Tarot Tuesday - Rune and Tarot Reading - New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Gemini on July 12-13, 2018!

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

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Welcome all to #TarotTuesday! I am a little late posting this in the early morning hours of Wednesday as the energy around me has been a bit hectic as of late. All apologies!

This coming Thursday or Friday the 12th or 13th depending on your time zone, we have important astrological events occurring that I wanted to discuss - a new moon and partial solar eclipse! But first let's go over what happened yesterday - Jupiter finally stationed direct!

As I stated in my last post, Jupiter (the planet of expansion and gain) has been retrograde since March 9, 2018 in the sign of relationship justice Libra. Yesterday around noon EST, Jupiter finally left it's retrograde cycle and stationed direct at 19 degrees Libra. This is all happening according to sidereal eastern astrology, not tropical western. If you missed my post about this last week, click on the link below to catch up:


With Jupiter resuming direct motion, we are now going to begin seeing the application of insights gleaned from this time of inner reflection via Jupiter's retrograde. We will start to see order, balance, and justice restored to relationship situations. Karmic consequences will now be coming to those who dishonored collective values and societal beliefs about fairness and equality in relationships. You might even find someone who did you wrong in a relationship breaking down and apologizing after Jupiter goes direct this month. We will see Jupiter move into Scorpio eventually on October 11, 2018.

The perfect quote for a newly direct Jupiter in Libra

The new moon and partial solar eclipse coming up is in the dual sign of Gemini. Expect a new beginning of some kind to commence. A situation is transforming and changing, most likely in regards to the communication of new ideas since Gemini is an air sign associated with intellect. Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Depending on where Gemini is placed and what planets are occupying that sign in your birth chart, we can generally expect some kind of unexpected illumination or revelation to happen with the help of this eclipse.

The nakshatra of Punavarsu is involved here in this eclipse, so this revelation might involve something or someone thought lost returning for a reunion, or at the very least to talk. Punavarsu nakshatra indicates a "return of light", bringing with it intuitive promptings, innovative ideas, and new inspiration. It is also a impulsive nakshatra and with Rahu close by in Pushya nakshatra - we need to see and think beyond the present moment and instead consider the long term implications of the situation being presented. Don't rush or get impatient now, take your time with this decision you will feel is being presented to you. Observe, listen, and slow down to ponder and consider.

In eclipse season, it is generally not a good time to be taking action but rather to observe what is being revealed. The next eclipse is going to be a real doozy as it is a full moon total lunar eclipse happening in Capricorn on July 27, 2018. I will write another post about that upcoming eclipse as the time draws closer.

If you would like to know which areas of your life will be impacted by the current astrological weather, my astrological report will unlock these doors of perception for you. If you don't have your sidereal birth chart or aren't sure about your planetary placements in vedic astrology, click on the link below to find out how to get your own personalized sidereal zodiac astrology report that will include your natal chart and much, much more:



Now, onto the divination... My first question to the runes and tarot was,
"What will the theme be of this eclipse be?"


The rune I cast is called Inguz which literally means "seed" - how perfect for a new moon! Inguz is a rune that also means isolation or separation to create a space or place where the process of transformation into more evolved states of being can occur. It is a rune of gestation and internal growth. Some kind of new opportunity is coming into our life at this time, an opportunity for a new beginning so make the room necessary for this "seed" so it can grow as we move forward into the future. Eclipses generally affect us for 6 months, so be mindful that in order to experience the evolution of this unrealized potential, we need must deliberately consider what we need to give in order to facilitate the growth we desire.

The first two cards I drew indicate that the theme of this eclipse will be centered around our social circle or generally the idea of coming together with others. Circumstances will be put in place by this eclipse that will make it possible to develop and foster the ideas of friendship, social camaraderie, and getting along with other people. Cooperation and teamwork are strongly highlighted here. With the appearance of a pair of threes however, this might involve a love triangle or situation where a third party may appear to try to improve and make things better if you are already involved in a relationship. With the nodes of the moon bringing in karmic influence, this could be centered around a situation from the past coming back to be worked on and enhanced.

I just got this mini Hanson Roberts tarot deck and somehow neglected to take out the introductory card as you can see in the second throw. This "mistake" gleaned such radical insight however into my efforts to clarify the theme of the eclipse. Here we see a mystical gypsy pulling back a green curtain (green is the color associated with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini) to REVEAL SOMETHING HIDDEN IN THE DARK - just what eclipses are KNOWN to do! Those who believe in fate and destiny will experience an upswing of luck at this time and profound change, as the wheel of fortune indicates a greatly fated transformation taking place! How exciting! Here we can clearly see the miraculous benefit that belief works in the life of the believer! For all you believers out there, get ready for a MAJOR seemingly FATED change to take place!

The next question I asked was,
"What is this energy going to look like?"



We can see the seed of opportunity has been planted and a branch is budding and growing while someone is calling out to us. Since they have the branch in their hand, it looks like someone will be wanting to offer us the proverbial "olive branch" symbolizing peace. It seems there has been some distance involved here as well. I say that because as you can see the awkward and immature page of wands is cupping his hand as he calls out to us. He is looking to increase the volume of his call in order to get through to the person who has given up on communicating and gone inactive.


The last question I asked was,
"What is our best course of action in response to the energy of this eclipse?"


The best course of action is to consider, listen, and study this person or situation. Simply allow this seed of potential to be placed in your hands and give it your undivided attention. Hear what this person has to say or what is being revealed about the situation to you at this time. Again, the message of this reading keeps repeating to me that it's not the time for action or decision making but a time for listening and learning. Mercury is known to be associated with education and the learning process and he is the ruling planet of this eclipse in Gemini. Allow this person or situation to show you what you need to know.

I was intuitively inspired to place this crystal necklace around the page of pentacles, the advice card thrown. This indicates to keep proper boundaries in place as you interact and communicate at this time. After all, the advice card is only telling us to listen and observe, not to change anything like the boundaries we have in place. Retrograde Saturn in Moola nakshatra is casting it's most powerful direct aspect on Gemini during this eclipse, showing us the root cause of the problems with this situation and why we needed the boundary in the the first place. We are about to see something really important and meaningful, so do not drop boundaries in this situation quite yet or you might regret it... simply observe and see what this eclipse is revealing to you.

If you would like a reading with me, please click on the link below:

Partial Solar Eclipse




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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

You're very welcome, @whiteheart!

Oh, and the weekly wrap-up was just posted. :)

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