Five Day Tarot Forecast Dec 11 - Dec 15: Get Shit Done NOW
I have so many ideas for articles that I almost ended up not doing anything at all – but the energy of the Knight of Wands seduced me. One of my Tarot class assignments was to draw a card to finish our own personal mission statement: I can tap into the true potential of Tarot by… and the Knight of Wands came up.
While books have been written (or at least sections of books, and pages on websites) on exactly who this Knight of Wands fellow is, let’s just say he’s a free spirited go getter, ruled by the element of fire, who looks without leaping and just goes for it.
He’s not big on plans and never hesitates. You can see where this isn’t always a productive thing – but in my case, where I often find myself paralyzed by self doubt, and a mile long to-do list – this charming devil got behind me, pulled down his pants, and stuck that fiery wand of his right up my…
So – instead of spending hours deliberating on what Tarot related post to put on Steemit – I decided to get right to it, like he did with me, and do a reading.
The disclaimer is that I’m new to this, folks, so unlike Mr. Knight of Wands, go easy on me ;-) I’ve been dabbling for years, but never even owned a deck until about six months ago. I mostly read for myself before that, but am slowly branching out with friends and family, and really enjoying it.
This is a general reading – certainly there are thousands more meanings to the cards, and I’m just scraping the surface. I DO NOT CONSIDER MYSELF A PSYCHIC. I believe we all have intuition – but I do not see the future (unless I’m asleep...I’ve seen the death of so many loved ones in dreams, and sometimes other events…but that’s another post! )
I invite more experienced readers to add anything they want to the reading . Heck – I invite anyone to add input. I believe in intuitive readings – if what I have here doesn’t resonate with you – look at the card and see how it makes you feel – and feel free to share in the comments. Just feel man, feeling is good ;-)
Reading for Monday Dec 11th – Friday Dec 15th
My query was: * “What do Steemians need to be aware of in the next five days?”*
Mercury Retrograde Note: During Mercury Retrograde (Dec 3 - Dec 22nd) it's not advised to start new things - it's all about revisiting, reviewing, rebirth, etc. In the context of this reading, that means that the "new" project you embark on is probably something you've already started, or thought a lot about. It could be an extension of what you're already doing, applying your knowledge or skill sets in different ways, or perhaps, coming back to Steemit after a long break like me !
Monday Dec 11th – Ace of Wands
Keywords: fired up, inspiration, self-expression, creativity, thumbs-up , ah-ha! moment
Numerological connection: Aces/Ones = new beginnings, opportunities, creation, leadership, inspiration
Element: Wands are the element of fire
Suit: Wands deal with energy and action, often relate to career, creative pursuits, passion and spiritual beliefs.
It’s super fitting that we get the Ace of Wand on a Monday, since Aces are all about new beginnings and potential and new starts. A random helping hand from the universe has appeared in front of us, handing us a wand with leaves of new growth and life. This card is all about regeneration and rebirth. The sky is a bit gray, and there are some small hills in the background indicating that there may be a hurdle or two – but nothing we can’t overcome. What’s really important is that castle in the distance – it can be ours if we’re ready to go get it. It may require some new plumbing or electrical work, a few coats of paint, but with a little elbow grease, it represents an opportunity for us to seize.
This card is about fire – but not a full fire – just the spark we need to get going. The Ace of Wands is a big thumbs up to starting that thing we’ve wanted to, whether it’s pursuing a new job, a creative endeavor, or simply tackling a project we’ve been putting off. The universe is giving us a break and an opportunity for success…what you do with it is up to you!
Tuesday Dec 12th – Five of Wands
Keywords: conflict, disagreement, challenges, obstacles, competition
Numerological connection: Five/5 = instability, conflict, freedom, progress, understanding, change,
Element: Wands are the element of fire
Suit: Wands deal with energy and action, often relate to career, creative pursuits, passion and spiritual beliefs.
