1st Tarot card reading request on Steemit

in #tarot8 years ago (edited)

@Theriekiforest requested a general read. It was just after sunset and I wanted to practice my tarot skills a little more, so I dealt a small mountain. The number indicates the order of the draw. The oddest thing about this distant read for a new friend is the cards themselves. This is a second deal, I stopped the first. The first card was Death and the second 10 of Swords, which kinda weirded me out and I decided to reshuffle and think harder about what little I knew about The Rieki Forest. So I shuffled more as I reread some of this person's top blog posts and laid on the cards again. As you see, these cards had a message to send and showed up again.
Here's my not so great photo of the read:
1 king of wands, indicator
2 death, past
3 ten of swords, future
4 the fool, who u wish to be
5 ten of pentacles, actions needed to attain this future
6 king of cups, what to avoid

As an indicator, this shows a mastery of a skill, a power. It must be all the study of Reiki, maybe the involvement with steemit as well. A very strong and positive message that gives more meaning to the next two cards.

Death sits in the past. I doesn't just mean death, it means and sudden and complete change. I can only imagine the changes one must make to become empowered in Reiki studies. It is a huge divergence form standard western philosophies about health and spirituality and is pretty heady stuff, though maybe a tragic loss is what drove this kind person to study Reiki in the first place.

The ten of swords hints at the future. Will all these swords fall and finish of the warrior? or is the warrior at rest and peace, dreaming of all the tools of war floating away and leaving him be? It really all depends if you can follow the advice given in the next cards.

The fool is the goal. No, not to become a clown. The fool is the perfect performer, completely in control of the situation and all the elements surrounding him. He's the leader of the parade and knows exactly what he's doing. Looking back in reiki, I think you're ready to become a teacher, a leader in your local community and share your skills with a broader audience.

The Ten of Pentacles is a positive influence, something to seek. It's a completion of the suit, a financial gain. Be sure you're being remunerated for your Reiki services. Be sure you pay for all the lessons and certifications you desire. You'll have the means and it will keep growing, if you strive for it.

Things to avoid. There is king of plenty in your life that would block your progress. He might be a father figure, a boss or a professor, and he holds control over the flow of resources and plenty. He's generally a jolly sort and wants to share what he has, but he also uses it as a factor of control over those who he think follow him in lock step. Beware of this person and the influence he holds over you.

you can request a reading, ask a question in the comments, but please give me time to respond. I work on weekends.


Kinda is really interesting, always been a fan of Card Reading just never got to pay for a reading section! There is a lady in this Neighbourhood that does this, but I just haven't tried it for myself, maybe I'm too afraid to find out about my Past or Future :P

Interesting, I would be interested in a tarot card reading. Would the cards be able to determine if one belongs somewhere else (i.e different memories, multiverse, parallel dimensions etc.)

hard to tell until I read them...i'll keep this in mind as i ask the cards for their wisdom later today. I'll also have to cyberstalk you a little, but i'm out of time now...time to go be a great cashier and stocking clerk for that crappy paycheck!

Great, thank you. I'm looking forward to it.

misread the clock, had time for a deal, the classic celtic cross, but that's ten cards to ponder, to research better images than I take and to give a thoughtful reading...hang in there. First impressions say you're where you need to be and the person who needs/wants/desires you is seeking for you within this current "space"

Thank you @ladykatryn <3 :) Your read resonates very deeply with me and is on point. I had the feeling the death/change card would be making itself known, lol. I do not fear this card or the message it carries. The only constant in life is change and I learned very early on about transition of many kinds. I cannot thank you enough for this gift ~ and I will be heeding the advice. I know exactly who this king of plenty is and have already been making necessary changes in my life ~ this affirmation of the past & present state along with future possibilities is sincerely appreciated. I truly hope others request your services and that you consider (when you are ready) offering them as an official #steemgig! Much Love to you!

oh, I hope our e-friendship continues...this review is awesome and inspires me to do more!!!

I look forward to continuing the journey my new friend! and thank you again :) much love <3


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