PART 1 of 2 A Letter to Canada's Targeted Engagement on National Risk Profile

The letter below was submitted to the public safety Ministry request for information regarding Canada's security and risks of disaster and losing our freedom completely is a major risk and disaster especially since most of us are dying and the government's never figured it out calling the Sandy Hook shooter mentally ill is very very worrisome there is more here if interested the letter is below

Hello I'm an information scientist however I'm unable to work because if I sign a non-disclosure agreement I have to tell the employer to be honest my mind is being read by a bunch of psychopaths who raped and murdered a friend of mine in 2014 they will steal the passwords and your database and do every harm and damage to you as possible because you pay me a paycheck and as long as you put in the non-disclosure that that's okay that my mind is being read I'll happily sign in and come to work as far as I'm concerned the government owes me for 8 years of lost income but I have a unique perspective although a serious concern should be put towards the fact that I'm not meant to Ill and there are thousands of victims and when I see a public shooting anywhere in America I know what it's about before I read the article sometimes it's attributed to terrorism like isil or something but mostly the people complaining about harassment mostly the people claiming that they killed the evil people the bad people they attack these the monsters that we're doing something bad to them sometimes like Myron May you need to look up Myron me they lost everything in their life and he was a crown prosecutor and he went Postal in a library believing he was shooting the people that were harassing him

So for targeted individuals like myself and by targeted I mean we're not terrorists or spies we're just regular Canadians often we were in the wrong place at the wrong time and we have Psychopaths hell bent on destroying our country being Above the Law who surfing the authorities as well as committing any crimes they see fit and getting away with it they are rapists sadistic serial killers snuff film producers dark web chat room anonymous Ops admins feigning activism and roping in Canadians to help them they are human traffickers and identity personators I want to alarm you because it won't waste your time if you are to focus on this group of unknown individuals creating targeted individuals by terrorizing them with advanced technology of the brain this is technology that invades somebody's privacy in such a way that the government only uses it on spies and terrorists these Psychopaths I found a legal loophole in Canada called the safer community and neighborhoods Act s c a n and that allows a criminal to get hired as a peace officer however they can wear uniforms that say police on them and they're hired by the local municipality as much as that sounds like something that wouldn't be a big deal it's created a devolved government according to the economist The Economist magazine has devolved government as a government in which the federal government the law is far away is on pieces of paper and I don't need to get into history or politics with you this is a very well understood thing and a local Authority does whatever they want and that is under the scan act it creates peace officers who manage to avoid interrogation and searching by police because they're peace officers their uniform even says police because whatever reason anyways please hardly think they're the problem and in places like Regina Saskatchewan their tails of acquired through brain technology invasions of people's privacy invasions of their personal space indeed molesting them and killing anybody who objects to them they have convinced the police that a fancy story of Cinderella like proportion is is true of certain citizens of Regina Saskatchewan and it's very strange that particular case but this is just one of Manny and so the scan Act created these peace officers that actually please treat as higher than themselves in the end and with brain technology being used illegally by these criminals they seem like rather psychic informants so to the victims it's like they know everything they show up before they get there to poison the atmosphere of the environment and to pretend like it's okay with the authorities.