Yesterday, we turned that spark of inspiration to full on fire, as evidenced by the appearance of the Five of Wands. Maybe we went ahead and posted that controversial Steemit post, or proposed a project at work and stepped on someone else’s toes without realizing it. We made so much progress, that we hit our first hill so to speak, and someone else wants to be king of it.
You’ll definitely experience some conflict today. If you look closely at the Five of Wands though, you’ll notice that though everyone seems to be battling, no one is really getting hurt. All the participants are wearing different colors – which could symbolize people from various backgrounds (racial, cultural, religious, etc.).
Whether you’re experiencing internal conflict while trying to achieve your goal – or the tension is coming from an external force – remember to breathe. Don’t back down, but keep your mind open to what others have to say. You can’t please everyone all of the time. Change is coming – whether you like it or not – so stay strong, be you, and push forward. Haters gonna hate!
Wednesday Dec 13th – Wheel of Fortune
Keywords: destiny, karma, cycles, positive change, coincidence, what goes around comes around
Numerological connection: 10 = completion, confidence, creative power, leadership. In numerology, 10 reduces to 1 (1+0=1), so it also strengthens the traits of number 1 = new beginnings, opportunities, creation, leadership, inspiration
Element: All elements of air, earth, fire, and water are represented via the astrological depictions of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio
Ruling planet: Jupiter = wealth, success, business, morality, aspirations
Wow, what a strong card. The Wheel of Fortune is a Major Arcana card – which for those of you not familiar with tarot – means a big important life lesson card. In this case, we have the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position, indicating a change for the better…generally. The Wheel of Fortune is all about cycles and karma – so chances are if you haven’t been a dick to everyone, good things will come your way. Now if they aren’t obviously ‘good’ right now – the Wheel of Fortune asks us to look within and appreciate what is going well- because there’s no dark without light and visa versa. It’s all about perspective. Maybe something awful is really a blessing in disguise.
Maybe you’ve been nurturing that seed from Monday’s Ace of Wands, if so, the Wheel of Fortune is on your side. It loves those who take initiative and don’t act like victims.
The changes indicated by the Wheel of Fortune are BIG and life changing, so hold on tight. Again, since it’s upright, these changes are most likely for the better…even if that isn’t obvious yet. Now is the time to trust in the Universe or whatever higher power you believe in…or just in yourself if you’re not into higher power stuff. ;-)
Thursday Dec 14th – Hierophant Reversed
Keywords: Corruption, hypocrisy, rule breaker, restriction, breaking away
Numerological connection: Five/5 = instability, conflict, freedom, progress, understanding, change
Element: Earth – ruled by Taurus
Upright the Hierophant is all about structure, order, convention, tradition rules and conformity. He governs groups and churches and is linked to religious figures. Reversed…he rejects all of those things – or he can represent the part of you that rejects societal control. I’m seeing a strong connection here with Monday’s Ace of Wands – you went ahead and started to pursue your dreams, and it’s been a mixed bag. Today you (we) are feeling the pressure to conform – and absolutely refuse to do so. Whether it’s an insufferable boss or controlling father figure – you’re feeling like a rebellious teen today. It’s totally fine to embrace the unorthodox, just don’t burn all your bridges until you’re in a position to do so (and maybe then, you wont’ feel so much like torching them, because you’ll be in control).
I also have a feeling this could apply to the world stage…if so, get ready for the public undoing of a famous person – like a politician…Roy Moore types come to mind…when the Hierophant reverses breatharian gurus get caught gorging on fries, and puritanical preachers are found in closets with, well, you know.
