Advanced technology and painting court system is difficult to talk about it

Here's the letter I just wrote to the government notably The Senator Mark gold who was looking for better ways to deal with classified secret information in the court system.


Senator the Honourable Marc Gold

I just read an article in the newspaper Kelowna Now that mentioned you want to fix the problem of how secret information it's difficult to use in the court system

I don't know anything about secret information that is not being Declassified by the government itself however there is an existing problem with non-secret publicly available technology publicly available science once classified information in the government is also difficult in certain cases to speak about even or to complain about especially. The devices such as mind-reading technology that computer scientist neuroscientists and noamsky alike won't laugh at mention of these Technologies neither will the judge or sheriffs but your lawyer in Canada especially even Dentons won't respond to an email complaining about this technology please will bring you routinely to the hospital they used to laugh and I've got dozens of really kind of embarrassing quotes from them trying to solve this problem for myself and others

One in Canada will find if mentioning rain technology your lawyer every single time will insist to call you mental before they mention mind reading technology in fact my lawyers all but one refused to mention my reading technology at all the second to last lawyer was good he followed my instruction that he was not allowed to say I was ill he took this to believe he wasn't allowed to mention anything because it was clearly to him illness so whenever the judge asked him why I broke a window he said well I'm not allowed to tell you cuz he won't say I'm Ill and it was simply stalking in v2k synthetic to have to see and mind reading simple the judge no I didn't understood when I got a chance to say hey I'm not meant to heal but he didn't mention once I was though it was hard to get the lawyer to do that he I was very happy he followed the instructions cuz most we'll just listen and then pipe up right before the end of it they think you need to go to hospital the free lawyers Duty Council every single time mentions this and does not talk about what you mentioned this is publicly available technology and you can't talk about it to police or to the court system how does that function

the Social Services Ministry as well as the ministry of Public Safety excluding doctors however if you manage to see a doctor they have nothing to help you if you have brain technology problems the police would have helped you anything else is paranoid there is no phone number for them to call the police and tell them to smarten up and to doctor obviously they know about the major advances brain technology that will blow up other less informed people away how quickly this is moving in fact at one point in time recently doctor said all medication will be replaced with chips funny scenarios aside or ironic scenarios aside they for example the DARPA in the United States agency says are now saying anything that could have been done with the chip is even better than wirelessly so there is nothing you cannot accomplish wirelessly with previous ly done by chips and planted no longer necessary to be that invasive or dangerous with the side effects so much better than medication for mental health medication is more side effects chips are an improvement and wirelessly is even better than just and it to be expected the future cure for mental illness will be Wireless

So when a victim of Advanced Brain technology seemingly so to the common person non-scientist but not alarming to a doctor or a professional such as a information scientist which is what an expert with experience can call themselves after some 10 years working in the industry in a several different fields and job titles of Computer Sciences I qualify as an information scientist and is not alarming to me it's amazing however if somebody was using it against my will I did not expect to have 9 years later impossible number of scenarios where I tried to get the authorities from NCI which investigates stalker serial killers to the NSA to the RCMP many different emails of government officials and agents and most of them laugh like the lawyers do and just ignore you I was in shock over this and still haven't and even the doctors that I talked to her find that fairly alarming that nobody is doing anything about it they assume they did and just are ignoring you cuz there's nothing to investigate is what they tell me but they're slightly worried that nothing's been done about it I've got over a foot tall medical paperwork each time it says the same thing it's not meant CL it it's it's done 78 years ago I didn't need to go to the hospital ever again this is not a mental health problem but it is stressing my life and my brain it's not called post-traumatic stress that targeted individuals have it's called traumatic stress syndrome it's what comes before PTSD and it's been 9 years of increasingly worse problem financially socially everything I think I'm doing okay considering I'm not considering going postal at all nor would I ever and I will never kill myself but it's this it's disheartening to see a society like ours so destroyed in a blink of an eye feels like you just turned around and it's gone there's people fighting to have slaves and they don't really much care about your freedom and you can't complain to anybody about it or do something about it it's very alarming and disturbing any victims don't mention it to anybody they're in the group to see if they have a problem or if they're ill unfortunately a lot of them never mention it past the first incident where they're brought to a hospital these are called targeted individuals and they're treated like they're mental and laugh that often but they're suffering from normal technology so I shouldn't have lawyers or anybody in the ministries of the government and even heritage Canada told all the departments of all the governments from federal especially the federal government departments including the ministry Public Safety all of them should quickly and thoroughly update their procedures and policies because brain technology is here this is mind reading as well as what's obviously when we're talking about writing the same thing brain reading and writing is is available to technology and as far as I know nobody's updated their policies or procedures except for Heritage Canada which sent the letter I don't think they've even updated the technology to defend the Bank of Canada for example the interest rate everybody can predict which way it's going to go but if you knew which way it's going to go you could really undercut the all the investors in the country would lose every month or before months or whatever