Mind reading was invented in the 70s in Russia it was pretty good and it just takes a brain scan to be able to tell exactly what someone's thinking in their subvocal at least in the seventies and this was told to the World by Vladimir Putin well they said in the 70s they were reading Margaret Thatcher's mind which sounds like Russian propaganda in the 70s No Doubt and fast forward to today in the 90s the Russians and the Americans were very very closely working together up until 2000 and recently recently they have separated and ejected their scientists out of North America thousands of scientists were working in the United States and Canada to prevent and their words this technology which was in the 1993 no longer referred to as mind-reading technology and secret technology which is 30 years in advance of of public technology which is all I know about mostly is public technology but this is all Declassified from the US government information as well as the statements from Vladimir Putin and this is public knowledge it was called by 1993 and secret Department of Defense periodicals mind control technology so there's no sense in referring to it as mind reading when it's it's a two directional Street and North America saw in public science optogenetics quickly superseded by the time we were reading about optogenetics and Scientific American cyanogenetics was happening so no longer were the cumbersome problems with optogenetics implants DARPA United States defense research request for proposals has put out public statements that state that everything done with a chip can be done wirelessly now and this is ultrasound so that means that criminals using simple ultrasound technology and I heard one person explain it such as that once the number once the head was decoded in a manner it creates a number once this number was found for the individual then that individual could be red and this includes seeing out their eyes with VR goggles and then interacting with your brain as such as the Obama's brain initiative produced all of these different regions of the brain that optogenetics at the time or sonogenetics now can activate so the brain has several regions that can be activated and some of them as listed in Scientific American are as such improve your vision improve your memory make you violent fight or flight response as well as prevent your brain from moving to the next action so it stays on the same task the current task it doesn't go to the next task it just does the same thing it's been doing and from experience and I've written the government several times without replies without any help and if I interact with the police are usually helping the perpetrators attack me in my life I lost my business and I'm currently homeless and sleeping in a bank machine in Southeast Calgary and previously a very happy and well moderately successful information scientist so I developed a software systems for businesses for some 14 years professionally mostly keep performance indicators on reports business intelligence data warehousing databases content Management Systems customer databases Etc and it's it's very devastating to me and my family the few that are left so it is important to me that before these people kill me with this technology that the government is aware and does something about it before we lose everything before many more people lose their lives... I technology-based threats such as

1 parametric speakers
2 ultrasound and Sonogenetic attacks specifically the pause weapon as I call it forces a person to stay on the current task and no short-term memories are formed when this is occurring I know from experience I never read about this but if I'm paused these assholes can do things and I don't even know what occurred I also know from experience that the people looking on my eyes and speaking to me with v2k so I don't know how they speak to me they can see out my eyes while I'm paused so if I keep my eyes open they at least know who did what to me is this really really traumatic experience to be going through a war when the government's wondering about the future and it's today and yesterday that's the problem for 8 years for me and most these victims if they talk to the authorities they brought to the hospital because we're not targeted by the government we're not terrorists or spies so we must be crazy and it's really really screw somebody's life and head the abuse is insane the denial of reality from the authorities is insane so all that has to be fixed but I'm just thinking of the technology here
3 internet of things or Internet a devices and modified buildings to implant these from Honey Pot to very dangerous pause weapon wielding drone or robot and it may be as as simple as a closet installed in a stairwell or a panel and access panel to the inside of the building there wasn't there when the building was created and that can create there can be a whole world nest of nastiness inside there and I would say x-ray crystallography is is one of the suggestions I put on some application for an award however I couldn't mail it out because I was targeted at night I had no stamps no money and no printer I was going to fill out this ignite or Ward or something but I put down x-ray crystallography to find some of these devices but there's a lot more important things that would need to be considered in cases x-ray crystallography does not work you're going to need to scan the building periodically for changes you should notice if a fixtures missing and you're important top secret bunker wherever you are reading this would you really know if a fixture was at it or removed or closet or access panel is installed in the bathroom I don't think you would notice nor do I think anybody else would and who's responsible for actually questioning people doing repairs or modifications to buildings after they're created so the computer or the people that run the run the system from the top level I'm sitting at the you know the highest level of the organization their computer should tell them that something's being modified and they should be approving or or investigating these things immediately so Internet devices and internet of things I eat drones on computers can be foreign or they can be helpful so these are these are some solutions I don't need to go too much into them I like thinking about solutions to problems but unfortunately thinking about Solutions these problems isn't going to help anybody because the government has serious problems by ignoring these victims and treating them like they're mental
