisdom that has been laid before you. Acknowledge these gifts and take them to heart as you continue your sojourn in this physical dimension. Don't look for the opportunities that you think you need; instead, be receptive to the opportunities that are given.
Play - No. 11
To activate your higher awareness and instantly restore good vibrations, all you need is a serious dose of recreation and play-time. Rather than continuing to relentlessly press against the uphill battles of life, it's necessary to back off at regular intervals and do something fun. This gives your ego a break and allows your creative spirit to incubate a solution.
Having fun is not a waste of time. It allows the Universe to work on your behalf while you refresh your soul and again a new perspective. Play, also raises your personal vibration and increases your ability to receive Divine guidance from the higher realms.
Albert Einstein once said that he wished he had played more, while Leonardo da Vinci made it a regular daily practice. An hour or two, or even a full evening or weekend of play, will release your inner genius, restore your vitality, and usher in the solutions you seek.
Badk off, relax, enjoy, and see if a surprising outcome results.
This weeks Spirit Guidance
I hope you enjoyed this week's card reading. I will continue to post bi-monthly cards on #tarottuesday using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the current spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...
Sun. Scape. Ing your day
Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!
@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.
To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.
Thank you @steemittarot for your support.
You're very welcome, @sunscape!
Very nice and helpful readings!
Thank you very much!
You are most welcome my friend.
Wish you could be in Bangkok! I knew I would have two people coming to the Fest!
Now it turned out other three bloggers I know are also coming! I can’t clone myself! There’s so much to do and to take the first two guests around Bangkok!
Please drop a note before you come here in the future!!
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