Tarot Tuesday February 18, 2020

in #tarottuesday5 years ago

I hope you all had a great weekend. Yesterday was a day with both of my children at home. It was full of lots of playing, mostly on their part. I love that they enjoy playing together as much as they do.

So here is today’s card pull I am using the Mystical Manga Deck by Rann with text by Barbara Moore. I will be doing a three-card pull and only pulling more for clarification. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What does the Universe need me to share?


First Card is the Death:
Divinatory meaning: Events have worked together to create the need for change - a type of change that is organic, a natural outcome, an ending to a stagnant and unhealthy situation. Change is usually scary. Humans prefer the known to the unknown. And loss, even if it clears the way for theoretically better things, is still loss and it hurts.
Advice: Change is coming and it is necessary. Don’t try to stop it. That means acknowledging grief and taking the time to mourn. To not do so only delays the process and the eventual rebirth.

Second Card is the Page of Swords
Divinatory meaning: The Page of Swords is smart and quick to learn… and easily bored. Once he understands something, he gets really good at using that knowledge to get what he wants, even if it is simply to amuse himself, sometimes at the expense of others. He is, like all the Pages, immature and sees things in black and white, which can be frustrating to those around him. He is clever, insightful, and discerning but can also be gossipy and judgmental.
Advice: Recognize your own intelligence but also admit that you don’t know what you don’t know. Reserve judgment and foster curiosity.

Third Card is Judgment:
Divinatory meaning: Judgment isn’t about being judged per se, or at least not being judged by others. It is about being connected not just to your own inner voice but also to whatever kind of power or being or idea that is more than yourself. Judgment is frequently defined as “the call,” meaning you receive clarity about some larger task or joy or action your soul want you to take.
Advice: That urge you are feeling, that big, wonderful thing you are thinking of doing… do it. Don’t question it because you know, you know, it comes from the purest and best part of yourself.

I pulled a Fourth Card as while doing the reading I felt that I needed to
Fourth Card is The Devil:
Divinatory meaning: Something is holding the situation and the people involved captive. The Devil is all about being bound to unhealthy or inauthentic things, behaviors, or people that keep you in bondage. Whatever is going on is not in your best interest and is, in fact, contrary to the desires of your heart and your soul’s purpose.
Advice: You may feel hopeless and helpless, but you are not. Yes, you are caught in a powerful, destructive cycle but you also have the ability to break free. Do whatever it takes and involve outside help if necessary.

The reading today I feel as though it is letting us know that change is coming. That there are some obstacles in the way but that we can get through them we may have to ask for help but to break free. It’s okay not to know everything and make sure that you don’t act as you do, but that part of you that is telling you to do something go for it.

This is one of those readings that goes straight to my soul. There is so much going on. Here and for myself, I know I can be my own Devil holding me back. I need to let go and free myself. I am hardest of all on myself and that is something that has to stop. These two together keep holding me back from doing what I really want. Fear and uncertainty, are my biggest enemies. I need to get past them and move on and work towards my dreams.

What do you think you need to do? Is something holding you back? Do you feel the change coming? I’d love to hear about it.

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. While doing this reading I am was listening to Spotify playlist Deep Focus. You can find me on Spotify under amrauthor. I hope you enjoy the music.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.


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