4 the v2k has most victims call it has people that are forced remote Anonymous miscommunication or Force remote Anonymous communication IE criminal harassment and that's pretty much that's the term and these people use often the same types of harassment against thousands of people it seems for example before I was start even targeted there was a large group of victims in the United States that said they were targeted by these people claiming that the institution the invented mind reading was the specific institution in Russia and it was unknown at the time whether or not that that was true and they were even some people calling these individuals suffering from group hallucination which is ridiculous as if it was Hysteria and then it came out the Vladimir Putin said yeah it's true that's the name of the institution and the scientists invented it was dead and so on and so on it's too bad we were not working on the problems of keeping this technology out of the wrong people's hands because that was a much better situation than a conventional War which is obscuring this very serious problem which will mostly affect the Next Generation because a lot of young people I speak to have v2k since they were kids there was a large group of people calling Millennial psychic like they were intuitive or something I've spoken with a couple parents and I've spoken with two teenagers three teenagers for teenagers or more actually now I remember even a couple more but two of them specifically really didn't like this person talking to them and knew they wanted away from them they wanted away from this person speaking to them and they're both women one of them is told their parents who didn't believe him who got the police who didn't believe him who have her fully medicated and she was in Ontario and she found our Facebook group for targeted individuals Canada and she was wondering why she doesn't get gang stalked she's sure she has these problems we have but the only one thing she doesn't get people falling around or doing funny things all day long get in trouble and I suspect when she's the 19 year old or 20 year old she will easily start to get gang stalked because these people are convinced that you are a danger to society your government Target and everyone should help terrorize you because you're some sort of criminal when really you're just an innocent person wondering what the hell's gone wrong with these crazy people and I did talk to her and told her that one day her parents would be soaring to hang in there everybody will be very sorry cuz she's still pretty sure she's a military experiment and not and not simply a victim of a psychopath and the other one was in Regina I met her mother her mother is a waitress across the street from the Regina RCMP in Saskatchewan which is our police training facility and she gave me some money a lot of money actually for somebody who is yelling across an empty field in the middle of the night and kind of scared her she was walking to her car after closing the restaurant and after realizing this I apologize and explain to her that I wasn't crazy and she she decided to come and give me some money and she said she believes me and I assured her that her daughter was after she told me the story about her daughter that her daughter was not crazy so at least that girl has a mother who believes her even though police and doctors and school the school doesn't believe her and if you can imagine how very serious this is this is a psychopath pedophile that is looking out the young girl's eyes with VR goggles okay furthermore he has access to pausing her so he could sexually assault her without anybody even knowing the girl would go from one minute to next and not even know it would happen a dozen times before you thought anything was funny and time would just jump forward he won't even notice if I was positive as I was writing this email I would just I presume stop and then just start again I and I keep talking I'll be in the middle of a sentence and I won't even notice anything had occurred I have dozens of experiences of this where I saw evidence of it after I started noticing someone was wrong and then I collected a long list before I decided this is what was happening so there's a very big problem with simply v2k which is an invasion of somebody's head space in a way that is unwanted Communications is Criminal harassment so not only reading the person's thoughts and affecting their environment another type of criminal harassment is speaking to somebody or causing noise into their ears or or otherwise sending letters Etc but v2k is not easily seemingly so detected by the government so they don't believe this is occurring and that is the most serious problem which makes my email kind of moot because I'm suffering in a war that's occurring today and there are thousands of victims and many are dead I'm told by the enemy that more people died in car accidents than all the other means because they can pause them while they're going on a highway the person will die is if they just drove into a wall at 100 km an hour oncoming traffic it would look like suicide so they killed more people in this war so far against our free country and I'm not suggesting they is any country other than our own country this thing may be exacerbated by China and Russia but I'm not saying that any of those countries are the enemy that I'm talking about the people that I see doing this are Canadians the people I see doing this and started this in Penticton BC that I know them all they're all born in Canada they're all Canadians unfortunately they're rapists and they're no problem killing a girl who is on her way to see me they're sick and somehow they found something online where they're able to purchase services with their Millions that amount to total control of any individual that they choose as well as immunity from the law so they're Above the Law with this abilities because the government's unaware of it and is not noticing