This would include the the police procedures manual for example of complaining about criminal harassment the crime of stalking somebody well defined in the tiny book called the criminal code doesn't have any procedures for the police if you call them about a stalker the police tell you it's no big deal right now they may be following you around or doing something strange but one day they will attack you a step foot on your property and then if they call you by phone or send you a letter or bring you a presents then we will write a restraining order for the weirdo doing such a strange thing doesn't matter who you are this is what they say that's okay so far it's not the greatest either but it saves money and if you have a real serious problem with a very smart perpetrator using this technology paying people on the dark net to commit plausibly deniable crimes called stalking harassment you're going to get murdered all criminal harassment ends in Murder unless the authorities do something about it when it's not a crazy person going to step on your property or call you on the phone or bring you a gift at work you're in serious trouble in Canada and the United States and other free countries that have this lack of detail in matter of their procedures they have not been updated since the Heritage Canada information is provided to the different every single Department of the federal government at the very least and I believe the provincial government's Municipal ones have been informed of it no doubt already know about it if you're talking about the municipal government has the targeted individual all too often they feel like an average business and person who is just trying to stay away from the federales and get their piece of the pie nobody seems to really care about freedom on the ground

there is a lot more I could say on this but I want to keep this email as brief as possible I wouldn't trust Communications from me if is contradicting any of my primary meaning and purpose I'm not going to turn around after 9 years and say oh I was wrong I'm not hiding anything and this is simply a very destructive force in my life that if I want to even keep living I need help to fix the government's done nothing but help these sick people who committed this crime witnessed 9 years ago in Pentagon BC it was actually handled eventually by the police complaints commission and then the woman and her for detectives that were subordinate to her quit because the Constable vans in the newspaper apparently assaulted A co-worker in the Okanagan somewhere he wrote me an email and told me the file was closed not to worry about anything which didn't answer any of my questions and he's been fired so he's permanently done from pentakin BC it's it's still a problem for me and all the victims of this technology have somebody trying to kill them usually for monetary game or some other reason typically they don't know who's doing it to them or why it's happening very few of them even know of a crime that started at all some of them are lucky enough to like I do but it's also part of the reason why they're clearly really much hate me and other people aren't bothered for a long periods of time or aren't even threatened one guy I know he has a single woman who bothers them she's the same as one of the woman that bothers me and she was from Kamloops British Columbia but that's the only person ever speaks to him ever he's also I'm not bothered the majority of time that he's living with himself and sometimes his girlfriend that I know of never seen him bothered by them at all he's also not harassed in public and his seemingly no other problems except this thing stole his career and he's medicated and treated like mental person other than that he is less problems except the occasional attraction which I can clearly hear when he's talking to her and he can hear me talking to her and he was initially in denial that he was not ill anyways I know several other victims on the Facebook group targeted individuals Canada I'll leave some links at the bottom I appreciate any help possible I think this is the most important purpose of our work towards the future today would be on this problem very serious matter of freedom and targeted individuals as well as public shootings active shooter processes don't solve the problem and nor do the court systems allow for it to be approached or even spoken about and I really appreciate seeing this in in the news thinking somebody else is on this or working towards a solution here but I think you know maybe 1:10 or less of the story from a victim standpoint nobody knows what we know except the people killing us we do know about brain technology nobody's confused over here about it or alarmed it's just really sad

