
I have pictures that are not so beautiful. Pictures of heinous abuse, dogs starved to skeletons, bullet wounds to the head, dogs beaten to death with maul axes. You can't blame that on poverty, any more than you can blame poverty for the despicable acts of Robert Bowers yesterday in Pittsburgh. I am willing to bet that if you look into his history, you'll find instances of animal cruelty or neglect. Animal abusers are FIVE TIMES as likely to inflict violence on humans. You can't blame that on poverty, either.

My rescue is located only a few miles from McDowell County, West Virginia, where the first U.S. welfare was issued under Roosevelt. All these decades later, the community has become welfare and opioid dependent, with an unemployment rate nearing ten percent. How did handouts help them? You can't blame prescription drug addiction on poverty, either.

Bottom line is that these people are not victims, any more than the Nazis were victims when they committed genocide. This region of Central Appalachia houses ten percent of America's nursing home patients. Is it any coincidence that this is also the region of the country where pet owners are most likely to abandon their animals? I think when you take into consideration the fact that the generation now languishing in nursing homes here forgotten by their families is the same generation who taught their kids that drowning puppies in the creek is "cheaper" than spaying or neutering, then you have the answer to those staggering numbers. Teach your kids that anything that inconveniences you can be disposed of, and that's a prime recipe for mass abandonment of the elderly.

I know you mean well. Your heart is good. But there are evils in this world that simply can't be "loved" away. There are times when people must be held accountable for their decisions and their actions. When the innocent suffer as an accepted way of life, that is a very good time to start questioning that way of life. Also, in all of your charitable ideas, you never once suggested where the funding for such programs would come from. Somebody has to pay for all of those solutions you recommend. When you figure out who's willing to bankroll that kind of charity, please let me know and we'll implement something immediately.

I can imagine that, rhondak. In many cases, however, this was due to poverty or past poverty. I do not know why Robert Bowers did that. And the Nazis who committed genocide? Why why. I do not know why. I hope it will never happen again. I saw the movie "The boy in a striped pajamas". Do you watch the movie, too? Because you say there are times when people have to be held accountable for their decisions and actions. It has always been the case that people had to give an account. This is nothing new. And why not everybody starts something new. Maybe everyone should stop their revenge and maybe the violence would disappear. Always the same routine. When life gets sick, countries must finally think of doing something new that does not make people sick, that heals adults and keeps our children healthy. Many would not be addicted to drugs and alcohol.
In German department stores sometimes something is set up where donations can be made for dogs. Unfortunately, I do not have much money, but I know that some people have more money.
You can announce that you will pick up the dogs if the owners can not keep them. Then they would not have to expose the dog.

Again, where will the funding come from to pick up the dogs people don’t want anymore? It costs my rescue about $300 per dog to vet them for transport and adoption. Local shelter intake is about 1,000 dogs a year. Double that to include the dumped animals. 2000 x $300 is $600,000 per year. When you figure out how to raise over half a million dollars a year to take care of everybody else’s responsibilities for them, then I can take you a lot more seriously.

I do not say that you take me seriously. I do not even know where to take the money to get rid of my debts.
Often you can not solve problems quickly, it takes time for things to change. Unfortunately, many suffer from it.

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