5 Astro turfing I'm hiding the identity the identity of the sender or receiver or both in a Communications so if you call on a phone to somebody or you write a letter or you write an email or you send a text message specifically think of the situation where the doctors were behind the telephone wall for covid it seems with the phone calls I make I don't even use the phone anymore cuz this problem I primarily try to use email and that's about it I don't trust text messages cuz of this problem they send text messages as me as well as phone calls are clearly filtered so when you're talking to somebody synthetic voices are really easy to do and when I speak to somebody like say customer service I call a customer service line sometimes it's a normal call other times I can tell that they're in the middle of the call the psychopath can actually listen to what I'm saying say whatever he wants to the responding and he says it in my voice and it's definitely like offensive to the other people and when I'm not doing anything wrong as well as they add voices to the phone calls that I'm making people in the background say things but there's no way that those people said that however you can't clarify on the call so telephones like the plain old telephone lines are really really easy way to prevent the federal government from finding out about what's happening in the wild west of wherever the devolved government of Calgary the devolved government of Penticton BC basically people just pick up the phone and call 911 and all that needs to do is being not 911 I've got some recordings of the rudest 911 operators you can even imagine there I certain they are not 911 operators no 911 operator would intentionally be making it difficult these are people that are trained to be very brief and concise and straight into the point and get the job done like my job my career my profession is very very clear that we're not wasting any time here ever there's nothing that should waste any extra time or energy or anything it's got to be you know straight to the the end once we're done we can sit around and talk about it at least with some of us all I'm saying is that 911 operators this is very important because they're busy and wasting time can get people killed like their jobs very important so I have several of these where they were really making it difficult intentionally officer wearing CPS uniform with two CPS officers who didn't meet me where I had called 911 and said I was they were pretending they couldn't find me and they were insisting upon me giving them the address of the Flop House that I had sought refuge in so I presume so they could go there and and search everybody and and cause me a Hell in any case I got away from a kid with a gun and the 911 calls are suspect I have a few dozen going back about half a year and all my phone calls are problem but there's no other way to call 911 but call 911 so I mostly just add many email addresses to an involuntary email list and send the evidence of the crimes to that instead of going through the normal Road of calling please I would call them everyday about 5:10 or more times a day usually if please show up with my problem the gangstalkers convince somebody to call or I've reacted in a way to their their assaults their thefts their criminal harassment their constant threats against me and my family and then they make really really convincing dangers and threats to prevent me from doing what I would normally be able to do I eat criminal harassment as well defined in the criminal code however please don't have investigative procedure for criminal harassment there's no such thing it doesn't matter if you're a woman and you're being stalked and harassed by somebody or whatever they always for police procedure and efficiency they know that the person is going to be killed by the by the stalker so they have to do something and what they do is they wait until the stalker steps on their property breaks in their car or attacks them physically they can also call them call them or email them right with their like identity attached that that all those cases can cause the police to do something like do not contact order please don't have resources to sit outside someone's house and watch this look through the video footage you can collect it they won't look at it or do anything else with it I'm in fact if the person is like shooting at you the police pretty much say you're going to have to move or like higher bodyguard or something so I understand that but there needs to be something else added as they definitely do something about cyberbullying especially with young people there needs to be something added where please do something about known criminal harassment because in this case the person's using v2k to speak to me remotely and it's constant so they invade my privacy is perverse it's very perverse and they invade my privacy permanently all my passwords and everything I plan to do to try to get them a call or in trouble they know about it ahead of time so they know what I'm doing today or where I'm going if if I'm asking confuse them they don't know where I'm going they're asking me where are you going what are you doing where are you going they just keep pestering me because they don't know where I'm going they're very confused but that's pretty rare most of the time they know what's going on but like and they can they can get there before I do so this type of criminal harassment doesn't doesn't need an indeed I wouldn't know if they stepped into my property I'm most targeted individuals since they have their passwords stolen by the mind reading their security cameras and everything are useless the psychopath often even wait for my phone to die before they really do any serious harm or also the the the phone plan so I have been unable to forward my phone and the worst stuff does definitely happen when you're trying to rely on Wi-Fi it's easier to ask your Turf and intercept someone's Communications and definitely the phone lines and security of our 911 and Communications with Federal authorities about