How free countries scare communists

in #targetedindividuals2 years ago (edited)

Aside from the current lack of peaceful discourse in World politics as well as abandonment of the ballistic missile treaty as well as expulsion of diplomats scientists formerly working on brain technology and keeping it from getting in the wrong hands. I it must be stated that as a restrictive government and authoritarian government which rules with more rules is as effective as the world's economic superpower a communist country that really like all countries that have revolutions special emphasis is placed on not having another one and the same would go with the other communist country with any political significance Russia to has its own reasons for wanting a long-lasting system long into the future Generations and the one thing that restrictive authoritarian governments if they can trust to live peacefully at the borders with the other countries as we have been for the most part till now in the past several decades towards World War II so the greatest threat on a peaceful planet where there is no threat from its neighbors.

Restrictive government will have people escape.

People escape from North Korea people have escaped from straight Jackets underwater and even with brain technology the future is certainly endless with stories of out of control AI instead of preventing Revolution as it did in George Orwell's epic work 1984 which used to be mandatory reading in Canada and is no longer I might add and it is very very important to know that even with brain technology people will still Escape for example people build and maintain computer systems and the most powerful and dangerous is brain technology which is far more powerful than a gun I often say state how can you use a gun if you can't see the enemy as with the brain technology Jared Diamond wrote a very good book Guns Germs and Steel explaining how technology and share of information and share of Technologies trade between east and west facilitated the current world technological advancement state more advanced technology use in a war is undefeatable as the gun over the sword and many more complex examples here where technology is far superior when it comes to fighting a war and fearing these escaping people from these countries that are living peacefully with each other's borders and allowing each the right to coexist with their own satisfactory enough laws and rules that it doesn't impinge on our sense of decency but then what do you do of these people that escaped these are migrants and people fleeing their country for any system let alone to find a free system one that they prefer and one that they can influence or at least build up the resources to influence themselves where they came from so this leaves a huge threat a very very clear threat over the long long term of these kinds of countries as a suggestion they could relax the rules a bit rather than attack the free countries and subjugate them to the authoritarian governments rules hear that or fight your war in virtual reality that's the other option you could fight your war in virtual reality for every F-35 you crash in the virtual war game we will destroy one in real life we'll have a big explosion like they used to on television for car accidents and for every bullet that you expand on the battlefield will research newer and better ones and will destroy one in real life so that we can read re-pull it out of the Earth and fashion it together again because the revolution that I don't want repeated and I can't remember how 1984 ended but it's pretty dystopian yet he was considered and drawn up into the McCarthy trials George Orwell the writer suspect of being a communist right after World War II there was a heavy distrust and today 2028 what never used to have telephones in every house in the 80s and eventually bicycles will be the world's most powerful economy followed behind by the United States they're already China is the world's largest producer and consumer of oil China has the world's largest radio telescope looking for aliens and is currently building the largest particle Collider and recently and may still have the world's most powerful single super computer I would really hate to see the future that is described by John Titor he was a time traveler claiming to be from the 2030s and there was a Civil War in the United States there was no such thing to him as a grocery store with aisle and Isle of food and bread and saving a a history lesson on Liberty and freedom in the history of the United States and slavery these are not revolutions most people expect until now or until soon they won't have to relive and the revolution of freedom from tyranny physical Force without warranted use such as through the United Nations or diplomatic discourse where peace is the primary objective World War II and all such Wars were understood to be finished with the nine or a dozen or so times my uncle escaped from the Nazis in a prison camp and beaten when they recaptured them would then be done unfortunately just like fads holidays and people November 11th and the message that it brought is sometimes unknown to those of us living in the benefit and so to me that is the revolution we never want to repeat yet we're in the situation of slavery to the majority or majority to the slavery whichever so if you agree with slavery you're going to be taking slaves or you already have slaves and to these other people living in the free countries in their minds they have freedom and on the piece of paper it says Liberty so it is quite frightening to think that this International