“Prophecy isn’t protest – it’s governmental decree.”

in #targeted7 years ago

“…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

“Prophecy isn’t protest – it’s governmental decree.” Prophecy speaks the decrees of God’s Kingdom over individuals and nations. It releases life transforming change. God’s Kingdom is advancing. He isn’t coming to take sides, He’s coming to take over! (see Joshua 5:13-15).”

“God Says, ‘Prophecy Isn’t Protest, It’s Governmental Decree'”

God is about to ignite an army of prophetic warriors. Many who are called to be part of this army don’t even know they are prophetic. Dormant prophetic gifts—long hidden inside—will be ignited. Those who already walk with confidence and humility in the prophetic will be promoted. This army will move beyond petty protests and current conflicts and release the government of Heaven with great authority. To walk in this authority requires great humility—the type of humility modeled by Nathan and David.

Can God trust you with greater authority and greater accuracy? Can you give correction and remain gracious and humble? Can you receive correction even if it comes from someone with less authority than you? These questions and others like them are strategic. This army will be known for its humility and its integrity. God’s grace will enable us to walk in this standard.

Read the rest of it at: http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=17700

And how do we know if we’re following the right Jesus?
Do we prophesy?

“…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
Revelation 19:10(b)

My friend asked me what I do with the various cults and spiritual persuasions of Boulder. The old me would have been very troubled by it all. Today though, I look for Truth we share in common. I consider their commitment to Truth-loving. Any group or soul that determines to follow Truth is my brother, and we’ll meet up one day as our alternate trajectories zero-in on Truth Himself. But, also I try to translate some of their terms into Bible language. Scripture often describes their concepts, if we let it speak to us by Holy Ghost. There’s no way to understand the Bible without Him.

My sermon for ‘We Are Change’ open mike night:

As you all know, the government and the brotherhood spy on everything we do all the time. As you also probably know, entities can read our thoughts as demonstrated by the enabling of paralyzed people to move prosthetic limbs by thought alone. And, I know some of you know, that directed-energy weapons also create thoughts artificially in the heads of those unfortunates who are the targeted individuals. If one is a sensitive, joining him or her up to the hive mind is immediate. I’d like to ask for a show of hands from people who have been affected by ‘v2k’ technology. V2K means ‘voice to skull’ and is also called the ‘voice of god weapon’. Dr. Robert Duncan invented it and his speeches are on youtube. We are being involuntarily assimilated. The Borg has humanity by the throat. Jean Luc is whispering sweet nothings to the woman with no body. It is speak now or forever hold your peace.

When they control our minds entirely, it won’t matter what happens to our bodies, or to our planet. Our minds CREATE and these zombies cannot create. We must use our minds to create a reality where human dignity and privacy are respected, and where we are individually responsible for our thoughts. We must create the psychic homeland that our species needs to survive. We do this by nurturing others and nurturing the world and never taking anything that isn’t ours and by building others up and never tearing them down. We EXPECT the best every second. We EXPECT the best and we PREPARE for the best and we will settle for nothing less than the BEST because we have been equipped to become sons of the KING. By His grace and before we were conceived, our victory was established. We watch only for His commands; we do nothing in the flesh. We follow perfectly and our faces are like flint and we love every soul we encounter. For CHRIST. For His victory and for His honor! This is the most extraordinary day. Thank you Jesus, for the privilege of seeing now and it’s impending ending. Amen.

(Then I’ll pitch my book, available on Amazon.)

I’m so happy. I am actively happy most of the time. I lived to see the day. I know God thinks I’m stupendous because He lives in the future. I guess I’ll be stupendous now

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