exactly what's going on in each municipality is is really it's got to be it's got to be currently phone lines are down meaning they're they're into there's got to be intercepted I can't imagine that all these emails I've sent hundreds and hundreds of emails I can't imagine that anybody's ever read them the knows what they're doing and I know people do read them so I find it really alarming that nothing's been done about it ever and that I've recently not only had the experience with them trying to abduct Me with a 357 but are they poison me on for the second time that I know of and it's this like in the manner of very painful experience to go through and know that there's going to be some serious health consequences I haven't gone to check out yet so it's been pretty sad as well as I wonder about the life of my sister and my dad and my mom and it's it's frustrating it's frustrating and I know that they killed my auntie in a car accident just before the murder that I witnessed so even before I came back to Pancake to my auntie was dead in a car accident and that's I found really alarming so this is something else this other than the murder and the sexual assault I witnessed in Pennington BC in 2014 which is still not investigated Constable Kelsey Ferris move your left pentaked in Constable Vance who wrote me some harassing emails regarding the incident he has been fired for sexually assaulting a coworker plus all of the four police officers that work for Kelsey Ferris have left pentaken or quit so Kelsey face was signed from the police complaints commission cuz when I called to report the rape murder and my own assault they the police in Pennington BC in 2014 said to f*** off and they they did much worse than that I mean I was in shock for for so many like for years that I I am still stuck on that but even worse than that happened in subsequent years and I went back to been taking twice to try to solve this to try to fix this at the advice and tell him you're not leaving till you get some answers he said and that's that was a very bad idea especially with the brain technology I'm very lucky to be alive and I got away from him taking the final time and then and there's no way I could possibly go back I'm just Constable Vance who raped a co-worker and Penticton he tried to keep his job and I don't know that seems to me like they're still rapist cops and pentaked in and as far as I'm concerned that would be the number one spot to investigate for the serial killer that's at large that's still 30 woman not accounted for in the Picton Mass and and are are unknown who who's been abducting them and mostly it was hitchhiking they suspected they're looking for a single solitary serial killer but I can count seven of them from Gary Lee on through the Constable Vance and the rest of the 52 police officers in that town as all being highly suspect on there in short distance between the highway tears as well as the Lower Mainland and and Gary is a cereal rapist as well as his sons of cereal stalker anyways 30 police officers detectives are working full time to catch a serial killer and I've been writing some thousand emails in the past 8 years complaining about the problems that have been occurring from very first hospitalization shortly after the murder shortly after I called Pennington police to and found out they were corrupted and I filed the police complaints report shortly after this I was hospitalized for the first time and as of today I've got over a foot tall of medical history due to force hospitalizations due to complaining about this problem so I took up writing emails and writing on the walls and occasionally throwing a brick through a window however the brick through a window is gets me about on average a month for Brick and that's not very good because the police don't investigate the security footage or anything once they found out oh it's a breakthrough window They Don't Really Care why right so it's just it's a real big annoying problem when I'm fighting with people that are doing some serious abuse and I need them to stop and stop lying to the police and they're just they don't they refuse to they're refuse to and these are people that work at places like Tim Hortons McDonald's Walmart they're not exactly the places or staff you would expect to be doing something so serious to somebody like this is sick really really sick they play on the radio the rapist singing on the radio okay and everyone can hear it they also deny reality and argue with me when I complain about it they claim because the scan officer has a police uniform which I just discovered recently in 8 years I finally figured that out that he comes in the back door of the restaurant wearing a uniform that looks like he's the police officer but he's just a criminal and he's just a peace officer but they don't know the difference cuz it says police plus eventually some of them see that he has mind reading technology he pretends he's the higher authorities surveilling a victim of government surveillance and they they help the authorities at least these people are still thinking they're helping the authorities at some point most of them believe it's authorities even if someone complains in the restaurant I can hear them sometimes fighting and if they think it's illegal and they should call the real police the staff will get on them and convince them that no it is the real police it's okay I mean and then they call the police and go and show the person it's naive that Hey look it's okay don't worry about it it's okay to criminally harass these people their terrorists or their whatever they are and that's identity identity personation which is a non-technology-based problem but the technology in this case would be like brain scans or Iris scans if we need a better way to protect people's privacy at the same time as have their identity bona fide permanently for example some people if they didn't leave anything behind that was really identifiable such as DNA they could be abducted and replaced with a look alike like they could be murdered by by their doppelganger and then their doppelganger could sell all their stuff drop the kids at the orphanage and move out of the country calling their