dysfunctionality could promote a horrific future was when John Teeter published this information in the 90s unthinkable back then November 11th was still quite strong idea and the United Nations as well although I remember the term Big Brother was almost always associated with paranoid conspiracy theories a general distrust of government information gathering systems and an over over creative overly creative trust in the effectiveness and force of the government Information Systems and those types of Information Systems they do exist today such as well to everybody it's when they could start talking to chat chat GPT so this chat GPT is very simple thing compared to what AI is and chat GPT can simulate what it looks like to have a normal conversation with a human and it's not necessarily thinking so often if people are arguing with it it's taking the point of view that Hitler is okay and you're arguing with it just try not to get too upset it's rather embarrassing I would say I haven't even used it very much mostly my Detective most of my Detective was paranoid he was a undercover operative in united in British Columbia looking for missing woman anyways when this chat GPT which is also the same thing that gives you deep fake so fake news the same thing kind of thing can create a representative sample and it also can form a basis of computer vision it's basically taking 900 samples and giving you a 900 a month or maybe a hundred more samples and soon it will be incredibly powerful combined with brain technology where in free countries I imagine are super intelligent in our lifetimes according to Ray Kurzweil in the singularity is near in our lifetimes we'll see computers as smart as human beings and then in their children's lifetimes the computer is running these artificial intelligence processes such as deep fake synthesis and coming up with its own and better than your ideas in our children's lifetimes these computers will be as powerful as 10,000 humans thinking for 10 billion years in some odd nanoseconds meaning by far as an assistant that's with you your entire life knowing your thoughts and other details in a free country we would have control over our own selves and this goes with all the other freedoms one that is often not talked about and as a targeted individual the freedom to think is obvious and when that's not talked about Beyond this is the freedom to disobey so this is something that the slavers will be fighting about if they are caught or noticed so if Society falls apart these people will be well prepared to hide as they do from the government the technology but no doubt many more people will quickly come to realize the loss of their freedom so by attacking America out of its fear what would remain is a slave a pro-slavery meaning no freedom for some state and then to prevent people from getting support to go back home all they have to do is perform better than the other pro slavery States that their population could escape to and I would suggest in light of the advancing supercomputing power that to make an orwellian future for the entire planet is certainly not desirable or suitable for durability into the long-term of humanity and which I must say is increasingly short seeming looking into the future it went from the age of the universe to Millions to thousands to few hundred years before we have a similar situation to Revelations where one single super Staples Easy Button of the future is in the hands of an evil time traveling devil and even like the movie Army of Darkness where a man goes back with a lighter or even in modern times where Spanish conquistadors slaughtered thousands and thousands of South American Aztec warriors indeed every one of them as their tail goes when a group of people if possible to travel through time would go back in time with good intentions it would be a matter to sneak in through this vetting process for a psychopath to go back and simply kill anybody that didn't agree with them so if you went back with 100 people they would be looking at well 90 of them need to be enslaved with the technology or or they will be a problem and so if 10 come back one of them might be thinking this or two of them and it would be incredibly risky I think for any human to go back with advanced technology and subjugate histories of parallel universe should they exist I am told due to the mathematics Theory that it says we can only be in one timeline at a time and if you went back in time things will become more dissimilar to the time frame you came from and this is from John Titor he had a special variable and I believe it was Divergence last I read they were looking at going through a black hole to go through time or space and then creating something they called also a wormhole If This Were possible to travel through time but you have to still believe there is a possibility to avoid the dystopian George Orwell's 1984 or what seems even more likely Revelations from the Bible when the people that were terrorizing me on v2k it dawned on me to ask them and they said they didn't believe in God I was thankful it was not some sort of ritual Magic actually because certainly bad things do happen to people and these can be followers of God or not and I would I being a follower of God would have been more fearful of my enemy if they believed in God so I don't think he could possibly be the devil this Tormentor of mine there's terrorized me for 8 years and his dozen or so friends or synthesized voices yet we're near a future where this would be possible in any case any future which avoids the destruction of humanity is better than one that calls