The Angels, its influence in our lives and magic
Before starting our article we will take a short break and ask ourselves.

What is an Angel?
We could define him as a celestial spirit that God created for his ministry. These beautiful beings of light are pure and their main function is to be messengers, guides and help us humans on the material plane.
Are they among us?
In my personal perspective, my experience and my relationship with them I can assure that if they are around us and I can speak with all the naturalness of the world because of it. Most of us have been influenced by our society; absorbed by materialism and technology which has generated us the thought that if something is not palpable, it can not be heard, it can not be seen, it can not be smelled, it does not exist, but we must not forget that this happens because we are on a material plane and these beautiful beings of light are on a spiritual plane.

What is its main function?
As mentioned above they are messengers, guides and sent by God to help us but in this section we will deepen their functions.
This is the first function that God designated them to perform, many times it has happened to us that we are going to make a decision, or we are walking in a certain street and something in our interior tells us that we must change course or that the decision we are making taking is not the correct one, it is then at that moment when the angel sent by our God is sending us a message to guide us, but our creator is so gentleman and respectful that he respects our free will to make decisions since he wants us to listen to his envoys for love and conviction; not by obligation.
In relation to its first and main function these angelic beings at the time of taking us a message also by default guide us, but in this role of being guides there is an important part in which we as human beings must contribute in order to establish a communication more direct and fluid with them, these actions to be able to establish communication with angels in a personal way I recommend learning to:
b) Meditate
c) Display and
d) Energize
Help people
If we analyze the functions of the angels they have a chronological order of learning and deepening because in this his 3rd function given by God comes into action those who read in the previous post the call to ask for help in which already enters the stage magic, which serves to ritualize and thus materialize in our physical plane the help requested.

Angels and magic; Angelical Magic
This type of magic is one that is used in white magic, on a personal level is with which my teacher taught me to work and which I fell in love with in its essence and in my daily relationship with these beautiful and wonderful beings . Communication in angelic magic is achieved through the exercises mentioned above and rituals that serve to summon them to request their help in a specific case.
Angelic magic is very compatible and adaptable to religious beliefs, but its purpose is totally different from them. In our present day angelic magic is the result of different manuscripts that have been copied and compiled in the Middle Ages and Renaissance; These manuscripts are mostly known as grimoires and contain rituals that were used in those times to attract the angels, given that these rituals were not accepted, much less seen by the church at that time, few of which were published before the century. XX. The first one dates from 1565.

I want to thank you for visiting my blog, I hope the post has been of your liking; If you are interested in magic and esoteric follow me, vote and share so that together we can continue learning from this wonderful world and bring light to more people, in my next post we will talk a little about what is an angelic white magician and the process of communication with the Angels.
And I can assure you personally, that magic transforms lives. Blessings from above ...
Your guide and friend Gabriel Luz
Find me on Facebook as El Tarot de Gabriel, Luz Espiritual.