family once and that's the end of it there's nothing to actually investigate and it could be a police officer this occurs to I asked one as they were resting me and bring me for breach for failing to get my fingerprints done for some stupid crime due to the criminal harassment as a result of the criminal Heisman and natural behavior and so I was talking to them about this identity personation problem that the human traffickers claim to be using from day one they have always said that's on so is not alive anymore and they just replace them with a look alike they used to drive people by me or walk them by me and say hey didn't that look like so and so doesn't that is not your friend there and if I thought they look like them they were okay good we found one and they were pretending to use these people to kill my friends and family and it's very much a worry and these are sadistic Psychopaths that I always said more likely just lying because it's easier than actually doing any of these things besides which if they did these things they wouldn't be telling me about it like they don't tell me the name of Stephanie's knees the girl that killed in pentakin they used to talk a brag about how they shot her as she paid for her life that brag about getting away with it but they don't tell me her name they tell me it's Tina Jamal from California my ex-girlfriend from California was a waitress they said it's the waitress from California we killed her they also flip through all different sorts of different people they could imagine to pretend that's who they killed in 2014 in Penticton BC so if we have facial recognition at 500 M doesn't work so good we have Iris recognition at 50 m and we have heartbeat recognition at 5 m and we have some shoddy voice matching and some shorty gate recognition say the best is would certainly be a brain scanner or neural image so a map of your neurons but these would be very very sensitive things to have and if not encrypted properly they could be even if encrypted they could be stolen as Otis appears to have done took a whole bunch of top secret information and sold it to the Russians we're all we know that was brain scans of all the everybody in the country who knows what he sold them and it appears like he was little on bail for some stupid reason and he probably gave him the decryption code everybody knows if you're going to go do a crazy deal with somebody you got to keep something back just so you get home alive and and then safe and then so he got back home and I presume he accessed the dark net one more time to send him the decryption codes and make them promise something further cuz he's going to jail now I can't even believe they did that let him out on bail after such a serious incident he was on bail and he's from Abbotsford BC in Abbotsford a 9 year old was had their life saved presumably because Santa Ana police called Abbotsford RCMP and told them there's this kid being bothered by the sky we have hundreds of recordings of this kid oh his eyeballs is the part that was blacked out so they were the the Pervert was in Santa Ana California and he was reading the mind of the child in Abbotsford and he was 9 years old or so he's a young kid and Santana please found the recordings were like holy s*** of course blew their brain and they ended up calling Abbotsford Police and telling them occasion meet a special Constable who has some information like this once I met one that had v2k was it was amazing what it said he would save my life but he disappeared and honestly it was really bad what happened to me after that at the hands of authorities thanks a lot
6 radiation and this is no joke because radiation is pretty harmless in terms of the radiation that I'm talking about it just heats up the body a little bit and it can be used at long distances and it can Target specific parts of the body so it's fairly harmless they did a lot of studies in the United States about this with their military volunteers for experimentation and they radiated at different times and lengths all sorts of parts of their body and I mean as far as I can tell it's moderately harmless just like radiation is typically not notice any serious effects however one of the methods to expand the blood brain barrier has explained by the author of The Singularity is near by Ray Kurzweil at some chapter in the middle of it he explains how a dozen or two dozen methods to get micro or nanotechnology or Nano or I guess in the future well known nanotechnology into the brain so from the bloodstream to the brain there's this very important barrier called the blood to brain barrier if you massage it with radiation it will open up a little bit so I noticed that my radiation comes after I eat so it's not in the food for sure it's the psychopath has to be there and actively intent on radiating me after I've eaten and then my body will heat up in the area that he's targeting with the radiation and it's it's quite noticeable heat and I I knew that it was occurring but I still downloaded a program called radiation meter which I can no longer find most the programs are not that good but this one program is quite good it just shows the micro it shows the the radiation on the phone and it has like low medium and high and if I was being heated it was it's alarm would go off so it would trigger when it was quite high and it would be off the top of the thing it would be off the charts when it was really bad so it's like you're getting a sunburn and it's the middle of the night and you're in your bedroom and you're just laying on your bed but if you get up and walk away from it the burning stops and this is reported widely reported by all the targeted individuals in North America they're not crazy that's real yeah it's not as dangerous as they suspect as you would suspect thinking it gives you cancer of something it's mostly I believe to affect the blood brain barrier as defined or explained by Ray Kurzweil and why would they want that well it's not for the nanotechnology or surveillance technology from the government that may or may not exist it's for dementia so when you expand the brain barrier Not only would you let in nanotechnology if you had it in the bloodstream it