it quits as I say the referee the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to ease people suffering as you can see with transhumanism and the horrible despicable things this enemy does they're sick killings which I think no doubt is enabled able by the darknet that the amount of suffering one could have with brain technology is so much manifold multiplied similar to the idea that water droplets can torture you force remote Anonymous communication or miscommunication is really debilitating it's not a simple psychological trick of a firewall in your brain however there are many rain techniques to use most of them take up your entire mind to employ them so I would need in a free country my government to not only publicize the knowledge necessary for the common person to prevent them from doing things like listening to a voice in their head thinking it's the NSA putting some president present that a stork dropped in the backyard into the hamburger of the mayor well cooking Burgers because the voice in the head was God other things the common person would need to know are very very much not spoken so a lot of people believe Anonymous voices are not hallucinations but must should be listened to because there's Anonymous psychic informants or voices in the head reported to the authorities makes a very credible seeming informant when it is just the same brain technology and v2k this is the type of Technology combined with synthesized voices that make the Sandy Hook shooter not mentally ill that all the rising number of public shootings in the United States alone over one a day in 2015 and John Titor stated that it would be about two per day when the war started so I would need technology to prevent or at least identify and locate the sources of such abuse of my senses and of the general population so that they're not functioning poorly in the psychological and deep fake false reality furthermore I'd like freedom from brain technology in my own property and at home with my family my wife and I will decide what applies to the visitors and the family members that we have for example if you go to someone's house their brain technology May function differently than in your house and with the public technology it would be known and stated to those subject to its control what it does in public spaces to protect the government buildings Banks and no doubt corporations would have to follow rules about brain control and their employees as well as protecting the sense of information What's led to this horrible condition and State of the common population to detest the government and likely cheer the day of burns to the ground is their Mass paranoia and as mentioned fear of these Information Systems being misused and if our information surveillance systems are only used for negative consequence such as today you could not very well request the video from any business which records you and you have no control over how long but you have some measure of control over they have to keep it relatively Secret so you're not going to see yourself on Mad TV tomorrow and then nobody's going to come and to your restaurant because they saw you do some silly thing on that TV but you can't actually use the information on that surveillance system furthermore the security guards even but definitely the business owner may have access to the surveillance system information and this includes not only video but other sensors and metrics such as three-dimensional modeling and information about your electronic devices as well as your identity and brain scan your brainwave a simple thing to measure as well as all of your conscious and subconscious thinking your activation of your means as well as what you're looking at listening to your senses as well as imagining looking at and any internal dialogue you may carry on so anything you read or any media you digest is easily picked up with 97% accuracy within 20 minutes of a typical mind reading device and if you're having trouble with this you should do good to do some reading part of the problem is without being able to even talk about mind reading which is invented in Russia in the '70s and by the 90s was no longer even called that was called something even worse than that as far as the paranoid psyche of the common person in my country at least is with mind control devices sends them over the edge they're happier to talk about aliens or crazy conspiracy theories then even imagine the idea of Mind Control devices and it will probably not be called Mind Control devices as reading and writing are so similar I doubt we're going to use this to test full term that causes so much anxiety and a need in the words of one US retired US general the need for people to go to the hospital over the idea of Mind Control devices one Scientific American journalist wrote that is such an interesting sensation hard to describe to see a scientist use a joystick to move his arm one thing that is not so interesting as somebody who's lost my freedom and not due to the hand of the government but due to the hand of criminals that appear to be facilitating the targeted individuals plate across North America and indeed Russia and maybe all of the countries that started using it decades ago and I think we must have been safer in the 90s even with our paranoias but nowadays I edit appears so little these surveillance systems can even do to protect you as far as I'm concerned any surveillance system that is in operation that captures the identity of a free person or indeed any person it should protect their actual identity as well as provide the footage to the people who have