Tarot Tuesday Time! Exploring What We Need To Know About Relationships in May 2018

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

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With Mars joining shadow graha Ketu in Capricorn this month on May 2, we are in for some fiery, intensely powerful, and karmically motivated experiences over the next 6 months!

Mars usually transits a sign for about 6 weeks, but since it will be retrograding in Capricorn in June, it will wind up staying in Capricorn FOR 6 MONTHS! That's a long time to be in one sign and in Capricorn, Mars is exalted. Joining Ketu in conjunction, the effect of Mars will be off the charts! The area of life that will be affected will depend on what house the conjunction falls in within your personal natal chart.

If you would like to find out which area of your life will be affected by the upcoming transit of the Mars-Ketu conjunction, click on the link below to find out how to get a personalized vedic astrology report:


As a result of this extremely powerful transit upon us, I wanted to ascertain the energies of the month to see what we can expect, with Mars and Ketu pairing up. I thought it would be helpful to take a look at what's most important to know about the energy of relationships in May 2018 and since it's Tarot Tuesday, I felt it was the perfect time to share what I have received through my most recent divination.

The question I began with was:
"What do we need to know most about our relationships in May 2018?"

I decided to use one of my favorite decks, The Wild Unknown Tarot for this reading, read atop a few recent tie dyes I created.

I see that this reading is speaking to a situation where we are being called to move forward and on from a situation with a person who is being very cautious and deliberately slow moving. It seems this person is bringing problems with them and is experiencing a sense of isolation and invisibility, sad about feeling left out in the cold. This person is not realizing you are acting this way with them because they are taking a defensive stance with you while wanting to sidestep coming forward directly. With the Chariot bringing forth the idea of personal momentum and self control propelling us forward, we can expect to exit this scene, leaving this problematic person and their problems behind.


I had to ask...
Why we would be doing this?

It seems this person is trying to draw us to them in some way, wanting us to get ensnared in a situation with them where we will feel powerless and find it hard to free ourselves. It seems like we know this already though. Because we have light (the Sun behind the horse in the Chariot and the lit candle on the turtle shell in the Hermit) we possess the clarity we need to see what this person is up to. We clearly know that we need to conceal ourselves from this person because of the way they are handling the situation. We seem to intuitively know that the way to win is to hide out in the safety of our home base, going within instead.


What is this person doing that is making us feel like it's time to move on?

Like a snake senses heat signatures, this person feels like there is an opportunity for them here with us for something they want. This person's downfall is that they have taken an impersonal type of energy into this situation that doesn't consider the feelings of other people, as they are coming forth with their own purpose in mind. We can sense this and as a result have already put up appropriate boundaries to ward them off. Moving forward is just the next logical step and it looks like many will be feeling it's time to go as this person is not open to changing their position or considering ours.


So what is the best course of action for both people involved?

I drew a card for the person moving on (card on left) and then one for the person being moved on from (card on right). The person who is moving on needs to guard or protect themselves, adopting a self-protective posture by remaining closed off and shut down. It's time to be self-reliant and independent of this person and this situation as this person is not looking out for our best interest or feelings but their own.

The person being moved on from needs to have the shocking realization of us being shut down from them and moving on. It appears that they are in a dark place and are not able to receive the enlightenment them being left behind will bring. We can see here that these two snakes make a karmic pair though, so there is a reason you have been brought together with this person. You needed to see that they haven't changed at all, still doing as they have done in the past. The person being left behind needs to see that it's time to reassess their strategy when it comes to you because the old ways no longer work. They will be left behind in the dark alone if they keep doing the same thing over and over again with you. As they say in the world of recovery - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different result.


I clarified these two cards separately to get a clearer indication of the advice given. We can see that the person leaving needs to keep those defensive boundaries up, while adopting a protective, shut down stance as they move forward from this person.

The person being left needs to focus on finding a way to right this situation with the one leaving in order to be able to bring things into a state of congruence and stability. I see they need to get honest with themselves, and realize they can't go on being two sided about this relationship and their greater interactions with others. The person being left instead needs to bring the two sides of themselves together for integration into one completely assimilated being, as they seem split into two opposing personalities at this time - making them less effective, seemingly conflicted, and sending mixed messages to all they encounter.


If you would like a private relationship reading with me,
click on the link below:


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