Friday Dec 15th – Five of Swords
Keywords: conflict, loss, a shallow victory, betrayal, defeat, communication break down, no-win situation
Numerological connection: Five/5 = instability, conflict, freedom, progress, understanding, change,
Element: Swords are element of air
Suit: Swords represent ambition, intellect, communication, reason
There’s nothing warm and fuzzy about the Five of Swords. If you’re the ‘victor’ – the guy in green holding two swords – you probably did terrible things to take them. If you’re the poor fellows in the distance, you’ve been badly beaten, and are in a quitting mindset. This card is very much ‘shit happens’ – and it’s all about dealing with it. The Five of Swords is also about getting what you want no matter the price, and potentially leaving a trail of wounded in your wake. Or maybe you’ve been betrayed and beaten down. It’s important to remember to pick your battles, and sometimes to walk away from a heated situation.
As a person, the Five of Swords is a smooth talking politician type who will win your vote just to turn around and support legislation that Fs you in the A – and not in a Knight of Wands fun, inspirational kind of way.( The feeling that this card is going to play out on the world stage won’t leave…)
So even though this card kinda sucks – remember there’s no bad cards, only bad interpretations. Take stuff in stride, and sometimes, you need to leave aspects of your life that don’t serve you well behind.
If you’re the smug asshole holding the two stolen swords – go apologize. Don’t be that guy.
Advice Card: Knight of Swords
Keywords: action, opinionated, communication, ambition, blunt, go for it, selfish, whip smart, a real doer, Winning, impatient, hasty
Numerological connection:
Element: Swords are the element of air
Suit: Swords represent ambition, intellect, communication, reason
The Knight of Swords is all about forward movement, and today he’s in the advice position. That means he’s not a predictor of things to come, but an advisor. Think of him as your guide to maximizing your potential for the week, and your key to surviving the ups and downs of daily life.
The Knight of Swords shows up when you’re starting on a new project ( Remember that Ace of Wands from Monday?). Problem is he can be selfish – running over any obstacles in the way (all those 5 conflict cards…). In this case, the advice isn’t so much as to be like the Knight of Swords – as it is to remain aware of others, to slow down a little and make sure your work (or love life) isn’t riddled with careless errors and neglect – and take care of yourself too.
On the positive side, the Knight of Swords is an intellectual who likes to be surrounded with likeminded people (Your favorite Steemit community?) He loves to share ideas and needs constant intellectual stimulation.
Applied to this particular reading, he is one more go for it sign. He’s all about hitting goals and targets and running with the momentum of new. That said, don’t let him wear you out, take time to breathe and regroup. Whatever your endeavor is, it looks like it will be successful and there’s no time like the present. Just don’t get too cocky or selfish, and you’ll be on the right track!
Dude! You might not wanna tire yourself out with such long articles. I will read it (and probably reply again with an upvote once my vp recharges). People aren't kind of fickle here, you've been away and so people may have forgotten about you since everyone is trying to know everyone. I haven't but I'm also spread incredibly thin so when I see a post this long, I get kind of lazy. You might wanna do something together with @brightstar , she is also doing tarot and in a similar situation as you disappearing from the platform for a while. You guys are two of my favorite writers. I'm also interested in this stuff but not yet we'll read, I'm still studying the Emporer on my fools journey studies. On a break to learn a little about crypto.
Reply and upvote to this post coming soon!
Haha maybe that's what scared people away - a loooong scroll. And I know Tarot freaks a lot of people out - or can be off putting. Plus - it's wayyyy off topic from most of the people I follow. I also admit, I have a wordy problem. But you know, I don't mind. I did it for me, really. Helps me review what I know, and was fun (of course, getting like 2 votes stings a bit - cause I've totally shit posted and gotten way more lol - not about the steem earned, but just the lack of ups, even if they were at $.0! )
I really came back to Steemit with a different mindset. Yes, making some extra $ would be nice - but I'm trying to add to my hobbies. I want Steemit to be something I enjoy, and don't feel pressure to do.The thing about me is that I haven't had hobbies in years - it's all about stuff that pays the bills. Even the book I'm working on - I profess to love creative writing, but somewhere in the back of my mind I hope it gets published one day. That's pressure. I'm excellent at fucking up fun for myself :-P
Tarot's taught me some things are simply to be enjoyed and shared and done for no other purpose. Sure, maybe some day I'll integrate it and maybe I'll do some online readings and there could be a financial future - but for now, it's fun and brain food. The psychology behind it fascinates me. And when I read for friends it feels good to know I've helped them through rough situations (my approach to Tarot is much more 'therapy' than it is divination.)
