Tarot Tuesday - Reading for the Week of June 5th to June 11th
In honor of meeting a fellow Homestuck nerd this past weekend while playing D&D, here's a Tarot Tuesday post with my Homestuck deck :D
So, now that you've picked your card (or cards) check out below to see what they are and how to take them into advisement for the week ahead.
1. Judgment
Now is the time of beginnings and ends. Let go of something that's bad for you and start something to help reach your goals. You'll thank yourself in the long run for it.
2. Strength
Despite your own pains and the anger of others, do not lose your kindness. Don't let yourself be a doormat, of course, but remember that kindness is a choice you make on a daily basis and continue to choose to be kind.
3. Justice
Sometimes the people who do bad things don't get the punishment they deserve, and we don't get the justice we seek if that wrong was against us. But this week justice will be served, probably not in the traditional sense but it will happen nonetheless.
A big week is ahead. Drop the bad and start the good, remember to be kind, and look out for those who have wronged you to finally get what they deserve for their actions.
Banner was made by me in photoshop. Homestuck deck belongs to to its respectful owner, and all pictures for the reading were taken by me.
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@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.
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