Your Soul Whispers...Nov 17
On Nov 17, your soul whispers...
Organic balance is being highlighted today in the number Six. This is an ever-present, ever-active process of standing in your being as a human, and walking with an awareness and embodiment of your Inner Divine. Doing so is an active process because our experience in materiality leads us to stabilize our perspective only in the human experience, generally. Today, notice where you have become static or fixed in your life. Be willing to be open to a larger understanding of the totality of you, or of the static situation. This card asks you to be receptive to receiving more information about yourself, or about the situation at hand. It affirms that your Inner Divine must be an active part of the process of your understanding of who you are in your totality. You are asked to bring that knowing to your ever present awareness this day, as you move through your human experience. Without this understanding, this unity, there is no organic balance. You're forever jostling your emotions and your situations trying to get at that just right balance, but rarely finding it. You're being asked to incorporate in your real experience a conscious awareness of the divine love from which you originated. That love represents light and truth. It shines greater awareness on your understanding of who you are and of the situations at hand. It is bringing Heaven to Earth. As you unite your human self with your Greater Self, you are encompassing the totality of you. Strive to be aware and conscious that there is more to you than just your body and daily activities and the concerns of your everyday life. Affirm your Oneness with your Inner Divine, and be willing to embody and channel the Divine love from which you were made. See how it feels to be balanced in a more organic, holistic way. Feel how it us to feel the power of the bigger YOU in action. Balance is rooted in the ALL of who you are.