I appreciate the feedback though - and I'm the same way. I had no idea it would be so long! I'll visit @brightstar's page - cause I love finding more good people to follow. I'm a shit partner - but who knows what future holds - I'll think about stuff like that when I trust myself not to disappear haha (and baby's due Feb are I'll be a ghost around that time).
I've enjoyed your crypto posts! Talk about a rabbit hole - there are sooooo many amazing developments in that space. For 'learning' Tarot - I find it's best to just start reading for yourself, and going with intuition. Learn keywords for traditional meanings, but don't try too hard to memorize. Approach it like a language. There's some awesome ways to integrate Tarot into your writing via archetypes and the Fool's journey. If you learn the fool's journey (the story behind the 22 Major Arcana) - it will be wayy less stressful than trying one card at a time :-*
Hey your thought counts - thanks for stopping by! Save your upvote for a post of mine you're into!!
Your attitude is great! I say keep it as it is but split it up into a few posts and then you'll get the same satisfaction and others will too!
I'm mostly interested in the symbolism, especially with regards to the subconscious mind. How the fool is the masculine aspect of he personality, the conscious mind, looking away from the sun off a cliff while the black stick (I read black represents feminine), the subconscious mind is pointing to the sun...this kind of stuff really tickles me
Yeah and it can add so much depth to your writing as well. It's really helping me structure my memoir - and tease out 'big themes' - in a way that doesn't beat potential readers over the head with a lesson/moral. (I think my favorite major arcana is the Wheel of Fortune)
Your points were really well taken in your first comment. I admit to being kinda bummed about the lack of thumbs up lol - but your comment was very helpful constructive criticism. Small bites, small doses - especially when it comes to a kind of taboo topic (many 'rational' people dismiss tarot as too woo woo - and it conjures up images of those underground 'psychic' shops in NYC with palm readers ready to rape your wallet; spiritual folks often dismiss it too for a whole host of other reasons)...
I think I'll pepper it in, and do stuff like 1 card draws, applying lessons of tarot to every day stuff.
Dude once you open up on the internet, you realize just how many people are into "woowoo" but are worried about what others will think because science is our religion now. Science answers he what and how but it rarely answers "why?" And maybe their eos no why but a truly scientific mind wouldn't make that assumption so easily.
I think you could type up the same kind of post but split it into 5 posts,the first the general feeling for the week and overview of all e cards especially the first day, then make a post for each of the other cards going into depth a bit more in the morning of that day or better yet the night before.
That's actually a great idea. It's all about bite sized. (tarot-bytes! haha bet a million BTC that's already taken though....googles if not TAROTBYTES is now poor woman copyrighted!)
So true on Science/Religion. And a lot of people fail to see there's just as much politics in science as there is in religion. Nothing becomes a 'fact' without support/funding from the right associations...but I won't go down than rabbit hole. At the same time - woo woo is trendier than ever - commodified spirituality.
Every time I 'talk' to you my brain just bubbles over with the best ideas...hope I follow thru on some. I think realistically most anything I do is going to be post baby, just cause this last stretch is holy shitballs exhausting :-P
Funny random thing I realize I have occasionally mixed your account up with "whats up" - and commented as though I was talking to you. ADD at its finest lol.
You are totally right about our science and our spirituality. We need a little bit of yang in the yin and a little bit of yin in the yang
Whatsup is my steemit mommy now, and he (he?) wears the pants.
I'll have to go see what you've said hinking it's me
No idea how long I've been doing it lol. Maybe it was just last week with the adopt a minnow post - and I was like wow WhatamI has come so far, adopting minnows and all LOL
Boo. Tarot bytes taken a few times. Sigh. The best ones always are!