A look at the Necronomicon Tarot
Today I'm going to take a look at one of the 200 plus tarot decks that I have sitting around me at work.
The Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson illustrated by Anne Stokes.
So first, if you are familiar with The Necronomicon at all, then you know this will be a dark deck.
It's definitely dark and has marks of ritual magic throughout. It deviates from the Rider Waite images fairly often, which I like.
The artwork is all pretty cool with great use of color.
I'll show some of the more interesting cards(to me) in the deck in pairs.
Judgement and The Sun
I'm not really sure how I would read The Sun here, but the wind elemental is awesome!
The Hermit and The Devil
Cthulu is an influence in this deck for sure, and here Cthulu shows up as The Devil.
The Emperor and The Empress
The 10 of Swords and the 6 of Wands
So this deck is plainly not sugar coated, and these cards show that very well. The 6 of Wands is one of harshest visions of victory that I have seen as is ends in someone's enslavement.
The 4 of Wands and The Lovers
Though this deck is pretty harsh, it is not without love!
The Magician and the 4 of Disks
Some good old necromancy...
The spell being done in the 4 of Disks is one that I've seen referenced before. It involves making a candle out of a human hand. I think it is used to aid thieves.
The Knight and Knave of Wands
The Knave of Wands totally reminds me of @flaccidfervor!
This deck is plainly not for everyone, but the artwork is super cool, and if you are allergic to sunshine, this might be the deck for you!
I'll be posting a love reading with this deck later tonight:D
Happy full moon, Steemit and blessings to you.
Tarot decks and vintage medical illustrations tug at my heartstrings bad!
Hugs and thousands of blessings sprinkled with fairy dust to you my dear friend <3
Those are some incredible images!
They are pretty crazy...