rights to the footage including I would suspect I have a right to the footage and unless somebody else was on it or it was a private property and if it was public property it certainly should be retained encrypted digitally science or cannot be tampered with and provided for many years for me to access with some mechanism through the government or otherwise yet that's not the case and even to use surveillance footage a judge must give a court order to acquire it and is unlikely to ever happen when you're dealing with the authorities and in a country like Canada you really wonder how much less effective this information gathering is then the clearly not perfect but more thorough Information Systems of the United States such as our populations of North America can see at muckrock which host many f o i a requests which all query computers and digitally signed surveillance systems but neither of these systems gives much benefit to the common person who is just robbed in front of a bank machine camera for example I literally this is true I had a guy last year come with a knife and a mask and he said give me your bag hobo and I asked him if I could keep my broken computer because I had some footage of Starbucks on it that was remarkable and he said I'm not kidding around I'll stab you give me your bag and stop following me he kept saying cuz I followed him down the road where cabby that must have dropped him off peeled Rubber and glared at me without stopping as I'm waving him down to use his phone of course of course being Regina Saskatchewan I couldn't be quite sure if he just wasn't afraid of the surveillance didn't realize it was a bank machine didn't realize I was a homeless guy sleeping there and I was probably nothing valuable in the bag or if it was targeted and the police might not need a court order in this case the bank might happily show it to him I employed the officer who take my statement for theft and he said the police likely won't even go ask for it they probably won't even go there it's just we never recover laptops anyways so it's not worth looking at and I guess that's the city of Regina but I should have been able to access it myself and maybe his identity was protected under the surveillance but I pay and the government would cough up at some website this event I need to get his identity because not only was the footage recorded and the audio recorded but there was definitely tons of recordings and sensors in in the building fixtures and sensors any sensors that lead to some sort of surveillance information system by Corporation or otherwise they collects data of citizens should be forced to retain it secure it encrypt it digitally sign it and provide it to those people at the very least that are recorded on it so at least I get my own sensors and I'd be able to point out the police here's a here's a person it's ID number Anonymous ID 1846 you can see he not only robbed me in the bank machine he was here in Saskatoon he was here in Saskatoon in a Safeway grocery store bothering me and finally in Calgary he went into a Subway and he told them that guy over there makes a big mess in your bathroom after leaving the washroom in a state of disarray or the bus and then complaining to the bus driver pointing them out so I would have Anonymous ID number 1846 and then 8 years ago when I noticed I was being stalked and her ass I could have found these people myself and then you take that to the courts what a blissful future it could be with advanced advanced computer technology especially notably would be Isaac asimov's rules for robotics as all of the brain technology functioning in my house preventing the cat preventing the dog from running away and preventing and making the cat a guard cat worse than any Wolverine would be a cat intent on hurting you even a house cat but house cats and dogs might fight a little bit they really are quite peaceful and don't like fighting and I'd like to see a world discussing these types of problems we're facing today in terms of what we're willing to accept for freedom and information surveillance and privacy and our security rather than going to war and upholding ideas of slavery or any less than free systems for those free countries or intent on disrupting the other countries way of life for one reason or another should it all cost be avoided and any artificially intelligent brain technology or assistance imagining Boston Dynamics Androids which can not only Kung Fu you but pick up a gun and shoot it any one of these robots would function first with an idea that does this action of mine hurt anybody does this action of mine kill people and does this action of mine kill myself and then barring these problems it would serve the commands or questions given to it by myself and indeed it should be conducting itself as instructed with all people if I own this technology and Incredibly intelligent AI assistant would thankfully be better than v2k stalking which sometimes seems like psychic voices I've spoken with schizophrenics that have v2k and they really find it's quite hilarious because it's a voice that's actually a person and then there's someone telling him that that's actually a person and it's a relief for them for the most part and people that aren't tortured by voice in their head that find the voice helpful they are very very keen to listen to it one gentleman I know has he's claims his book is published and coming out in November or October he thinks they're hallucinations but they're you should listen to them because he won some gambling in Vegas he has just one girl that I guess she doesn't bother him I told