was possible you would also let in protein that is not supposed to be in your brain and that's very dangerous this Appliance disease mad cow disease early onset dementia is prions disease mad cow disease early onset dementia and the recently the science of health scientist Health Sciences has shown that Tau Tao a protein I believe it's a protein is getting into some people's heads and is causing dementia and they're not sure because some people they eat a lot of towel don't have any towel in their brain don't get dementia and other people that don't eat much towel have towel in the rain and got dementia and a third of us will suffer from Dimension or lifetimes with probably just you know the natural order of things or are man-made normal radiation let alone a serious problem with targeting of an individuals that are trying to be exterminated by the enemy for knowing something or for being non-compliant with their with their seeming omnipotence and above the law Authority so it's a it's a serious concern that radiation is being used as well as
7 lidar sonar even Wi-Fi signals can be used to invade somebody's house but a simple lidar device that when standing still can map out 100 m around it right into your bathroom show you where you're sitting and what you're doing these kinds of Technology are not well well known because they're kind of expensive but they're not you can get a couple of them for $100,000 and I could take that result of that device and throw it into a computer and show you somebody that's 50 m away and what they're doing this technology can be used for a lot of good things you could you could also use it on say when authorities need to go and going to a dangerous spot they could have you know 20 20 much cheaper people in a gymnasium in Florida with VR goggles searching the bushes for for the gun and for the bad guy and his hostage when the police officer can you know stay in his car or whatever these kinds of Technologies can be very helpful to the authorities however the authorities don't use them even Warren Buffett mentioned the authority shouldn't be using facial recognition why well because the corporations using a Time people's location data is just the tip of the iceberg but tying it all together with facial recognition which is is very flawed cuz faces look like other faces so even when we have really good facial recognition somebody looks like somebody else people get them confused and that's always going to be the case and when they're confusing people like the Wired Magazine article that mentions a person being confused with a bank robber and then we have databases of people that look like each other for movies and then we have also people taking pictures of their look-alike they found on a plane one day I find those quite amusing especially when they're wearing the same clothes I'm not sure if they're real but this does happen so Warren Buffett maybe referring to many incidents that are not publicly known and of course he doesn't want the authorities and nobody does confusing one person for another when there's no cause for for alarm or for anything to happen it could be a very devastating situation for the person that happens to look like somebody it's an especially when it's not done by the authorities like corporations definitely abuse this and still do to this day no doubt because stuff maybe illegal in certain contexts as long as the information is provided for the say owners or directors of a company in a manner that is detached from the like multinational corporations would be able to get away with this the similar way they get away with doing good on their taxes by basically allowing a disinformation so not passing on information and then their computer systems can very much cause a lot of hell for some people and so if that's what's happening on the level of of private businesses and collection of people's private information and then facial recognition I can understand why we wouldn't want this happening with the authorities but it also does mean that the authorities are totally unaware about the Privacy violations of these types of devices so there's a one device you can have in a bathroom and it has six different sensors on it and it could actually see smoke and I can see the shape of someone's body there's another device you can just point at something and you press a button and it flashes like a strobe light and it can map whatever it is and put it in the computer so it right down to the millimeter right could have every detail of your face and your your face and the exact positioning of your arms in the computer it could copy your keys presumably right out of your pocket right out of your pocket
8 surveillance systems don't help people that don't own them and this is very serious I have since this problem occurred eight years ago I've become very very annoyed with the fact that these companies will never hand the video to me or to the authorities now I would like to see some legislation put around surveillance systems if a company wants to have a surveillance system it should provide the information in the surveillance system at his own cost to the government system so the government can charge people to access public leave recorded or even in private businesses surveillance systems that have individuals on them you should be able to get the footage if you see a camera in a business you should be able to get that footage later for yourself your own personal uses and especially when a crime is committed against you you should be able to get it for yourself your own personal use and use it and maybe you have to pay for it but you should have it accessible the government could make some a lot of money on this cuz no doubt lots of people would be falling their significant others around while they're golfing or going to some event in any case this is not this is not possible you need to judge's order and please or will never get a judge's order for most stuff especially what stuff that happens to me this is going to be very difficult for them to do and it's not very useful for them so they barely ever look at surveillance the only time the surveillance footage is used is if that business is robbed and