all free countries are currently facing serious problem some smaller countries are 100% where about the brain technology as it was used on places like Puerto Rico or I think it was El Salvador I'm not sure which one everybody there a person told me in the chat room knew about it from Grandmother to child every single one of them knew about hive mind or synthetic telepathy which was pretty alarming to myself when nobody here knows about it and that's high mind is I think mostly secret but Dr Robert E Duncan mentions it Dr Robert E Duncan used to work for the government and he still does he is not violating any of his contracts for secrecy and his public information he wants to talk about freedom and the targeted individuals and the potential Solutions before it's too late you should look him up if you're interested in in the science of the technology and a scholar granted his credentials are from unverifiable working for secret projects in the government he talks about publicly available technology and seems to be one of the best he's in the United States and says that they'll help people trying to get rid of their problem but they only help Americans and don't want to hear from anybody else I wrote them anyways hoping they'd help me or they were looking for my perpetrator but they didn't respond which is too bad because I was sure and still I'm pretty sure they can figure out who this guy is in there probably looking for him just in the wrong place I'm in Canada it's hard to imagine what's going on there.

many victims believing the government's in on the conspiracy against them even children knowing that they're not ill and that their doctor they believe is putting them into this abuse them I know of two teenagers that have this problem they join my group for targeted individuals Canada which I run on Facebook and I've been targeted for 9 years since I witnessed an assault abduction and murder invented in BC and it's been a nightmare and getting worse as everybody dies at the end of this nobody manages to convince the government there's a serious problem on their hands and if you can't simply talk to a police officer about this problem most young people especially will never mention it ever again even if one of their friends at school mentioned it and got dragged out of school and medicated they will never tell anybody about the person speaking to them it's called synthetic telepathy there's a court case in Abbotsford of a 9-year-old and he was saved I guess by Santa Ana Police in California Santa Ana please I've been in Santa Ana I used to have a girl there and I was there I remember what they look like and they called Abbotsford Police RCMP to tell them there was a thousand recordings in a shed this sick perpetrator in Santa Ana was looking out the kids eyes and recording it of course and he got caught they can even take a recording of someone's eyes and use AI to create a third party non-existent point of view of the scene so if you look around a scene you walk in a room there's something called mixed reality and mixed reality AI can create a whole nother it can create a third Viewpoint of the whole thing from Europe subjective viewpoint so AI mixed reality creates as if there's a camera in the room similar to deepfake but the recordings were out the person's eyes and it uses mind reading technology which has been available in its primitive form since the seventies and is now very advanced so not being able to talk about abuses of this is a very dangerous threat to our freedom and is well capitalized on by the criminals using mercenaries and darknet Anonymous as well as almost anybody seems to want to participate when money is involved despicable I'm going to get AI to write this up in a more reasonable readable fashion but I hope that you might look into my case as well as the cases of other targeted individuals who are star terrorized with brain technology and are made to look crazy because they are often tripped and it's hard even once you know what is happening to not fall into the illusion that is created by the stalker and terrorists they live in our country and are doing this to people around every free country

the countries like China and Russia don't have this problem they sanction targeting and they they killed people or they abuse them and they they invade the privacy of their citizens and don't allow them to do this crime but in America especially now it is the freedom created by the mass paranoia and general complacency of our government as well as the Americans it dismantling most of their intelligence apparatus which would have protected Us in the 90s doesn't invade people's privacy and and always did protect Americans instead of other citizens so instead of Canadians that would protect the communications of an American by their rules and in Canada we have a particular problem as they do in the states I mean free countries where they allow basically just criminals are running around doing this in Russia the police know about the technology and use it on people they can use it and tell what they're thinking I don't think that's a good solution but I am sad to say that I think I would be more healthy and I would be happy and still living in normal life if I was living in Russia or China it's really depressing I've lost many friends who have been definitely murdered due to my witness this crime and family members look like we're all targeted and I might never ever see him again if they are even still alive I don't know you said I need due to various reasons you could find out about and most people are in my situation don't have so many problems they don't receive many death threats and they receive very serious problems with their life permanently disrupts their life but they may not be so terrorized and so constant anyways thank you very much