him but he is a little bit needs one of these AI assistants and with an artificially intelligent assistant you don't have the Privacy invasion of the actual person or group as in my case a dozen or so Psychopaths you don't even have the possibility of such as with the time travelers that go back in the past with advanced technology to subjugate people with artificial intelligence that's way more intelligent it's equal to a planet full of people in intelligence and it can finish anything you ask it within a blink of an eye and it knows better than what you were even asking you don't really need to be that intelligent to function at a high level with a lot of peace and security if we build them correctly Isaac has them off had a planet on it in which there was never any murders however they did communicate remotely all communication was telecommunication and physical sex with not on the table in any case these types of ways of life should be coming from Human Minds and as far as I can see it the only way to avoid this horrible Armageddon from Revelations or a World War in which a dystopian 1984 or Terminator like future is a reality is perhaps if so unfortunate to be invaded by aliens at least then at least then we can hope they have a better way of living and so that's why I say there's always a chance and if you don't try it there's no chance so give peace a chance and the very dangerous technology that is advancing so rapidly needs to be shared and ways of existing with it brain technology and artificial intelligent computers will need to be created as well as education of the common non-technical person happy to accept whatever they're told by anybody so about 75% of people they need to be told that the government will not speak to you anonymously in your head ever etc etc and especially in Canada the surveillance equipment is is ridiculous is virtually non-existent in terms of the government's employment of computer systems that are safe and secure one of the first releases of ransomware that I heard of being from Penticton BC was in Penticton BC in the RCMP detachment big surprise it's a very dangerous place and I would gauge about 52 some odd of the 52 police there are complicit in their crimes it seems like anybody who's not part of it leaves so I just warning you until that's fixed I wouldn't trust going there even if you are with the authorities especially with what looks like an a war driven by fear that might trigger a civil war a war for Freedom or slavery I know as long as there are targeted individuals in our free country they are given lawyers if they are targeted by the government you would expect the government to protect the so few number of people many thousands in the states no doubt though that are not targeted by the government and treated like they are mentally ill I can tell that this large enemy that hides and promotes the idea that targeted individuals are mentally ill is a very serious threat to our country and our freedom my freedom is already gone arguably these people could pause me at any minute and steal my phone in fact my phone is likely hacked as many ways to Sunday as they can imagine and if they wanted these stalkers who have used unauthorized access against me for 8 years one of the earliest things I noticed was my computer was being hacked so I know first hand experience living under the lack of Freedom these people control in a social environment it is particularly believable for people who are not under a constant attack there is no way they would question their ears or what they heard and people like the Sandy Hook shooter really did believe these people were harassing him and said the things that they said because that child could not possibly guessed the technology was disadvanced and still even if that young person understood what Freedom was and what a free country gives you is not fully clear until you're an adult this is no doubt evident in the Pro anarchistic seen as a young person in a free country like Canada the anti culture it is a common boredom to hear armchair politics which is another freedom that people may sit around and discuss their government and politics in any way shape or manner they so choose whether or not they're smart expertise or not any person may discuss their views on these matters freely in any large or small group of people indeed even spreading total malarkey on certain well-known programs or conspiracy theory groups at least when history is known to a free country at least as of lately the truth is far more important than having an imaginary history it would be similar to allowing people to do all sorts of weird and funny things with their brain technology at their own whim as long as it didn't infringe upon others including in their own family in any illegal or perverse manner although special allowance would be certainly given to the freedom to control the technology and have a behave in a manner towards oneself in any way so they choose and even though this would permit people from creating a situation where their computer systems would kill them it should be at all costs encouraged to persevere through the suffering of life always even if allowing the person to kill themselves I was thinking since going off of Niagara Falls in a barrel is most likely going to kill a person the few people that survive or indeed even find their bodies let alone find them alive I doubt they go off Niagara Falls in a barrel a second time very often and I would joke that they should have to get in the barrel on their own if they want it nailed shot and people should always discourage them in any case.

