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RE: 40-Caliber Way of Life--Animal Rescue in Central Appalachia

in #tarc6 years ago (edited)

What did you see in our Steem wallet that makes the accusations seem accurate? Which transactions specifically? Are you referring to donated funds being transferred off the blockchain and converted to FIAT so we can spend them on the things the donors want them spent on? Because the thing is, if you intend to level complaints like that one, you need more than generalization, or you just seem like a troll.

And I would imagine Steemhouse Publishing might have something to say about the "self-published" bit. But then you know about Steemhouse, because you troll that page, too.

Oh, and Steemhouse already announced the bookstore tour. Apparently you don't actually read the posts you troll.


These are concerning. Since most transfers go offchain to a joint rhondak account on Bittrex or through blocktrades, I'm certain that you're keeping them separated. Plus the sad conditions you present don't seem like they'd lend themselves to very many cross country and other side of the world trips as often as you seem to take. I'm sure you would not consider yourself self-published. If you ask a scammer if they are a scammer, they will say no.

tarc one.PNG




Here's a confirmed lie.

A confirmed lie? I'm sorry. I fail to see anything untruthful about anything stated in that comment.

As an author, I sell books. I receive a regular direct deposit into my FIAT bank account from Amazon from sales of my two novels currently in print. We are also launching pre-orders for "High Kill" within the next week, which will be used to fund extensive travel for book promotion. Again, I fail to see anything questionable about this practice.

@ro-witness, would you care to step in and explain my ticket to Steemfest? @sircork (noblewitness,) would you care to explain my funding for the travel? Actually, no--that isn't really necessary. It just seems preposterous to not consider that other, independent sources of funding and ticket acquisition played a role in travel that was completely unrelated to the rescue. Does being the Director of a 501c3 really mean that no other affiliations and cash flow streams are allowed? It is quite a leap of ignorance for anyone to assume that just because someone runs a 501c3 organization and participates in other activities, that they are stealing money from donors to fund unrelated activities.

As for your complaint about the transfers, firstly it's important to recognize that the only way to convert cryptocurrency donations so they can be used in "real world" transactions is for the account manager to actually transfer them. In our case, many times TARC monies were combined with personal post payouts and lumped together into one larger sum to transfer out through Blocktrades or Bittrex. There is not a single shady thing about this internal practice of avoiding double transaction fees. The inference made here is actually an inverse of reality. Rather than using TARC monies for personal reasons, personal monies are being invested in TARC and spent on the animals.

In regard to TARC transports, there will be no indication anywhere on the blockchain about where funding for those comes from. There are two types of donations to a charity organization: discretionary and non-discretionary. I'm not going to waste my time defining those terms or explaining why their definitions matter. It's information easily discoverable with a simple Google search.

LOL, no, I'm not going to explain our business, but pay me back someday when it's convenient. :)

Will do, kind sir.

Your books are close to averaging #1,000,000 in popularity on amazon. You are not making a living off of those three dollar sales once every two months. Stop with the lies about personal monies.



So the transfer from tarc to your publishing house that you own to self publish was used for the charity, is that your assertion? The transfer to gmux was for your animals as well? Perhaps it was the transfer to rhondak then immediately to michelios that was for charity. The only thing a sane person can conclude is that you are using charity begging to pay for personal projects and not for the animals.

The blockchain also shows that you have been funded by loans from neoxian and also eturnerx. That is how you are funding your trips and self publishing project. But since you have only 2 books with any (heavy quote) sales, and we have seen you have no issues sending tarc funds to other accounts, it is safe to assume that much of that money is going to pay off those loans.

Ah, but does the blockchain show what all of these loans have been used to fund? It's interesting that you think you have things figured out, when in truth you're just fumbling around trying to make puzzle pieces fit when you have most of them flipped completely upside down.

I've wasted a ton of time on you already, with your bizarre accusations. But not as much time as you seem to have wasted on me. EVERY dime that passes through my hands on this blockchain goes to the rescue. It's how I've been keeping it funded. People have loaned and loaned and loaned money to me trying to help keep these dogs fed and vetted, and others have loaned money to get Steemhouse launched so it can generate income not only for me to use however I wish (mostly on the rescue) but for others to earn as well.

I don't think you appreciate how desperate the situation is with this nonprofit. Not receiving adequate funding means living creatures will suffer, which is the opposite of rescue and I can't allow that. I have to keep them fed and vetted at all costs, even if that means borrowing money from everyone I know to make it happen. Repaying that money from the TARC account is not at all inappropriate. Neoxian has funded emergency veterinary surgeries, electricity to the rescue to keep the dogs from freezing on cold winter nights when I was so far behind that I'd received a disconnection notice, and plumbing supplies to repair waterlines that froze and burst in the basement of the facility. Yet you infer that somehow this is misappropriation of funds?

I also think it's funny that you believe you can extrapolate income data from Amazon by looking at book rankings. I'm to the point of just sitting here scratching my head, wondering why you think your calculations are even close to being accurate. I'm also to the point of realizing your accusations aren't worth defending TARC against, because the bluff and bluster may fool some people, but for anyone with knowledge of how book retail actually works, it's clear you're grasping at straws. It's safe to look at rankings and know we're not making millions off those novels, but to assume you can calculate total revenue this way is just...weird. And a little sad.

I am, however, interested in your definition of "self-publishing" at this point, since you seem to be quite fixated by it. I'm equally interested to know if, on the release of Steemhouse's second novel written by someone who is not me, you will begin making claims that it is self-published as well. If you say it is not, then that's also weird, because that novel and my novel will have gone through exactly the same acquisition and editorial process

By now I'm starting to lose patience with your conspiracy theories, because they're becoming more and more ludicrous. You're naming people as if they're co-criminals with me, when you can't even fathom that several names you mentioned have physically visited this rescue, in person, and contributed mightily in various ways to the charity. You have no idea if the funds transfered to them were payment for services rendered on behalf of the rescue or even a case of them helping convert crypto to FIAT when I couldn't access an exchange--you just blow hard making assumptions and unfortunately for you, you're adding two and two and getting five.

Perhaps it was the transfer to rhondak then immediately to michelios that was for charity.

Look @thehappynihilist, from what you say here in this story, I'll be diverting the funds destined to nourish and care for the animals I am living among for 2 weeks and whoever you are, hiding behind this secondary account, I really don't appreciate that.

As it seems you are proud of your "blockchain detective" skills, by checking on my wallet as well, you would have realized the transaction made on my account were partial repayment after having advanced money for the weekly installment of neoxian's TARC loan.

Please keep me out of your little vendetta.

As the publisher of “High Kill,” a novel written by @rhondak under the pen name Diane Ryan, we should interject here that references to this novel as “self-published” are incorrect. Steemhouse is an LLC incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia with a valid EIN number issued by the State Corporation Commission. We are members in good standing with the Independent Book Publishers Association and have both an acquisition team and an editing team as well as a governing board. Any submissions published by us, whether short form or long form fiction, are indeed “published” in the most traditional sense.

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