By the way I'm not mentally ill and I have had my work disrupted for 9 years and my entire criminal record that would be around would be non-existent if I was not criminally harassed all the crimes I committed were in response to stalking and criminal harassment and threats theft and so on it's normal normal daily Behavior against targeted individuals targeted by criminals we indeed protect the targets of government surveillance who are not aware of their surveillance even if brain Technologies use they're not tortured until they go postal I believe that all of the public shootings in the United States growing year to year are due when not attributed to Isis or extremism by the perpetrator there attributed to criminal harassment and stalking and the tricks used by these enemies of our country and it's growing it's not a growing mental health problem it's a growing problem of why are these people going postal the term going postal doesn't even make sense anymore thank you

I'm sorry I wish I had more time or resources to continue editing this I'm allowing it to pursue my AI paragraph writer or perhaps, one more time and I'll send it if you have any questions I'd be happy to respond it's imperative to somebody does something as there is no help from the authorities including NCI who are responsible for serial killing stocking Psychopaths like this one and I got a response once ever from them have over 150 people on my email list and I may add you to it when I publish new information or request out and often get no response except for a few occasional times from police officers or from the media thanked me for my emails a couple times use them in an article which was nice but not enough to do anything immediately useful in my life yet can also donate the links below I accept any of the cryptocurrencies of course or any other traditional means of funding such as interact email money transfer or you can just call the Ministry of Social Services and ask them why they haven't approved my application again which I know the answer is due to the criminal harassment and they're likely being paid cuz it's ridiculous the phone calls I have with them as well it's another separate topic but you can contact me directly thank you or pass on any of my links on the Facebook group my steam it blog YouTube channel or the same value May forward to anybody you think good out thank you I think there needs to be a nationwide massive inquiry and immediate response from a possibly already too late and and rather go the past government and they used to be free country and now it's a slave to criminals due to complacency or perhaps worse maybe it's Armageddon whatever it is is not the country I grew up in I was told by my parents was the greatest country in the world a thousand times or more and believe them

Stephan T. Unrau

Evidence Wrblog

One of the two Facebook groups for targeted individuals Canada the other one was started years afterward due to some users waiting too long to get approved or just simply denied access to the group in attempt to prevent the mass of people just making it seem like a bunch of crazy people anyways this is my group 700 members and most of them I mean about half of them made the Canadian and maybe at least half of them are serious problems with this pattern of behavior amounting to criminal harassment and murder often for financial gain.


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While not dying on the front lines of the Information War* I was formerly successful in my career as an expert at software development. help save my life and seek Justice for those who no longer havHeree their freedom even though Liberty says they are allowed to it and in Canada this is your Charter rights but your Charter Rights don't matter if you're dead. constantly employed petitioning the government daily recording evidence as well as submitting and pressing the government to do something interacting with police doctors and other government agents and officials is tiring and considering I can't sign a non-disclosure agreement due to the technology used and the ignorance of our government it's imperative that I get your help so I know the minister of Public Safety maybe never reads my emails but I'm pretty sure he'll read yours at the very least Take 5 minutes of your time to write the minister of Public Safety and ask him to fix my problem he'll eventually know what you're talking about and it'll be a very serious day for our country if this gets turned around for example the Sandy Hook shooter was not mensiel and someone in my position knows this knows it knowing something is true always people say they know but they don't so in all seriousness please also support me by up voting or sharing my posts at And if you're really awesome you can buy my NFTs or donate cryptocurrency, you would be the first person to do so probably and thank you God bless this country he needs it....

** Information War / Cyber Warfare
also referred to as unrestricted war or hidden War by Chinese instruction in the sequel or replacement for sunsuits Art of War as it's a new age of mankind and things are totally different now...

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