I hope you can see how living on a peaceful planet free countrie can authoritarian governments and I really pray there is no war but it does look from where I am being a targeted individual like the government is in over its head and it's a little too late I really hope that is not the case but I am at a loss than to explain the situation with targeted individuals because they are not suffering from mental illness and are definitely being murdered by people criminals and in a country like China and Russia are good examples where it would have been safer for me as an information scientist in Canada to go would have been those countries because in those countries criminals don't do this to people only the government does this to people in the free country targeted individuals are created and treated as if they are mentally ill entirely without the government's knowledge or public knowledge and those targeted by the government have orders to be quiet as well as are so few in number they also have lawyers and representation in the courts where even the evidence is blacked out just to Simply hide the basic 1970s I remind you is mind reading by the 90s would be called mind while writing is a little more sanitized and secret Department of Defense journals at the time now Declassified through the same muckrock by the 90s was called mine well let's call it writing for the sake of the rest of this article so from where I'm sitting it doesn't look very good and it looks like the more serious threat is from our own citizen I sincerely regret not trying a different country early on in this before any health effects occurred assault causing bodily harm may have permanently altered my lifespan and still to what total goal nobody is quite certain nor is it being investigated by the authorities anywhere and that's why people like teenagers and children like the Sandy Hook shooter could have had this happen to them and especially with young people there is no chance that they will figure it out and not do harm or damage especially if they bring it to the attention of their parents the police or doctors they get the same treatment however everything matches them being a targeted individual except children are not gang stalked because you cannot convince gang stalkers even on the dark net with thousands of dollars that the kid is a threat to National Security and that the anonymous higher authorities the alphabet soup want them through some Anonymous chat room to take some cryptocurrency or gift cards and go do some weird plausibly deniable simple crime at the very least of the actions available and even if we are to expect peace from all the world powers and we don't see a World War or even any Hypersonic missiles for example at all so no pruning of the United States government by China and if we have relative World Peace we still have a very serious problem in North America with targeted individuals being targeted by criminals with money and this includes taking slaves and the primary incentive of this conspiracy would be to not be prosecuted for crimes such as enslaving those up until now those people that have unwittingly been exposed to brain technology in one case I know of in Canada to several cases actually but one of them very strong emotion from would be the fact that it changed the career choice of several women so these women would normally sell their bodies but with the brain technology they did it for society is what was told to me and it was shut down in Regina Saskatchewan the creator of the simple technology which used I believe ultrasound didn't explain how it worked and when the technology was removed these people no longer sold themselves and chose different jobs I'm also an experience of four people who not normally considered to be bi or gay I call it the gay ray gun and it really does make them dressed they're not pretending they dress in girls clothes and they are acting pretty gay and none of them are that way and I'm thinking of the Technologies removed they might revert unless you know they are like I mean it's hard to talk to them all really but I know a couple of them and they're not normally like that and one of them told me he was hit on the head and woke up like this literally and I know of personal experience because the this thing this ray gun doesn't work on me so I consider these people to be potentially really good actors like they should be in Hollywood but I'm most I can to believe in them and they don't even believe it's technology when I talk to them and definitely with two of them it's with this technology application of the gay Regan that they became like this actually there's five of them anyways it doesn't appear to work on me because the psychopath would no doubt have used it already and I I'm still wearing men's clothes and I only like woman in terms of those fun things that people do women are are the only one on my menu so I'm pretty sure it doesn't work with people who have thought about it enough throughout their lives and are straight but I can't be certain but from personal experience I have experience of a different weapon which I called the pause weapon and this is a brain technology which appears to work on anybody and the person is simply continuing the same action over and over and over again they don't form short-term memories during this process if their eyes stay open they stay open if they're closed they stay closed presumably you would be able to spend one of those spinners for people that have concentration issues fidget spinner but if you're targeted individual I don't recommend using anything that tends to replicate a trigger although I believe most of the suicides are just outright entire control of the individual in the end if they don't commit suicide eventually this person will simply like the scientist and the journalist from Scientific American use a joystick to remote control their arm it could be very difficult to get the kinetics just right and it probably looks unnatural but that sounds to me like the most likely Last Resort of the enemy with their victims and I experience with this pause weapon frequently it causes me a great deal of stress and anxiety to find places I can eat sit down sleep safely go to the washroom brush my teeth to read a book plug in my computer or any other task we do in throughout the day we made very complicated and so people will have already subjugated others because the technology is Insidious in that one doesn't notice it being employed against them none of these