and in that case it's also not even that useful I had a my laptop and my backpack stolen for me at knifepoint by a guy in a bank machine and they said they're probably not even going to talk to the bank which might volunteer it for free to the police considering the situation even though I was sleeping in the bank machine and Regina it was just that a laptop's not valuable enough to go through the hassle to them so these businesses especially large corporations with surveillance systems they should be protecting them should be forced to protect the people that are recorded by those systems furthermore when the government stores this data for further retrieval it's going to have to bona fide identities protected so my identity should be obscured if someone else requests the footage of that location and and they have a right to do it cuz they're on it so you can there's going to have to be a lot of thinking about exactly what you have a right to in terms of surveillance footage if I pass through an area and the stalkers pass through their area 5 minutes later I'm going to still want to be able to get there there encrypted or obscured Bonafide identities so that should the authorities need to they can decode those identities of those people that were following me and then charge they were fine them and so all the identities of the people that are on the surveillance footage and this is surveillance can be video it can be audio it can be facial recognition metrics it can be location data can be marketing information it can be your phone signal your Bluetooth your Wi-Fi your Mac address it can be all sorts of information collected about you with surveillance and metadata is what they're typically calling this in court documents so message data is actually can be anything all the secret stuff the government uses all that type of information if it were so collected by a surveillance system identity in a manner that can't be can't be decoded or messed up it has to be friends so can't be hacked and like the biggest problem forensically secure and unmodifiable so it can't be hacked and one of the biggest problems with our recently leaked medical database is that it isn't forensically secure and encrypted digitally signed even if it was plain text like or not encrypted at least there should be digital signatures on everything so that you can't go and modify someone's medical history but of course the people that sell that medical database no doubt could could add a whole bunch of visits and change a lot of the information about certain people so people that think they're getting the actual medical database if they buy it on the darknet are probably getting something that's mostly accurate with a few notable exceptions that were added by the people selling it and so is this surveillance information if people were to request it they should be able to get their own identity and their own metrics that they were collected on them and they should be able to use it for their own purposes and mostly they can't do that and even the time limit companies don't have to have the the surveillance running they don't even have to have it running they could have a 24 hours it's all wiped out so that would be impossible to use even with the court order you're never going to get it within 24 hours is gone so if the company is committing crimes against people with its own surveillance system running that could be very bad people don't think that this is the case but it is and and that's my opinion about this and it should definitely be encrypting and hiding the identities of people so you couldn't use it for bad purposes should be following people around with it for example and that those identities of other people in it would only be decoded if you had the rights to it or the police I'm stepped in and needed to charge somebody in it you'd be able to do that so the companies aren't going to be storing the surveillance systems like that they're going to be storing in there whatever cheap manner they can do and that's to be expected but when they provided to the government it should be set up in a way that's forensically secure and their identities Bonafide are protected and encrypted anonymized in a reversible manner with digital signatures as possible and that would prevent deep fake fake videos and fake surveillance from being created from the government copies of the surveillance which are there for you to retreat retrieve retrieve and they'd be a copy of everything that that company is storing on you so anything in their surveillance system that's monitoring you and storing data about you attaching it to you all of it will be accessible so if they're using some sort of any any kind of information that's being collected by the Machinery so if there was a sonar device capturing your limb movements if there was anything something looking at your facial expressions what kind of what you're thinking you're feeling your mood on zero to 100 how happy are you and you can see from facial expressions so if they're storing that information on people all of that should be collected and provided to the government and then forensically secured and provided at a fee perhaps will definitely add a fee cuz the government needs money to deal with these serious problems that we're about to either be destroyed by if a miracle occurs we will not be destroyed but my freedoms already gone and there's just Liberty is a piece of paper and these emails do nothing I'm in the information scientist I am in central or said something without serious thought and expand scientific method I don't like to be wrong and I've been completely ignored and I'm still stocked in terrorized and abused with this technology constantly these people have played the sound of screaming girls and woman they said they were raping and killing them in in the v2k the guy constantly says how much he hates me can't wait till this is over you're going to be crying like a baby when this is over he says it's sick he says he killed my sister my dad in several other people I'm pretty sure they're still alive but I'm not positive because I can't speak to them or find them well

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