people knew that technology and some of them still don't know that it's technology that made them behave differently some of the people under the effects of it have a hard time understanding that this is real technology and it's actually affecting them so imagine if you had slaves like in the old days but the slave couldn't open their mouth you didn't have to take their mouth shut or sew their lips shut or glue it shut or whatever other ways they did this as I can't even imagine somebody doing that however the technology would make it simpler than that simply they don't complain eventually it will be to all too easy to just simply take anybody who doesn't agree with slavery and make them a Slave anybody who's infringed upon the rights of others with this simple brain technology I was told by one person let's call him mg that once you got the code for the person's head that was it it was like a number a single number for every person's head is all that protects it then it could be used so we need the government to be protecting itself it's institutions and every single person needs to be protected from this technology and it's not even looking towards that it hasn't started investigating it hasn't even looked at Stephanie's niece's murder 8 years ago every single victim if they're not dead already in a hospital not wanting to leave or in another institution such as permanently incarcerated or having commit suicide all the targeted individuals none of them have their lives saved by the government so the increasing number of public shootings not attributable to Isis extremism or isol and even many of the if they are public shootings you have to wonder how much is of the hate crimes actually not simply due to application of the technology to terrorize and harass someone notably with the object that bothers them I think mostly to the nightclub bouncer at the gay nightclub it's hard to say cuz he didn't complain or really stay too much about why he did what he did if he heard people say what he thought they said he would need to even question it or tell people he attacks the people that he didn't like who were acting and speaking the way he didn't like and it bothered him it's hard to say if one doesn't complain about harassment or doesn't complain about people's words before they go postal as it used to be called if this technology is being employed but I suspect in every case of a mass shooting it's the technology before I think it's just a crazy postal worker who's depressed and going to kill themselves and who a small percentage of those people go shoot others when they kill themselves that's why the term going postal was used because it has the highest rate of suicide of the typical professions but nowadays it's negligible compared to the number of people that appear to be dying due to a non-existent mental illness extremism of course does have a small and growing part to play in what you would think is normal religious extremism includes the modern-day over exuberance to a uni bomber mentality or other Ned lud Luddite or Guy Fawkes bonfire night and related anarchistic mentality. But all cases should be looked at in terms of the technology being used to terrorize targeted individuals first and then the simpler explanations after that many many people such as Myron May had no idea and no information before they went in his case and shot up a library the information about this technology and its application against victims needs to be spread publicly there is a blanket at least a dozen statements the government needs to make so that the common person isn't confused and helps these people even without brain technology is very dangerous there are still many ways to control people before brain technology four of them but I'll save those for another day and arguably brain technology fits in with the mental however I would say brain Technologies its own fifth category of ways to control people because you don't need to use your brain it just makes you think or believe or act really you'd have to speak to those experiencing slavery today and I would really like to avoid seeing a war which allows them to continue doing what they're doing I tend to feel along with the victims and any victims I've spoken with are satisfied that the technology is not working on them at least for the victims that appear to be freed and they don't seem to want anything more of the people that have been using the technology against them I know that targeted individuals those targeted by the government for being spies prolific offenders and other such almost fantasy like reality I imagine I'd see only in Hollywood they certainly do have a lot of complaints and no doubt will be seeking financial compensation from the government which is ironic as none of the victims of the targeting in the hands of criminals live let alone see compensation we don't even see the government looking towards finding and stopping those people at least not in Canada or the United States where the public shootings are still increasing and frighteningly enough suggestions in the government that encryption maybe is the problem there's certainly some problems with the dark net and encryption is one of the things that creates the darknet but people can be monitored and the dark web can be surveilled so also suggestions as bad sounding as that are the idea that removing guns will help the problem I suggest that you look at where there is no longer a problem in countries like China which appear to have had very little of a problem from outside point of view save but a bunch of people who took knives axes and cutting utensils into schools stabbing school children and teachers alike because of less access to a gun doesn't tend to help especially if a gun is not very powerful when compared to brain technology taking the guns away seems to be like tipping the odds in the scale against the common free person towards being enslaved what is needed to be done is they need to be empowered with the technology and the government needs to protect people with the technology and to even get there it needs to know that and be looking for these perpetrators currently using the technology.

Praying for peace no there is a small vanishingly small chance will survive on into the millennia's and longer but praying to avoid this Armageddon and praying for my sister if she's still alive and my family and to all those people that have died already those I know and those I don't.

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